Any Brothers On Here Into Fasting?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Breakfast. What limited resources? Your body is not even depleted of glycogen yet. Ketosis ain't kicking in that soon.

Thing is, most americans have enough fuel, that is why they are FAT.

Your body does not work harder, matter of fact your blood pressure drops.

Starvation occurs when you body gets down to low body fat levels and low LBM levels, your body will try to cannibalize amino acids from vital organs.

Fasting-Starvation 2 different animals.

Fuck it, I am bout to press submit reply and look at your dancing girl in your sig, What you say that pussy smell like? Apple pie with cinnamon spice? :lol::lol::lol: That ain't fast friendly pussy.


I'll listen to people who went to Medical school vs. a Google educated nigga from BGOL

The Many Benefits of Breakfast

The right breakfast foods can help you concentrate, give you strength – even help you maintain a healthy weight.

By Louise Chang, MD
Weight Loss Clinic

Your mother was right: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance.

Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast (as opposed to the kind containing doughnuts) can help give you:

* A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients, vitamins and minerals
* Improved concentration and performance in the classroom or the boardroom
* More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity
* Lower cholesterol levels

Eating breakfast is important for everyone, but is especially so for children and adolescents. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.

Breakfast Benefit: Weight Control

Many studies, in both adults and children, have shown that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.

Why? One theory suggests that eating a healthy breakfast can reduce hunger throughout the day, and help people make better food choices at other meals. While it might seem you could save calories by skipping breakfast, this is not an effective strategy. Typically, hunger gets the best of breakfast-skippers, and they eat more at lunch and throughout the day.

Another theory behind the breakfast-weight control link implies that eating breakfast is part of a healthy lifestyle that includes making wise food choices and balancing calories with exercise. For example, consider the successful losers followed by the National Weight Control Registry, all of whom have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off at least one year. Some 80% of the people in the Registry regularly eat breakfast (and also follow a calorie-controlled, low-fat diet).

It's worth noting that most studies linking breakfast to weight control loss looked at a healthy breakfast containing protein and/or whole grains -- not meals loaded with fat and calories.

Make Lean Protein Part of Your Breakfast

Adding a little lean protein to your breakfast may be just the boost you need to help keep you feeling full until lunchtime.

"Protein blunts your hunger the most, and is the most satiating," Purdue University researcher Wayne Campbell, PhD, tells WebMD.

And a traditional breakfast of eggs may be one of the best ways to get your morning protein. While eggs are not always associated with weight loss, they contain some of the highest-quality protein.

In a study presented at the 2007 Experimental Biology meeting, researchers at Pennington Biomedical Research Center compared weight loss in women who ate either two eggs or a bagel for breakfast. The two breakfast meals were identical in calories and volume.

"Compared to the bagel eaters, overweight women who ate two eggs for breakfast five times a week for eight weeks as part of a low-fat, reduced-calorie diet, lost 65% more weight, reduced waist circumference by 83%, reported higher energy levels, and had no significant difference in their … blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels," reports researcher Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, PhD.

Another study, reported in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, also substantiates eggs' ability to satisfy hunger.

"Both these studies show that when people eat eggs at breakfast, they felt more satisfied and consumed fewer calories throughout the day, compared to those who ate a primarily carbohydrate meal like a bagel," explains Dhurandhar.

But what about the cholesterol in eggs? A large egg contains 75 calories, 6 grams of protein, and 212 mg cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), healthy people can eat an egg a day.

"It should be noted in our study that none of the women had increases in blood lipids, confirming that healthy adults on a low-fat diet can enjoy eggs without significantly impacting their risk of heart disease," says Dhundar.

Another study, reported in Obesity Research, found that women who added a little lean protein to their breakfast (in the form of a slice of Canadian bacon added to an egg sandwich made with an English muffin) felt less hunger during the next four hours than those who ate a breakfast without protein.


Fasting is a religous technique to get you closer to God, not to lose weight.

When you deprive your flesh it will make you mind and spirit stronger.

Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert.When he was at his weakest point thats when Satan confronted him by telling Jesus to turn the rocks into bread since he is the son of God. Jesus rebuked Satan and then ended his fast.

When I used to go to church, we fasted all meats and sweets for 40 days and 40 nights. I lost mad weight, I was playing h.s. football at the time, my coach was mad because I was losing too much weight to be a defensive end. I felt great after the first two weeks were over. I felt lighter and healthy.

When you crave food or whatever it is your are fasting you supposed to stop and pray for someone or pray for strength and it builds your relationship with God. Its not a dietary technique.

Till this day I cant eat sweets. All that processed sugar and milk and bread is the most unhealthy thing you can eat.

Back in the biblical people didnt eat after 6.00 pm it was like a daily fast

but when they awoke the immediately ate, breaking the fast, thats where we got the word BREAKFAST


Rising Star
OG Investor
:smh::smh::smh::smh:BGOL gives the worst advice to people. Fasting is NOT good for you. You are starving your body and making it work harder. You are not doing yourself any favors by fasting. You're trying to find a cute way to say you're anorexic. Which is basically what you are doing. It's not how much you eat, it's what you eat and your body needs fuel. Stop being idiots. Eating breakfast is the most important thing you can do. If you're not eating that you're throwing your body out of cycle. If you sleep for 6-8 hours then go all day with no food, you're running off your body's limited resources.

fasting is also done for religious reasons....not everything is black &/or white...

I know many muslims and others that fast..I don't see a problem with is this bad advice?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
fasting is also done for religious reasons....not everything is black &/or white...

I know many muslims and others that fast..I don't see a problem with is this bad advice?

So that makes it right? Region is bullshit anyways. People blow themselves up for Allah. Does that make that right too? Just because it is done by a religion don't automatically make it "Healthy". It is still bad for you.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Dr. Truth.

Say, bruh, WTF you think humans pulled out the fridge for breakfast before they had a fridge?

Serious business, how did the human body evolve? What did humans eat upon waking? Considering most humans have been dirt poor the answer is NOTHING.

Break-the- fast...happened when you got your ass up and went to go get some fucking food, not open the fridge and fry some shit up. You worked BEFORE you ate.

Medical school in america only produces top notch surgeons, the doctors suck ass. Check all the malpractice suits. Pimped out doctors pushing pharmacy drugs.


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Dr. Truth.

Say, bruh, WTF you think humans pulled out the fridge for breakfast before they had a fridge?

Serious business, how did the human body evolve? What did humans eat upon waking? Considering most humans have been dirt poor the answer is NOTHING.

Break-the- fast...happened when you got your ass up and went to go get some fucking food, not open the fridge and fry some shit up. You worked BEFORE you ate.

Medical school in america only produces top notch surgeons, the doctors suck ass. Check all the malpractice suits. Pimped out doctors pushing pharmacy drugs.

Are you serious??? You can't be.

Fridge? What does that have to do with breakfast? That was the worst counter I've ever heard. So humans didn't eat before refrigeration? WTF :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

People ate first thing in the morning because after sleeping for 8 hours your body gets hungry. Period. Which is why when you stay up late night you start getting hungry again. Surgeons are Doctors. :smh::smh::smh: All students who complete medical school are "Physicians and Surgeons".

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Are you serious??? You can't be.

Fridge? What does that have to do with breakfast? That was the worst counter I've ever heard. So humans didn't eat before refrigeration? WTF :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

People ate first thing in the morning because after sleeping for 8 hours your body gets hungry. Period. Which is why when you stay up late night you start getting hungry again. Surgeons are Doctors. :smh::smh::smh: All students who complete medical school are "Physicians and Surgeons".

Where did they store the food?

You go out and catch fish, you spend all day getting the fish, you eat the fish, go to bed, wake fish left, you out and fish again?

Get it? You do that on an empty stomach.

