Call to action for everyone who claims to support reparations-- "LEAKED AUDIO CATCHES DEMOCRAT DEMANDING SLAVERY REPARATIONS"

Rembrandt Brown

1. Here's the story:

"Y’all mad a BLACK man is gonna fight for his people??? ‍:dunno: ...least I’m fighting for people not corporations..."

Just weeks remain until the November 5th election which could decide Democratic or Republican control of Virginia for the next decade.
And just a handful of seats across the state will determine this.
Now, a new bombshell revelation just dropped in one of the most hotly contested races that could change everything.
After scoring a historic victory in 2017 by nearly capturing control of the House of Delegates after picking up 15 seats, Democrats are looking to finish the job in 2019.
Now, Democrats need to flip one seat to erase the one-seat Republican majority in Richmond.
But their path to control of the General Assembly just got more complicated.
Josh Cole – a Democrat seeking election to Virginia’s 28th House District centered in Stafford County and the City of Fredericksburg – just became one of the first Democrats in Virginia to publicly call for slavery reparations.
In an audio clip obtained by New Virginia Press, Cole declared his support for slavery reparations stating, “We must pay for the sins of our fathers.”
Josh Cole, who is running in one of the most hotly contested districts in Virginia against Republican nominee Paul Milde, recently stated his support for slavery reparations at the Stafford NAACP Chapter candidate forum this fall.
The extreme policy position, which was flatly rejected by former Democratic President Barack Obama during his two successful runs for the White House in 2008 and 2012, has seen increased acceptance among the current crop of Democratic candidates seeking the Presidential nomination in 2016.
Aside from a handful of Democratic Presidential candidates, few elected officials across America have endorsed the punishment, which would inevitably see the Federal or state governments punishing or rewarding Americans based on their skin color or ethnicity.
It’s a move which could have serious consequences on the outcome of a race which some experts predict the most important race to determine which party controls the House of Delegates after November 5th.
In the clip, the moderator of the forum can be heard asking the candidates, “Do you believe there should be reparations for descendants of these slaves [in Stafford County in 1860] and if so, how do we calculate it?”
Cole responded by bringing up a concept banned by the U.S. Constitution.
Cole implies that American citizens can be punished by their own government for the actions of other family members of distant ancestors, a concept which was traditionally used by absolute monarchies in Europe known as “Corruption of Blood”.
Corruption of Blood is a legal concept which America’s founding fathers so universally rejected that they ended up incorporating a ban on it into the U.S. Constitution. The first federal crime bill passed by Congress in 1790 also banned Corruption of Blood as a punishment for any Federal crime whatsoever.
Joshua Cole however endorsed bringing the policy back, declaring at the Stafford forum that Americans needed to “pay for the sins of our fathers.”
The audio clip has Cole saying the following: “Um…I think that’s a very excellent question that has been coming to the forefront in the most recent…um…times of when you can hear certain presidential candidates talk about it. I think it is very key. We have to pay for the sins of our fathers. What we have to do is do it in a smart way.”
With just those words, Cole endorsed a government-sponsored system of punishing millions of Virginians for a crime none of them committed, based entirely off of their race, ethnicity, and skin color.
Cole concluded by saying, “I think we can get very innovative and creative on the measures we can do as far as reparations, uh, to pay for the sins of our fathers in essence.”
Cole’s endorsement of reparations for slavery could end up making the difference in his race, which is widely considered to be one of if not the single most important seat that will determine control of the House of Delegates on election night.
As of the last reporting period in this toss-up race, Democrat Josh Cole is expanding his fundraising advantage of Republican Paul Milde with an ending balance of $258,558 to Milde’s $15,247.
However, polling from across the country shows that endorsing reparations for slavery is a political dead end.
A Fox News poll in April showing an overwhelming 60% of Americans opposing cash reparation payments for the descendants of slaves, with just 32% endorsing the proposal.
A similar poll from Rasmussen in April also showed a significant majority opposed to reparations, with just 21% of voters agreeing that taxpayers should pay reparations to Americans who are descended from slaves.
Similarly, a poll in July 2018 from the left-leaning Data for Progress found that just 26% of Americans supported reparations for slavery.
More recently, a July Gallup poll found that 67% of Americans opposed reparations for slavery, with only 29% supporting the idea.
Cole’s endorsement of the controversial proposal could be the deciding factor in his race, which itself could decide control of the Virginia General Assembly for the next 10 years.

2. Here's the link to support his campaign:

As the article points out, Cole has a big fundraising edge, as do most Democrats in the state. (As did Hillary Clinton in 2016.) What it doesn't point out is that he lost a race for this same seat in 2017 by 82 votes. I don't know how hard they are hitting him with this but it seems reasonable that this really could determine the election. Even if it doesn't and he gets in safely, your donation and a note about why you donated could help incentivize him to continue to be bold rather than be afraid.

