Mister Cee Just Came Out The Closet On The Radio Crying Like A BITCH


Rising Star
Super Moderator
If a man gets an erection from the sight of another man and then claims he isnt a homosexual because the man is dressed like a woman and performed oral sex not anal, has he really freed himself??

Also, what was touching and what exactly did he "speak out" about?

He admitted he gets his dick sucked by men and even came back and said he's in denial about being gay. His even talking about it is a lot, because he could have resigned and faded to the background.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

it aint about being passionate, homie. its about speaking up and telling people that they are being hateful. we as black people should be alarmed anytime a group gets treated in a fucked up way. we should know better than anyone what its like to be hated for unjust reasons. we can do better is all i'm saying.

Do you think having sex with underage kids is right if the kid does it willingly? Do you think fucking animals is ok? How about eating shit and drinking piss during sex? Nobody hates you gays, Most people don't give a shit what others do behind closed doors but what you homos do is try to force your lifestyles down the public's throats and the fucked up thing is that shit isn't even supposed to be a lifestyle..its sexual preference. If you are a man and like man..hey its your life and it doesn't effect me in no way shape or form but tell me this...if you like men why in the fuck do you want another man that acts and talks like a bitch? Isnt that the opposite of what you are attracted to? Lesbians are the same..they loooove women but want a women that walks,looks and acts like a man..the shit isn't even logical..HOMO shit is not natural no matter what you gays say. Two men can not have a baby and two women can not either. With all that said I always wondered why you guys want parades and shit like being gay is an ethnicity or some shit...do we have The Heterosexual parade? NO...why? Because sexual preference is not a fucking country, race, ethnicity...Listen pimp, just Do you cause I am all about live and let live but this is a hetero-male board and we don't care to have that gay shit here. That doesn't mean we hate you it just means tha we are not with the shit so take it elsewhere please.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
He admitted he gets his dick sucked by men and even came back and said he's in denial about being gay. His even talking about it is a lot, because he could have resigned and faded to the background.
What was there to admit to? Again, its public record that he has been arrested for this numerous times and there was audio released this week of him doing it again. There was nothing to admit. His only purpose was to gain sympathy, spin, and provide the public with a new form of denial since the audio crushed his last form of denial.

He gets no props for that shit. Hell, resigning and fading to the background for a minute would have been a more honorable response then this. Sometimes its best to withdraw, retreat, be alone with your thoughts and process shit. For him to quit, then comeback the next day making excuses and half denials, then be back spinning records a few hours later like nothing happened is clown shit.

This confused ass nigga needs to take a break and go get some fucking help. This business as usual routine after a 12hour retirement is foolishness.


Support BGOL
Jim, the facts are the facts.

You have exhibited all manner of faggotry. The circumstantial evidence is piled up so high the fact that you're still talking shit only suggests you faggots want to engage in your deviant behavior...

...but can't own up to up.

I can't even wrap my mind around the mental gymnastics required for you to perceive yourself as heterosexual.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro I was at Dre's house last Saturday.

When you can move in the same circles

By all means talk that big shit in person.

Until then.

Keep quiet about things you got no knowledge about.

Real shit.

II Dxnum

Rising Star
Where does the 2 one 3 vs. supremeextremist beef come from?

Shit, I'm not even sure where the 2 one 3 vs. beatdown beef comes from but it kinda makes sense.

This one seems to have come out of nowhere.


Support BGOL
Jim, you know what's fucked up?

I'm not even reading your posts. I'm just posting random shit 'cause I know how defensive you are about your legacy of faggotry on BGOL.


Support BGOL
Where does the 2 one 3 vs. supremeextremist beef come from?

Shit, I'm not even sure where the 2 one 3 vs. beatdown beef comes from but it kinda makes sense.

This one seems to have come out of nowhere.

BeatDownRecords exposed him for some pretty pretty flagrant faggotry.

He talks about of shit on here...

...so, in order to bring him back to reality, I remind him of his legacy of faggotry on BGOL and Photobucket.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jim, you know what's fucked up?

I'm not even reading your posts. I'm just posting random shit 'cause I know how defensive you are about your legacy of faggotry on BGOL.

you don't have to read the post cuz

don't beg for pics of chicks in my sig tho...

You been known to show supreme levels of thirst.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man it's so many faggot friendly post in this thread it should be sealed. Three negroes should be banned or given a timeout.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Did he Dj for Big Daddy Kane back in the day I wonder what Kane thinks.

kane juss got the reality check of why mr cee owned 10 mags of kanes playgirl spread and why cee use to give him a "sport tap on his butt" after every performance, kane also thinking bout cee bragging about "groupie sex"..kane is like dis rite now in his house

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/alPQgx7SGms" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Do you think having sex with underage kids is right if the kid does it willingly? Do you think fucking animals is ok? How about eating shit and drinking piss during sex? Nobody hates you gays, Most people don't give a shit what others do behind closed doors but what you homos do is try to force your lifestyles down the public's throats and the fucked up thing is that shit isn't even supposed to be a lifestyle..its sexual preference. If you are a man and like man..hey its your life and it doesn't effect me in no way shape or form but tell me this...if you like men why in the fuck do you want another man that acts and talks like a bitch? Isnt that the opposite of what you are attracted to? Lesbians are the same..they loooove women but want a women that walks,looks and acts like a man..the shit isn't even logical..HOMO shit is not natural no matter what you gays say. Two men can not have a baby and two women can not either. With all that said I always wondered why you guys want parades and shit like being gay is an ethnicity or some shit...do we have The Heterosexual parade? NO...why? Because sexual preference is not a fucking country, race, ethnicity...Listen pimp, just Do you cause I am all about live and let live but this is a hetero-male board and we don't care to have that gay shit here. That doesn't mean we hate you it just means tha we are not with the shit so take it elsewhere please.