Come on man, you know as well as me with doctors you need at least 3 opinions. All of them went to medical school but I bet 1 will disagree with the other 2 on your options, does that make him dumb? He might be right, they might be wrong or vice versa.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor



1 GAL A DAY FOR 7 DAYS..........
IT WILL ALL COME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Where did they store the food?

You go out and catch fish, you spend all day getting the fish, you eat the fish, go to bed, wake fish left, you out and fish again?

Get it? You do that on an empty stomach.

Come on man, you know as well as me with doctors you need at least 3 opinions. All of them went to medical school but I bet 1 will disagree with the other 2 on your options, does that make him dumb? He might be right, they might be wrong or vice versa.

They used salts and dehydration to preserve the food. Food preservation is thousands of years old. You know that. Where do you think Jerky comes from? That is an ancient technique of preserving meats.

Medicine is an evolving profession, what do you expect?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
They used salts and dehydration to preserve the food. Food preservation is thousands of years old. You know that. Where do you think Jerky comes from? That is an ancient technique of preserving meats.

Medicine is an evolving profession, what do you expect?

True, but a lot of cultures didn't do that(how long did it take white folks to get hip). You are an educated man you know damn well salt was important for along time and held on to like gold, spices and salts.

Thing is this is after humans evolved to our current state. We got to our current state not knowing where or when a meal came from and not preserving anything for the most part, and a lot of humans continued to live like that.

People learned to use salt and other methods cause who knows how good the food gathering would be? You could go 1 week with no food, remember you already at low LBM and fat levels, you can't keep repeating that process.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
True, but a lot of cultures didn't do that(how long did it take white folks to get hip). You are an educated man you know damn well salt was important for along time and held on to like gold, spices and salts.

Thing is this is after humans evolved to our current state. We got to our current state not knowing where or when a meal came from and not preserving anything for the most part, and a lot of humans continued to live like that.

People learned to use salt and other methods cause who knows how good the food gathering would be? You could go 1 week with no food, remember you already at low LBM and fat levels, you can't keep repeating that process.

Can I ask what year are you speaking about exactly. There was salting going on 6000 years ago.


Rising Star
OG Investor
So that makes it right? Region is bullshit anyways. People blow themselves up for Allah. Does that make that right too? Just because it is done by a religion don't automatically make it "Healthy". It is still bad for you.

thats your opinion....I don't care for religion myself...but if someone does you have no right to call there religion B/S...

next I grew up around muslims 5%ers and christians.....

not all muslims believe in that...those are fanatics...thats not fair to group them together that same way we grouped with niggas....

next you looking at it from your perpective which is the medical reasons....

some ppl like my sister do it for religious reasons....let them be homie....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh damn my bad. I thought the title was Any Brothers On Here Into FLASHING...

carry on my niggas

Fiyah Man

I fasted for 7 straight days for spiritual reasons. Nothing but water and a multivitamin daily. I got up every morning and ran a mile and a half and lifted weights. There would be times in the day I would be low on energy. But, on the flipside there were times in the day where I had tons of energy. It cleared my body of toxins and cleared my thoughts. I swear you have the clearest thoughts you've ever had. Weight loss wasn't even the reason I did it. But, it was a pleasant side effect. I loss 10 pounds. And NO I haven't gained it back since. My fast was over a month ago. I have since gone on to eating healthier.

This sight helped alot with information while I was going through the week


Potential Star
yea man i am currently fasting doing fruits and veggies 2day is day 8 i walk everyday and keep a food journal i am fealing excellent may diet went off the deep end the last few months some i am getting that balance again read anything u can about fasting you can also check out good luck on your endeavor bra 1.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
thats your opinion....I don't care for religion myself...but if someone does you have no right to call there religion B/S...

next I grew up around muslims 5%ers and christians.....

not all muslims believe in that...those are fanatics...thats not fair to group them together that same way we grouped with niggas....

next you looking at it from your perpective which is the medical reasons....

some ppl like my sister do it for religious reasons....let them be homie....