If you're on here posting about ADOS every day, here's a chance to add a receipt to your signature. :hmm:

(And if you're not but you want to support a good black candidate in an important race, the link will work for you as well.)

Rembrandt Brown

If you're on here posting about ADOS every day, here's a chance to add a receipt to your signature. :hmm:
Within 30 minutes of this being posted, the "ADOS Official Website With Black Agenda" was on the front page again with @KingTaharqa denouncing "Talib Coon-li" and "Agent Vlad."

Further proof that these people are only interested in bitching and being victims. He'll gossip about the political views of a rapper or YouTube celebrity but when you give them a chance to elevate a politician who is willing to help advance his main cause? Crickets.

I see @Soul On Ice active in his thread mocking the Democratic debate, claiming to be "asking for representation in exchange for our votes" with @xfactor talking about Diamond & Silk. But you guys are worse than Diamond and Silk because at least they support something.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with what this brother said in that clip and believe that Black Americans are owed a debt by this government, with that being said, we know how Virginia gets down.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Within 30 minutes of this being posted, the "ADOS Official Website With Black Agenda" was on the front page again with @KingTaharqa denouncing "Talib Coon-li" and "Agent Vlad."

Further proof that these people are only interested in bitching and being victims. He'll gossip about the political views of a rapper or YouTube celebrity but when you give them a chance to elevate a politician who is willing to help advance his main cause? Crickets.

I see @Soul On Ice active in his thread mocking the Democratic debate, claiming to be "asking for representation in exchange for our votes" with @xfactor talking about Diamond & Silk. But you guys are worse than Diamond and Silk because at least they support something.
This seems to be from a conservative site with the choice of words...speaking of choice of words, reparations is not paying for the sins of is righting a wrong...Cole has to be more politically astute than that...however, I still respect him for publicly supporting reparations

Rembrandt Brown

This seems to be from a conservative site with the choice of words...speaking of choice of words, reparations is not paying for the sins of is righting a wrong...Cole has to be more politically astute than that...however, I still respect him for publicly supporting reparations

It is absolutely from a conservative website. That's the point-- It is an attack on Cole for his position. (They even called reparations a "punishment" for white people, but BGOL doesn't want to talk about it because I called for the self-proclaimed ballers on this site to send $10 his way.)


Rising Star
I am a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and I definitely support this good brotha's message. These white devils need to cut the check and pay ADOS CASH reparations FIRST, and then provide a long list of other needed reparations for us Foundational Black American Descendants Of Slaves!


Rising Star
You already KNOW that the white luciferian devil politicians and their buck dancing coon followers are going to be very upset with him for his good message. :hmm:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
This seems to be from a conservative site with the choice of words...speaking of choice of words, reparations is not paying for the sins of is righting a wrong...Cole has to be more politically astute than that...however, I still respect him for publicly supporting reparations

It is absolutely from a conservative website. That's the point-- It is an attack on Cole for his position. (They even called reparations a "punishment" for white people, but BGOL doesn't want to talk about it because I called for the self-proclaimed ballers on this site to send $10 his way.)

This District is largely white and this Rag is the one whose calling for action. It's sounding the alarm to the white folks to hold on to the only seat they still have in Richmond, per the article.

Also, the article says that, "As of the last reporting period in this toss-up race, ( THAT District?) Democrat Josh Cole is expanding his fundraising advantage of Republican Paul Milde with an ending balance of $258,558 to Milde’s $15,247."
Cole doesn't need BGOL Bucks.

The New Virginia Press is sending out the message that those white folks better not sleep on this election. I wonder if Milde even felt as if he HAD to out raise Cole in that District. That's another reason they're pouncing on the "reparations" thing in hopes that the 71% responds in opposition and to maintain control of that Seat.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Not me. Not much substance posted related to anything political on here. The only solution 90% of posters have is “vote democrat”.
There IS a sub forum specifically for Politics and such though. Topics don't get as much traction if it ain't on the Main board. :dunno:

Rembrandt Brown

There IS a sub forum specifically for Politics and such though. Topics don't get as much traction if it ain't on the Main board. :dunno:

That forum is a ghost town. @HNIC has talked about copying threads from the main board to the more public one-- If he did that for the sub-forums (i.e. copied political threads to the political board, music thread to the music board, etc.) then I think people might actually visit those forums to see the threads on topics they're interested in at one location. I used to copy some of my political threads to that board but I gave up since it seems only three people will ever see it there.

