Doctors may have found a way to destroy HIV


OG Investor
10:16 AM MST on Wednesday, July 30, 2008

By Lee McGuire / KHOU-TV News

HOUSTON -- There is real hope that what’s happening in a Houston lab might lead to a cure for HIV.

“We have found an innovative way to kill the virus by finding this small region of HIV that is unchangeable,” Dr. Sudhir Paul of the University of Texas Medical School at Houston said.

Dr. Paul and Dr. Miguel Escobar aren’t talking about just suppressing HIV – they’re talking about destroying it permanently by arming the immune system with a new weapon lab tests have shown to be effective.

Ford Stuart has been HIV positive for 15 years. He’s on a powerful drug cocktail that keeps the disease in check.

“I’m on four different medications. Three of them are brand new, and it’s the first time that I’ve ever been non-detectible,” Stuart said. “I’m down to about – just for the HIV – about nine pills per day, five in the morning and four at night.”

But Stuart knows HIV mutates, and eventually it will learn how to outsmart his medications.

“The virus is truly complex and has many tricks up its sleeve,” Paul said.

But Dr. Paul thinks he’s cracked a code.

“We’ve discovered the weak spot of HIV,” he said.

Paul and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV’s structure that does not mutate.

“The virus needs at least one constant region, and that is the essence of calling it the Achilles heel,” Paul said.

That Achilles heel is the doctors’ way in. They take advantage of it with something called an abzyme.

It’s naturally produced by people, like lupus patients. When they applied that abzyme to the HIV virus, it permanently disarmed it.

“What we already have in our hand are the abzymes that we could be infusing into the human subjects with HIV infection, essentially to move the virus,” Paul said.

Basically, their idea could be used to control the disease for people who already have it and prevent infection for those at risk.

The theory has held up in lab and animal testing. The next step is human trials.

Meanwhile, every day in Houston, three people are diagnosed with HIV.

The doctors still need funding to launch human trials. In the world of HIV research, that’s often where things fall apart.

“Clinical trials are very expensive,” Paul said.

“That is the worry of the researcher. This is what nightmares are made of – that after 30 years of work, you find it doesn’t work,” Paul said.

But so far, it is working.

“This is the holy grail of HIV research, to develop a preventative vaccine,” Paul said.

“If we can get the viral loads down to a manageable level, that will preclude the need for these conventional drugs,” Escobar said.

Still, even if everything goes well, it’s at least five years before the research could help people with HIV.

The doctors know people like Ford Stuart are waiting.

“There are so many people struggling with the disease because it affects not only your body, but also your psyche, how you perceive yourself,” he said.

If nothing else, the research is promising for the tens of millions waiting for a cure.

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Rising Star
10:16 AM MST on Wednesday, July 30, 2008

By Lee McGuire / KHOU-TV News

HOUSTON -- There is real hope that what’s happening in a Houston lab might lead to a cure for HIV.

“We have found an innovative way to kill the virus by finding this small region of HIV that is unchangeable,” Dr. Sudhir Paul of the University of Texas Medical School at Houston said.

Dr. Paul and Dr. Miguel Escobar aren’t talking about just suppressing HIV – they’re talking about destroying it permanently by arming the immune system with a new weapon lab tests have shown to be effective.

Ford Stuart has been HIV positive for 15 years. He’s on a powerful drug cocktail that keeps the disease in check.

“I’m on four different medications. Three of them are brand new, and it’s the first time that I’ve ever been non-detectible,” Stuart said. “I’m down to about – just for the HIV – about nine pills per day, five in the morning and four at night.”

But Stuart knows HIV mutates, and eventually it will learn how to outsmart his medications.

“The virus is truly complex and has many tricks up its sleeve,” Paul said.

But Dr. Paul thinks he’s cracked a code.

“We’ve discovered the weak spot of HIV,” he said.

Paul and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV’s structure that does not mutate.

“The virus needs at least one constant region, and that is the essence of calling it the Achilles heel,” Paul said.

That Achilles heel is the doctors’ way in. They take advantage of it with something called an abzyme.

It’s naturally produced by people, like lupus patients. When they applied that abzyme to the HIV virus, it permanently disarmed it.

“What we already have in our hand are the abzymes that we could be infusing into the human subjects with HIV infection, essentially to move the virus,” Paul said.