Not all Muslims fast either. What is your point? Just because something is done for religious purposes does not mean it's right. There are plenty of Christians who will not take their sick kid to the doctor because they want god to heal the kid. That is not right either. Anything done to the body in the name of religion is just bullshit and I stand by my opinion. Religion is why our world is so fucked up now.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I'll listen to people who went to Medical school vs. a Google educated nigga from BGOL

Dr's dont know nearly as much as they want you to think they know.

I refer you to a previous post of mine:

that eat all the time BS is a major contributor to the poor health condition of those in the west... fast metabolism is good? think about that for a second... wouldnt you want your body to be able to do more with less food? The Okinawan people, who live the longest, have a saying that you should only eat until you are 80% full, they eat and they average about 1500 calories/day I believe. American doctors would call that starving yourself . Remember, western "experts" were telling us just a few yrs ago "fat is bad! dont eat any fat!", now those same mofos wanna kick the shit out of you if you dont eat enough fat. Doctors dont know very much about food/nutrtion... they get something like 3hrs of schooling on it in Medical school, most of it probably bullshit.

Do some research on calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and alternate day fasting and how they relate to good health and long life. the more you eat, the more oxidation occurs in the body leading to free radicals, which then require you to consume anti-oxidants. Free radicals= cancer and cellular/DNA damage. if you eat less (of the right foods, which cant be stressed enough)and fast, you put your cells under stress, much like exercise, which results your body being resistant to disease and aging. ill bet gene looks younger than he is.

I had a thread about eating one meal a day and gene has some good thoughts in there too. I've been eating one meal a day since about Feb, and Ive never felt better in my life... I was already in pretty good shape, but I leaned out without a loss in strength, my mind is clear, no skin blemishes at all, blood pressure is lower, I need less sleep and have more energy. And friends who havent seen me recently all comment on how I look younger than I used to.

I fast a few times a month... 2 days here, 3 days there and I recommend it. Another benefit to eating less: you save money and the money you do spend on food, you can buy the best foods for you. I eat almost 100% organic these days... fuck that canned and boxed shit. Trader Joe's and Whole foods all day. Fasting may be difficult at first, but if you can make it to day 3 or so, its smooth sailing and you will not feel hungry. Are you going to continue to listen to western doctors/experts who dont live any longer than you do? Or will you investigate/research/be open to "alternative" teaching and wisdom? Try it... if you dont feel better, you can always go back to your McDeath and Crapa-Cola


Rising Star
OG Investor
Not all Muslims fast either. What is your point? Just because something is done for religious purposes does not mean it's right. There are plenty of Christians who will not take their sick kid to the doctor because they want god to heal the kid. That is not right either. Anything done to the body in the name of religion is just bullshit and I stand by my opinion. Religion is why our world is so fucked up now.

i agree...the world is in turmoil because of religion...

my grandmother is 79 years old...she is from Haiti....homie...she believes in alot of B/S so does my parents...My pops is african and he is into alot of back home remedies as well...tho its foolish...alot of things they have done when I was sick was better and cheaper than anything a doctor has ever done fam....

so don't knock alot of things....I agree with you...but don't knock someones religious beliefs no matter how stupid it may sound....

if she fasts because it cleanses her soul and body let her be...if she wants to put hot oil in your ear because you have an ear infection let her be....not all of that is just dont care for it...and its your right....

I grew up in a house hold that was deeply religious....:smh:...I don't follow any religion but i don't knock those who follow and what rituals they do....

next alot of ppl especially minorities use these remedies cuz they can't afford a doctor or have zero if GOD can help them..."and does"...why knock them....?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Can I ask what year are you speaking about exactly. There was salting going on 6000 years ago.

Let me ask you this, how long as the human race existed? I mean humans moved out of africa before 6000 years ago, and not all exhibited means of preserving calories whether it be salting, fermenting, smoking, pickling,etc.


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Let me ask you this, how long as the human race existed? I mean humans moved out of africa before 6000 years ago, and not all exhibited means of preserving calories whether it be salting, fermenting, smoking, pickling,etc.