Rembrandt Brown


This District is largely white and this Rag is the one whose calling for action. It's sounding the alarm to the white folks to hold on to the only seat they still have in Richmond, per the article.

Also, the article says that, "As of the last reporting period in this toss-up race, ( THAT District?) Democrat Josh Cole is expanding his fundraising advantage of Republican Paul Milde with an ending balance of $258,558 to Milde’s $15,247."
Cole doesn't need BGOL Bucks.

The New Virginia Press is sending out the message that those white folks better not sleep on this election. I wonder if Milde even felt as if he HAD to out raise Cole in that District. That's another reason they're pouncing on the "reparations" thing in hopes that the 71% responds in opposition and to maintain control of that Seat.

"I wonder if Milde even felt as if he HAD to out raise Cole in that District." That's my point-- Virginia Republicans are getting killed across the board in donations this year.

(Also, I'm not sure those numbers are correct or maybe they are just for the general election-- the main Virginia elections finance site says Cole has raised a total of $642,302 and his opponent has raised $645,443, as of the end of September.)

Bottom line, Cole's Republican opponent beat the Republican who beat Cole in 2017. Cole lost by a double-digit vote tally in 2017. People have talked endlessly about reparations on this board but they're not going to rally behind a black candidate in a toss-up race when the alarm is being sounded to act against him on that basis? These dudes have time to derail every political discussion demanding reparations but they don't have $10 for a candidate who is standing up for it? It's pathetic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not me. Not much substance posted related to anything political on here. The only solution 90% of posters have is “vote democrat”.
Right. While the other "10%" solution is just bitch about not voting and doing nothing or providing alternatives.

They don't run for office themselves, they don't propose or recommend another candidate, don't recommend any solutions, don't have any 527's or any 501(c)(x) they've started and proposed for anybody to get behind. All they do is "bitch" "bitch" "bitch" and "complain" yet do nothing.

This thread is a prime example, you made one post previous empty post and didn't address the subject at hand!!! As much as ya'll been complaining, this to me seems like an elected official you can get behind. Yet you bypassed the "substance" and went straight to bitching about what someone else is or isn't doing. What are YOU doing about it? That's what YOU should be focused on, not the next man. Ya'll dudes are hilarious.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While the other "10%" just bitch about not voting and doing nothing.

Voting democrat and being a so-called heterosexual black man is akin to doing nothing.

Why vote for someone that will not enforce any policy or provide benefits specifically for you and your demographic? That’s like going to McDonald’s and they don’t have anything you want but you still give the cashier $5 anyway and leave with nothing.

That’s what voting is for anyone so-called black voting democrat that is not an immigrant, LGBT, or woman.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Voting democrat and being a so-called heterosexual black man is akin to doing nothing.

Why vote for someone that will not enforce any policy or provide benefits specifically for you and your demographic? That’s like going to McDonald’s and they don’t have anything you want but you still give the cashier $5 anyway and leave with nothing.

That’s what voting is for anyone so-called black voting democrat that is not an immigrant, LGBT, or woman.
Okay man. Cool.

Then why don't you just go ahead and find you a cozy Neocon you can get behind {pause} and then you can be "so-called" happy. Problem solved.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right. While the other "10%" solution is just bitch about not voting and doing nothing or providing alternatives.

They don't run for office themselves, they don't propose or recommend another candidate, don't recommend any solutions, don't have any 527's or any 501(c)(x) they've started and proposed for anybody to get behind. All they do is "bitch" "bitch" "bitch" and "complain" yet do nothing.

This thread is a prime example, you made one post previous empty post and didn't address the subject at hand!!! This is a dude you can get behind yet you bypassed the "substance" and went straight to bitching about what someone else is or isn't doing. What are YOU doing about it? That's what YOU should be focused on. Ya'll dudes are hilarious.

There have been solutions recommended by me and several other posters all over this forum but they’ve been ignored because they are “too radical” or will “upset the good white folks”.

A separation is needed at this point between the good, productive so-called blacks that want to see our people survive and the ones all for continuing to play a losing game that does nothing but keep us at the bottom.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There have been solutions recommended by me and several other posters all over this forum but they’ve been ignored because they are “too radical” or will “upset the good white folks”.

A separation is needed at this point between the good, productive so-called blacks that want to see our people survive and the ones all for continuing to play a losing game that does nothing but keep us at the bottom.
Who are your two senators?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
There have been solutions recommended by me and several other posters all over this forum but they’ve been ignored because they are “too radical” or will “upset the good white folks”.

A separation is needed at this point between the good, productive so-called blacks that want to see our people survive and the ones all for continuing to play a losing game that does nothing but keep us at the bottom.

