Israel Declares War After Hamas Attacks. UPDATE: Israel Ends Ceasefire, Begins Bombing Gaza


Rising Star
Platinum Member
They been fuckin' with 'em a long time. I guess they figure they've got nothing to lose!
Or pride of cheltenham high school, a suburb of Philadelphia, is using nationalism to maintain his political grip.

Dictators never quit. The pause in April was just that. Ben is a theif. Nothing more and nothing less.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now watch all the cowardly politicians side with the bully of the Middle east despite the fact that Israel constantly provokes the Palestinians by relegating them to an open air prison in Gaza; confiscating their land and encroaching on Muslim religious sites.

The war criminal Netanyahu now has what he wants, an excuse to unleash the U.S backed Israeli military on the woefully outgunned Palestinians and many more of them than Israeli citizens will die. Fuckin' Jews I tell you... :mad:


We Think, So We'll Know!
BGOL Investor
Israel is always at war with someone. How the fuck can the U.S. and Great Britain take land from people, then give it to Khazars?

These MoFos are going to be at war in that region forever. Israel is probably the most right-winged nation on the planet. There is nothing godly about these assholes. So people need to stop thinking that these are the same people that you read about in the Bible. These people are not Hebrews... These people are the Khazars.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Israel is always at war with someone. How the fuck can the U.S. and Great Britain take land from people, then give it to Khazars?

These MoFos are going to be at war in that region forever. Israel is probably the most right-winged nation on the planet. There is nothing godly about these assholes. So people need to stop thinking that these are the same people that you read about in the Bible. These people are not Hebrews... These people are the Khazars.
Homie you living on land Great Britain took from somebody. They live on that land the same way we live on this one. By force.


Rising Star
OG Investor
The footage im seeing is horrific.....I hope Hamas know what they are doing

This can go on until there are no rockets/artillery shells remain. They will completely destroy the West Bank. Dam near perfect timing when there are so many other world events going on. These dude dropped in on hang gliders So much for Israeli Intelligence.:rolleyes: Looking at the live streams, much support is going to the Palestinians.

Akata King

Send them back!!
BGOL Investor