I'm pretty sure the ratings for "Rosanne" were already dropping, so cancelling it is no big deal. 
Amazing isn't it...?
In a thread dedicated to calling out the racism of a high profile White bigot, that sick motherfucker still can't stop
trying to cast negativity on Black women.
He clearly wants to deflect the subject away from Rosanne's contemptible ass and try to focus dudes anger to bash that sister...
It's may be the usual,
But Dude did make a ''sly" point.
It's not like Dunning or Wanda Sykes had no idea about Barr's reputation, past "borderline" tweets, and her support of Trump. Barr definitely ain't scared of shit.
At the end of the day, both Dunning and Sykes gave her a platform. Knowing full well her issues.
It's not like any of US don't work with folks we know are racists on any given day. But Dunning is a power player in Network TV. And Sykes...is SYKES!
Both should have known better. And for both of them to come off all sanctimonious screams BOGUS to me...anyway.
I feel for the other cast memebme more than anything. Like someone else here said, Goodman, Metcalf, and Gilbert will be fine. The others sadly had a major opportunity fucked with.