Snowed In Today In Jersey So I'm Watching Stormy Daniels Videos


The Big Brain
She's not worth $130K, but I might have dropped a few bills on her. Good enough for Donald Duck good enough for me.






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The Big Brain
I watched the wire and listened to the thunder snow. Stormy does nothing to intrigue me. Now if one of trumps daughter drops a sex tape I’m all in

Damn right. I also wouldn't mind giving Hope Hicks a go at it. I'm sure the Donald got at that also.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Has anyone seen GAME THEORY? Oh that's right it's not Hillary nor Obama related so you won't see him in these threads.

Also, didn't some clown just make a thread related to how or if Obama let Black Folks down? Any word on what his opinion is about what Trump has done for Black Folks thus far?
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