Not a damn thing is stopping you from separating. And not a damn thing is stopping you from trying to implement these solutions.

Instead of you and all these other don't vote ados niggas have all the answers, why don't one of you run and implement reparations. Since it's so fucking easy and all.

Rembrandt Brown

So this dude makes threads about Democratic debates but won't even support pro-reparations Democrats?



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
"I wonder if Milde even felt as if he HAD to out raise Cole in that District." That's my point-- Virginia Republicans are getting killed across the board in donations this year.

(Also, I'm not sure those numbers are correct or maybe they are just for the general election-- the main Virginia elections finance site says Cole has raised a total of $642,302 and his opponent has raised $645,443, as of the end of September.)

Bottom line, Cole's Republican opponent beat the Republican who beat Cole in 2017. Cole lost by a double-digit vote tally in 2017. People have talked endlessly about reparations on this board but they're not going to rally behind a black candidate in a toss-up race when the alarm is being sounded to act against him on that basis? These dudes have time to derail every political discussion demanding reparations but they don't have $10 for a candidate who is standing up for it? It's pathetic.
We're in the eleventh hour now, but I wish you'd led with THIS info. A donation is about the only impact many of us could've had if we don't even live in the State...let alone the District.

Given the source of the info, I'd wondered if those numbers were dubious and if it was a dog whistle or not?
I'm like, "This Milde couldn't raise one year's salary (for the Rep's annual pay) in funds...really? Or did he just assume that it was in the bag coz that District ain't voting for no Black dude?"

Do you live in the State? You gotta take into consideration that the guy who's running for "Comptroller" in a State isn't garnering any National attention in most cases.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Right. While the other "10%" solution is just bitch about not voting and doing nothing or providing alternatives.

They don't run for office themselves, they don't propose or recommend another candidate, don't recommend any solutions, don't have any 527's or any 501(c)(x) they've started and proposed for anybody to get behind. All they do is "bitch" "bitch" "bitch" and "complain" yet do nothing.

This thread is a prime example, you made one post previous empty post and didn't address the subject at hand!!! As much as ya'll been complaining, this to me seems like an elected official you can get behind. Yet you bypassed the "substance" and went straight to bitching about what someone else is or isn't doing. What are YOU doing about it? That's what YOU should be focused on, not the next man. Ya'll dudes are hilarious.
Are you 1st or 2nd gen immigrant?

Rembrandt Brown

We're in the eleventh hour now, but I wish you'd led with THIS info. A donation is about the only impact many of us could've had if we don't even live in the State...let alone the District.

Given the source of the info, I'd wondered if those numbers were dubious and if it was a dog whistle or not?
I'm like, "This Milde couldn't raise one year's salary (for the Rep's annual pay) in funds...really? Or did he just assume that it was in the bag coz that District ain't voting for no Black dude?"

Do you live in the State? You gotta take into consideration that the guy who's running for "Comptroller" in a State isn't garnering any National attention in most cases.

I'm probably misunderstanding your last sentence-- They're running for the state assembly.

I don't live in the state but I read the Washington Post and the upcoming Virginia elections have been covered a lot because they are generally seen as a bellwether for the next year's elections.

Leading with that info probably bolsters the general case for impact but this was more about people obsessed with reparations backing up words with actions. It is not that hard to send $10 and a note explaining that you donated out of appreciation regarding a specific issue and that influences politicians beyond the actual impact $10 has on a particular election.


Rising Star
So this dude makes threads about Democratic debates but won't even support pro-reparations Democrats?


I don't expect them (democrats) to do anything that pisses off the white liberals, what do you really expect them to do? What they will do is basically dance around the issue and study it without doing anything about it. It's alot of money being tied up into LGBT and gender neutral wants and needs democrats want.

Anything they give us will be met by tons of angry non blacks and coons who "pulled themselves up by their bootstraps" so you see why this thread kinda didn't get any serious replies.

Trust me democrats supporting reparations will go to HBCU's and other forms of "educational" benefits and not cash given straight to the black folks who needs it. We see this already hence the low replies.

I don't think anyone who is strongly ADOS takes dems seriously on this issue.

They're all tied together by class first, race second... nothing to really see here.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I'm probably misunderstanding your last sentence-- They're running for the state assembly.

I don't live in the state but I read the Washington Post and the upcoming Virginia elections have been covered a lot because they are generally seen as a bellwether for the next year's elections.

Leading with that info probably bolsters the general case for impact but this was more about people obsessed with reparations backing up words with actions. It is not that hard to send $10 and a note explaining that you donated out of appreciation regarding a specific issue and that influences politicians beyond the actual impact $10 has on a particular election.
Oh, I see. I can agree with that.