Basically, their idea could be used to control the disease for people who already have it and prevent infection for those at risk.

The theory has held up in lab and animal testing. The next step is human trials.

Meanwhile, every day in Houston, three people are diagnosed with HIV.

The doctors still need funding to launch human trials. In the world of HIV research, that’s often where things fall apart.

“Clinical trials are very expensive,” Paul said.

“That is the worry of the researcher. This is what nightmares are made of – that after 30 years of work, you find it doesn’t work,” Paul said.

But so far, it is working.

“This is the holy grail of HIV research, to develop a preventative vaccine,” Paul said.

“If we can get the viral loads down to a manageable level, that will preclude the need for these conventional drugs,” Escobar said.

Still, even if everything goes well, it’s at least five years before the research could help people with HIV.

The doctors know people like Ford Stuart are waiting.

“There are so many people struggling with the disease because it affects not only your body, but also your psyche, how you perceive yourself,” he said.

If nothing else, the research is promising for the tens of millions waiting for a cure.

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Basically find a way to live with it. Damn Chris Rock was right. And if they find a cure the gov't might "katrina" Houston to destroy that data, and kill the scientists in the mexican desert.


Rising Star
Basically find a way to live with it. Damn Chris Rock was right. And if they find a cure the gov't might "katrina" Houston to destroy that data, and kill the scientists in the mexican desert.

I don't think so. The researchers have already told how to defeat the virus by targeting the abzyme. Since they have gone public with this info, it's out there. Their patent on any particular treatment is patent protected.


I don't think so. The researchers have already told how to defeat the virus by targeting the abzyme. Since they have gone public with this info, it's out there. Their patent on any particular treatment is patent protected.

You must not have read my other post on Cedar Sinai hospital losing an almost guaranteed cure....that has a U.S. Patent number...they can lose it, believe that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
hmmm... a cure is found... no one realizes how the virus mutates... a new race of post human zombies with pale white skin is created... isnt this how I am legend starts out?


If that aint saying its man-made nothing does

Very true...there has never been a cure for the common cold, in fact, there is no known cure for any virus, sounds like someone slipped up in the biolab and left out a small but important detail. My guess is protein is necessary to build tissue, so it is present in all cells, they needed protein as an anchor to deliver the virus, hence the anchor could not mutate, or unlatch because it was the delivery method(think a truck backing up to a dock and then delivering it's goods). This same way scientist used to deliver the virus is the same way to kill it...I hope this is a cure and I hope it will be readily available to the millions of people suffering from HIV. I wonder if it also cures aids?


BGOL Investor
Any doctors on the board with some research into this to make this more plausible to those of us who are uninitiated?


Any doctors on the board with some research into this to make this more plausible to those of us who are uninitiated?

I've done quite a bit of research on the subject...not the cure side of it, but the breakdown of the virus...cd4 cells, rantes protein, mutations and rna duplication. I have some research papers I can post, that I've written on the subject if anyone is interested.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Any doctors on the board with some research into this to make this more plausible to those of us who are uninitiated?

cure for aids and alzheimers in one week? man i'm gonna really start living life. watch me live until 100 easy.


cure for aids and alzheimers in one week? man i'm gonna really start living life. watch me live until 100 easy.

:lol::lol:I hear you, this will put the condom industry out of business. You think Americans are buck wild now...let these jokers find a cure for aids, it's a free for all then.


agent of change
BGOL Investor
if this is true then I AM HAPPY!!!!

hopefully my friend will be healthy long enough to get this

they should sneak and do this shit..i don't trust the gov't


hmmm... a cure is found... no one realizes how the virus mutates... a new race of post human zombies with pale white skin is created... isnt this how I am legend starts out?

why lie, thats the first thing i thought about half way through.



My boy keeps track of these anouncments. He has been sending my crew emails like this for almost a decade. And in that time span, there have been dozens of researched so called cures. And thru out the whole time he has been sending these emails out, not 1 and I mean not 1 of these cures or treatments has made it to market or the public. If this shit ain't got CONSPIRCAY written all over it.
Case in point, this article about a cure came out 2 years ago and we haven't heard peep about it since. The compound is called CSA54.
Note: it also kills herpes & hpv.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
10:16 AM MST on Wednesday, July 30, 2008

By Lee McGuire / KHOU-TV News

HOUSTON -- There is real hope that what’s happening in a Houston lab might lead to a cure for HIV.

