ABC Cancels "Roseanne" after her racists tweets


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I couldn't be a cast member on that show,I might do something I might regret after she fucked up my money....:smh::smh::smh:

I would probably do like Jerry did Kramer.

Wait a few years until the self destruction has fully kicked in. Take her out to coffee in the world most pathetic car. And have her tell the camera just how shitty life has become since her full retard moment.

The once the camera turns off cut her a check for a weekend binge and make her walk her fat ass home.


To teach the truth to the young black youth
BGOL Investor
bye bitch...
don't worry, that deranged racist president you love will be cancelled very soon as well.


Rising Star
The hell with in front of the camera!

What if you was in charge of lighting, sound, set design, costumes?

This was a 9 to 5 gig for you fucked up because 'The talent' don't know how to act....

*two cents*

It’s really fucked up for the writers because pilot season has just passed and those jobs are at a premium. That means all the new shows dropping in the fall are already staffed up so it’s not like they can just hook onto a new gig. They could be out of work until next pilot season.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Piece of shit couldn't help herself, could she? Her true colors were always there ... and in turn she fucked up the money & forthcoming career opportunities for numerous people planning on that 2nd season in front of and behind the camera(s). Good riddance. Get your racism, bigotry, and prejudice the fuck out.




Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not sure how much power she really wields. She allowed the show to air in the first place. And please believe Roseanne will get picked up by another network or streaming service.

It wont be CMT,TV Land or Paramount Network since they stopped showing the reruns:lol:

last i heard Hulu and Netflix passed on picking it up too..


Rising Star
ABC was looking for a way to cancel Roseanne after the ratings went in the toilet the second week but they had already renewed it after one week

They lost a shit-ton of viewers from that first week, but that was never sustainable. By the end of the season it had leveled off to around 10 million a week before DVR views were factored in. In today's televison environment those are still huge numbers. I don't know that it had much of a long term future, but 10 million a week lets a network run the price up for advertisers going into the fall.


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Damn! they're saying this fat bitch got back on twitter tonight and said some more foul shit
but deleted it :eek2:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not saying it's far fetched... just that Roseanne is the undisputed centerpiece of her show... and it's a show that already has mega-history whereas Valerie/Valerie's fam/Hogans, etc.... didn't. Also, Jason Bateman 1.0 was a reason that lots of people watched; so the dynamic of the show was different in terms of its namesake. Valerie was a big star indeed, but her leaving (even though it was a big story) didn't even hardly register in terms of the show itself. I knew her from Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda, but she was just the chick that played the mom in the show. Now, I have never been much of a Roseanne watcher, but I get the feeling that Roseanne herself is probably the biggest reason that most people watch the show, and her absence would be felt more.

....but I feel you... John Goodman and the kids/aunt/grandkid.... they could probably make a go of it.

The comparisons are not THAT far fetched. Valerie Harper was a TV legend with 8 consecutive Emmy nominations and 4 wins for both The MTM Show and Rhoda. They created a show specifically for her with a hand picked supporting cast. But then Valerie and her boy toy - husband - zero experience "manager" (ala Monique) repeatedly ignored their contract by staging walkouts that shut down filming and were generally making life hell for everybody else on the set.

After 32 episodes, the producers finally said "fuck it" and killed her character off instead of caving in to Valerie's ongoing salary and control demands. "Valerie" was renamed "Valerie's Family" and then "The Hogan Family". The show lasted 78 additional episodes without her and for a long time actually did BETTER in the ratings!

Darth Furious

Platinum Member
That segment was exactly what i had on my mind. And he didn't exactly go in on here. They're close friends. She threw him a small part on the show when he was down on his luck.

That segment was more an appeal to her better senses than anything.

Plus he's always been sensitive about people having their shit cancelled after saying something stupid since the same thing happened to him... on ABC ironically.

But Bill was on some anti government shit when he got the axe. He was going in on the establishment and didn’t attack somebody on a personal level, he was going at Bush and his bullshit.

ABC fired him on some pandering shirt just like the NFL acted on that kneeling shit. That was a bad look. This was the opposite.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm pretty sure the ratings for "Rosanne" were already dropping, so cancelling it is no big deal. o_O

Amazing isn't it...?
In a thread dedicated to calling out the racism of a high profile White bigot, that sick motherfucker still can't stop trying to cast negativity on Black women.
He clearly wants to deflect the subject away from Rosanne's contemptible ass and try to focus dudes anger to bash that sister...

Pathetic... :hmm:

It's may be the usual,
But Dude did make a ''sly" point.

It's not like Dunning or Wanda Sykes had no idea about Barr's reputation, past "borderline" tweets, and her support of Trump. Barr definitely ain't scared of shit.

At the end of the day, both Dunning and Sykes gave her a platform. Knowing full well her issues.

It's not like any of US don't work with folks we know are racists on any given day. But Dunning is a power player in Network TV. And SYKES!

Both should have known better. And for both of them to come off all sanctimonious screams BOGUS to me...anyway.

I feel for the other cast memebme more than anything. Like someone else here said, Goodman, Metcalf, and Gilbert will be fine. The others sadly had a major opportunity fucked with.