BGOL Stalker Alert: 33 of DaMoistBi's last 39 posts are about me

What I did was one thread. You can't compare that to 33 posts over two weeks-- and that's just what I posted.
The ignore feature will be your best friend here. This is only BGOL, there will not be any fisticuffs in the parking lot over this. Just ignore and keep it pushing. Back in the day people made Ocking threads about offensive members, coming here just to make a complaint about a member seems very high in estrogen.
How about you just put him on ignore and keep it moving... then you don't see his posts and that would be your problem solved.....

.... but we get the impression that deep down you really love the attention he's giving you.

The ignore feature will be your best friend here. This is only BGOL, there will not be any fisticuffs in the parking lot over this. Just ignore and keep it pushing. Back in the day people made Ocking threads about offensive members, coming here just to make a complaint about a member seems very high in estrogen.

I have him on ignore.

Have you ever had someone make dozens of posts about you week after week for over a year? You still can notice it.
Say what you want about OP, but to have that number of posts about him is concerning.

That faggot has infringed on my peaceful lurking with his bitch ass activities. Coming to BGOL and complaining about women being posting is fag shit. I'm putting the ignore option out there for anyone who wants to end him from their timeline.

its not normal for a dude to be on a porn site solely to make non porn threads.

Bingo. This is BGOL. That faggot has 5 screen names. Not one of them is known for posting fine women on BGOL. If that's not enough the bitch is an advocate for gays. Beefs with moderators about not being able to post gay shit. And he's been banned twice for posting fag shit with his current screen name. And the faggot be harassing HNIC. That bitch gotta go.

And when does talk become stalk?

  1. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
  2. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
  3. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  4. OG on the train told dude to knock it off with all that talking or get those hands. Dude kept talking reckless....
    WOW! Pops is no joke! I'm going to save that video to the archives.
  5. Onlyfans ?
  6. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
    Ban all the faggot ass OP's name. Problems solved.
  7. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    Ban all the faggot ass OP's name. Problems solved.
  8. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  9. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  10. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    You ungrateful cocksucker. HNIC made a whole section free of porn where you can go post. Not to mention there is a political section to this forum. This is Black Girl Online you dumb faggot. Kill yourself already.
  11. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  12. NYC bar owner handcuffed, taken away for allegedly defying coronavirus rules: report
  13. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  14. Model BezaSweet
    Those are some excellent photos.
  15. Would you wife this Stripper?... hmmm
  16. Penn.Supreme Court"troubled" by Bill Cosby witness
    Fembrant clowns reach around buddies don't count as straight. Half a fag at the least.
  17. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  18. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  19. Penn.Supreme Court"troubled" by Bill Cosby witness
    No straight man cares what Fembrant Clown thinks.
  20. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  21. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  22. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  23. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    Yep. The OP is a faggot.
  24. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    This is what we need more of. Way less of the OP's trolling. Dude has four names. Mind you HNIC made a whole other section free of porn As well as Politics and Topics of the Day. That's not enough for that faggot. He's here to push...
  25. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  26. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  27. Random Porn Posts from ChuckG1
  28. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
  29. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  30. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  31. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    Bitch I got one screen name. You got at least four. Dare I ask a mod to chime in and confirm your multiple name having fuckry?
  32. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    Nah. They two separate hoz bonded together by bitch made values.
  33. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    That cock sucker has four screen names. MOD confirmed.
  34. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  35. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  36. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    Sir please. He has four screen names. Jack has one.
  37. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
  38. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  39. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
33 of DaMoistBi's last 39 posts are about me.

This has been going on for YEARS. :smh:

Are you ok ? Seriously :hmm:
This week, the stalker has made 11 posts and 10 are about me. Mostly outside of this thread, including following me to me "free gift card" thread.

  1. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  2. TEN deleted a thread about his bitch, Jack Walsh13, a loser who spends his days helping other men get off
    BUMP the faggot ass OP''s bitch made thread. Cock sucking faggot has the audacity to try and shame men on BGOL for wanting to see fine women. A ban is order. Until then.....
  3. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  4. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  5. Free when you buy a gift card
    Faggot ain't body interested in what you faggots eat before meeting up at gymnasiums. Not even 1 like and you still bump that bullshit. FOH
  6. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  7. A Wild End to a Wild Life: Tony Hsieh’s $50M Spending Spree
    When the OP takes a break from dick monitoring. His eyes only move a few inches to pocket watching.
  8. Calling out XCactor. If you post your hand today MODS can ban me from BGOL
  9. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  10. Is it normal for a man's main reason being on BGOL to be to log on and talk about another man?
    :lol: :lol: That delusional dick sucker posted a link to my page showing his messages to me. But he calls me a stalker. Typical faggot logic.
  11. Is it normal for a man's main reason being on BGOL to be to log on and talk about another man?
    That faggot has infringed on my peaceful lurking with his bitch ass activities. Coming to BGOL and complaining about women being posting is fag shit. I'm putting the ignore option out there for anyone who wants to end him from their timeline...
Shut the fuck up faggot

In comes Stalker #2. But he at least isn't solely dedicated to me. He loves to interact with me but he posts here a lot generally, famously making a thread for every fart bubble his drug-abuse damaged mind manages to muster. He's a harmless loser.

I don't care if a lot of people hate me, having an account totally dedicated to following me around is other level crazy. Single White Female shit.
Kill yourself faggot.

Make that six in a row-- Nothing but Rembrandt Brown discussion from Sunday through Friday.

  1. Rembrandt Brown aka Alex_J aka YahWeh aka Coztanza aka Art Vandelay Is A Bitch Ass FAGGOT!!
  2. BGOL Stalker Alert: 33 of DaMoistBi's last 39 posts are about me
    Kill yourself faggot.

"Niggaz on my dick more than my bitch, I stay on they mind."

One of the many problems with delusional faggots like you is that you think fuck off means something else like maybe we can hang out later. Anytime I'm lurking and one your lame ass threads come up I will tag it with the thread of you complaining to HNIC like a little bitch. The thread with all your screen names in the title.

I never hid my disgust for bitches like you. You wanted attention and you got it. At my convenience though. For now just look at the gay ass response you made in another one of your lame threads.

You live for my shit, bitch. You two, always on my dick.

You're getting desperate, you've never questioned my race before. Just throwing shit up against the wall to see what sticks.
You're getting desperate, you've never questioned my race before. Just throwing shit up against the wall to see what sticks.

After that trogladite bitch you posted I can't see how you could be Black. If you are Black posting that hand that shouldn't be a problem.
After that trogladite bitch you posted I can't see how you could be Black. If you are Black posting that hand that shouldn't be a problem.

It's a problem because I want something in return. You could upgrade my membership and see one of my exquisite hands right now.

I don't waste time trying to prove myself to strangers. You want it, upgrade me. Shouldn't be a problem.