“We have found an innovative way to kill the virus by finding this small region of HIV that is unchangeable,” Dr. Sudhir Paul of the University of Texas Medical School at Houston said.

Dr. Paul and Dr. Miguel Escobar aren’t talking about just suppressing HIV – they’re talking about destroying it permanently by arming the immune system with a new weapon lab tests have shown to be effective.

Ford Stuart has been HIV positive for 15 years. He’s on a powerful drug cocktail that keeps the disease in check.

“I’m on four different medications. Three of them are brand new, and it’s the first time that I’ve ever been non-detectible,” Stuart said. “I’m down to about – just for the HIV – about nine pills per day, five in the morning and four at night.”

But Stuart knows HIV mutates, and eventually it will learn how to outsmart his medications.

“The virus is truly complex and has many tricks up its sleeve,” Paul said.

But Dr. Paul thinks he’s cracked a code.

“We’ve discovered the weak spot of HIV,” he said.

Paul and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV’s structure that does not mutate.

“The virus needs at least one constant region, and that is the essence of calling it the Achilles heel,” Paul said.

That Achilles heel is the doctors’ way in. They take advantage of it with something called an abzyme.

It’s naturally produced by people, like lupus patients. When they applied that abzyme to the HIV virus, it permanently disarmed it.

“What we already have in our hand are the abzymes that we could be infusing into the human subjects with HIV infection, essentially to move the virus,” Paul said.

Basically, their idea could be used to control the disease for people who already have it and prevent infection for those at risk.

The theory has held up in lab and animal testing. The next step is human trials.

Meanwhile, every day in Houston, three people are diagnosed with HIV.

The doctors still need funding to launch human trials. In the world of HIV research, that’s often where things fall apart.

“Clinical trials are very expensive,” Paul said.

“That is the worry of the researcher. This is what nightmares are made of – that after 30 years of work, you find it doesn’t work,” Paul said.

But so far, it is working.

“This is the holy grail of HIV research, to develop a preventative vaccine,” Paul said.

“If we can get the viral loads down to a manageable level, that will preclude the need for these conventional drugs,” Escobar said.

Still, even if everything goes well, it’s at least five years before the research could help people with HIV.

The doctors know people like Ford Stuart are waiting.

“There are so many people struggling with the disease because it affects not only your body, but also your psyche, how you perceive yourself,” he said.

If nothing else, the research is promising for the tens of millions waiting for a cure.

Link to story


made in texas!!!

Young Sir

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
great repost

HOUSTON, July 16 (UPI) -- HIV researchers at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston said they think they've found the chink in armor of the virus linked to AIDS.

The vulnerable spot is hidden in a protein essential for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, to attach to host cells, the university said in a release.

An HIV vaccine doesn't exist because HIV is a mutating virus.

The scientists said they are focusing on a stretch of amino acids on HIV's envelope protein gp120.

"Unlike the changeable regions of its envelope, HIV needs at least one region that must remain constant to attach to cells. If this region changes, HIV cannot infect cells," said Sudhir Paul, a pathology professor at the UT Medical School.

Paul's group engineered antibodies with enzymatic activity, called abzymes, that can attack the virus's weakness.

"The abzymes recognize essentially all of the diverse HIV forms found across the world. This solves the problem of HIV changeability," Paul said. "The next step is to confirm our theory in human clinical trials."

The theory was in a recent issue of Autoimmunity Reviews and will be presented during the International AIDS Conference Aug. 3-8 in Mexico City.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
We learned about this in Medical school. The Cheif Resident of my Psychiatry residency ended up going back for two years to do an Internal Medicine residency with an HIV sub-specialty. He said docs were very close to breaking ground with a cure for HIV but there was a protein in the virus that kept interfering. I wonder what he's up to now.


I've always read that humans ARE NOT suppose to get sick, but with all the crap we encounter through life the environment/stress/food make us get ill. I'm one who loves conspiracies, but in this instance not making this headline news may be to prevent people from going crazy with unprotected sex that may just create a mutation for the cure. Of course, I'm not so medically inclined and that assumption could be way off.

There is another REAL problem that has not been on the news and it's MRSA. How many people know about that super bug you pick up sometimes when you go to the hospital? Of course, having that air all over tv stations may cause people from going to the hospital.