nigga, dont you ever in life address me again with this stupid faggitry shit. there is so much muthafuckin stupidity in what you wrote that it dont even fucking deserve a response. apparently i must have hit a nerve that made your dick grabbing fingers want to type out this retarded ass bullshit. you have all the intelligence of that roach crawling over your beat up 15 year old british knights, nigga. :hmm:

if you want to have an intelligent discussion (which i believe you are completely incapable of having) we can do that. otherwise take your undercover self hating faggit ass on dude. you got me all the way fucked up, sissy. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

and this dude is still one of the dopest dj's in ny. and niggas want him to go away. :smh:

I don't want him to go away. I just want him to commit japanese ritual suicide,that's it.

Whats up wid your username tho?

IDK what would you exactly like to know about my screen name specifically?

Like I said before, stop arguing for the sake of arguing. Your statement "maybe in captivity" shows that you believe its possible. So you are saying if I get 4 wild goats (2 males and 2 females) and place them in a fenced in area the males will be drawn to each other sexually because they are not in the wild?....c'mon son. I grew up on an island and I've seen goats, sheep, cows, dogs doing that gay shit.
Maybe you thought about switching that is why you think it is by choice. Of course there are some sick bastids (like you) that like to experiment but otherwise motherfuckers are born like that.....Ask your daddy.
BTW: I see you critical thought facility crumbling.

Yeah,I've never seen 2 gay animals personally. I've never heard of female dogs licking pussies or squirrels corn holing one another. IJS
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Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

I don't want him to go away. I just want him to commit japanese ritual suicide,that's it.

IDK what would you exactly like to know about my screen name specifically?

Yeah,I've never seen 2 gay animals personally. I've never heard of female dogs licking pussies or squirrels corn holing one another. IJS

Do you live in the us? And when have you eber seen squirrels having sex?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Do you live in the us? And when have you eber seen squirrels having sex?

I actually have never seen squirrels fornicate. I do reside in the good ol' U.S. of A. New York specifically even though I don't want to admit that anymore


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This, that sissy propaganda is apparently working. :smh:

It definitely seems to be what the majority of dudes on here crave. It's people who can find non existent gay innuendos in Threads and comments. And Reckless gay threads made in general. Not including these Mister Cee ones,just a lot of the posts are gay.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

I actually have never seen squirrels fornicate. I do reside in the good ol' U.S. of A. New York specifically even though I don't want to admit that anymore

Lmao you live in ny squirrels is all you see unless you own a dog or someone walks one.

With all the bullshit going on in ny mr. Cee was that straw for yoy?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Lmao you live in ny squirrels is all you see unless you own a dog or someone walks one.

With all the bullshit going on in ny mr. Cee was that straw for yoy?

Yes,cause none of that other stuff has to do with Hip Hop culture. Look honestly maybe homosexuality is right.. Maybe it ain't. I have my stance on it and you have yours,which is not a bad thing. We just agree to disagree. It happens. I just can't do gayness in my Hip Hop. R&B (fine),Techo (whatever), but not my beloved rap. I'm speaking on myself personally,everyone else here can do what they wanna do. Actually I shall move forward I'm done discussing anything that has to do with Homosexuality or Mister Cee's lifestyle :D


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Yes,cause none of that other stuff has to do with Hip Hop culture. Look honestly maybe homosexuality is right.. Maybe it ain't. I have my stance on it and you have yours,which is not a bad thing. We just agree to disagree. It happens. I just can't do gayness in my Hip Hop. R&B (fine),Techo (whatever), but not my beloved rap. I'm speaking on myself personally,everyone else here can do what they wanna do. Actually I shall move forward I'm done discussing anything that has to do with Homosexuality or Mister Cee's lifestyle :D

The homo shit def aint right. I gives a fuk nout a gay dj unless he starts promoting that shit. Agay rapper aint sellin no records so I hope they stay in the closet.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
nigga, dont you ever in life address me again with this stupid faggitry shit. there is so much muthafuckin stupidity in what you wrote that it dont even fucking deserve a response. apparently i must have hit a nerve that made your dick grabbing fingers want to type out this retarded ass bullshit. you have all the intelligence of that roach crawling over your beat up 15 year old british knights, nigga. :hmm:

if you want to have an intelligent discussion (which i believe you are completely incapable of having) we can do that. otherwise take your undercover self hating faggit ass on dude. you got me all the way fucked up, sissy. :lol:

Wait, your gay and getting mad I called you gay? That's what I do not understand about you homosexuals. You want to flame to the world but once someone brings that to you, you get upset. I said I dont have hate for your type of people and you lash out? I'm an "undercover self hating" nigga cause I'm straight and do not feel I should be forced to witness homosexual life styles when it is actually a sexual preference that is no ones business until you are twirling and hovering over shit screaming in my face " I am gay and god made me"? Come on dude...I just want to see tits and ass.,,
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The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Yes,cause none of that other stuff has to do with Hip Hop culture. Look honestly maybe homosexuality is right.. Maybe it ain't. I have my stance on it and you have yours,which is not a bad thing. We just agree to disagree. It happens. I just can't do gayness in my Hip Hop. R&B (fine),Techo (whatever), but not my beloved rap. I'm speaking on myself personally,everyone else here can do what they wanna do. Actually I shall move forward I'm done discussing anything that has to do with Homosexuality or Mister Cee's lifestyle :D

Your name is double gayness nigga...I'm not even being funny-.,I pray to whoever is up there that you own a food spot called heavenly wings if not.,',

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