Just say I don't understand how people are mystified by what he's doing. He is literally doing the same stuff that his father did with him and that he did with his sons.. And apparently it's the same things that he does at work which is he has to have chaos all around him so that people can't coordinate. Everything has to go through him because people are fighting against each other and Fred Trump did the same thing between his sons.
The irony that both he and musk are considered successful when they've pretty much trashed almost every business they've ever been involved in.... I have to tell you it is a monument to peoples either stupidity or just plain old ignorance that they consider both of them successful.
Please understand the goal is chaos and disorder and disruption so that they can Further insinuate themselves inpower and shape in a future policy that works against them
I really have no pity for liberals and so-called progressive people who said they Just couldn't vote for Hillary and kept that same kind of shit up with saying that they just couldn't vote for Biden...
Who's fucking sorry now