Don't underestimate the power of the human mind. That is my profession. It is very hard to look into the prehistoric life of humans as there is hardly any evidence of exactly how they lived. Don't be surprised if they were preserving food in Ice caves and with salt.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
i agree...the world is in turmoil because of religion...

my grandmother is 79 years old...she is from Haiti....homie...she believes in alot of B/S so does my parents...My pops is african and he is into alot of back home remedies as well...tho its foolish...alot of things they have done when I was sick was better and cheaper than anything a doctor has ever done fam....

so don't knock alot of things....I agree with you...but don't knock someones religious beliefs no matter how stupid it may sound....

if she fasts because it cleanses her soul and body let her be...if she wants to put hot oil in your ear because you have an ear infection let her be....not all of that is just dont care for it...and its your right....

I grew up in a house hold that was deeply religious....:smh:...I don't follow any religion but i don't knock those who follow and what rituals they do....

next alot of ppl especially minorities use these remedies cuz they can't afford a doctor or have zero if GOD can help them..."and does"...why knock them....?

I'm not knocking them> I think you're misinterpreting my responses.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Dr's dont know nearly as much as they want you to think they know.

I refer you to a previous post of mine:

that eat all the time BS is a major contributor to the poor health condition of those in the west... fast metabolism is good? think about that for a second... wouldnt you want your body to be able to do more with less food? The Okinawan people, who live the longest, have a saying that you should only eat until you are 80% full, they eat and they average about 1500 calories/day I believe. American doctors would call that starving yourself . Remember, western "experts" were telling us just a few yrs ago "fat is bad! dont eat any fat!", now those same mofos wanna kick the shit out of you if you dont eat enough fat. Doctors dont know very much about food/nutrtion... they get something like 3hrs of schooling on it in Medical school, most of it probably bullshit.

Do some research on calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and alternate day fasting and how they relate to good health and long life. the more you eat, the more oxidation occurs in the body leading to free radicals, which then require you to consume anti-oxidants. Free radicals= cancer and cellular/DNA damage. if you eat less (of the right foods, which cant be stressed enough)and fast, you put your cells under stress, much like exercise, which results your body being resistant to disease and aging. ill bet gene looks younger than he is.

I had a thread about eating one meal a day and gene has some good thoughts in there too. I've been eating one meal a day since about Feb, and Ive never felt better in my life... I was already in pretty good shape, but I leaned out without a loss in strength, my mind is clear, no skin blemishes at all, blood pressure is lower, I need less sleep and have more energy. And friends who havent seen me recently all comment on how I look younger than I used to.

I fast a few times a month... 2 days here, 3 days there and I recommend it. Another benefit to eating less: you save money and the money you do spend on food, you can buy the best foods for you. I eat almost 100% organic these days... fuck that canned and boxed shit. Trader Joe's and Whole foods all day. Fasting may be difficult at first, but if you can make it to day 3 or so, its smooth sailing and you will not feel hungry. Are you going to continue to listen to western doctors/experts who dont live any longer than you do? Or will you investigate/research/be open to "alternative" teaching and wisdom? Try it... if you dont feel better, you can always go back to your McDeath and Crapa-Cola

A. You're generalizing all Physicians.
B. Not all Physicians are American nor are they all Educated in America.
C. Us Doctors still know more about the body than you or any fake scholar who looks up bullshit on the net and thinks they are some health Guru.
D. If you ever get Cancer see how well your diet will save you without the help of an Oncologist.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
A. You're generalizing all Physicians.
B. Not all Physicians are American nor are they all Educated in America.
C. Us Doctors still know more about the body than you or any fake scholar who looks up bullshit on the net and thinks they are some health Guru.
D. If you ever get Cancer see how well your diet will save you without the help of an Oncologist.

Your are preaching the western view of fasting... doctors do know a lot about the body, but little about nutrition. They cant even tell you what kind of diet is best for us. As for cancer, of course Id see a doctor, but if fasting is so bad, explain this

Fasting May Improve Cancer Chemotherapy
Temporary Fast Shields Healthy Cells, While Chemo Drugs Target Cancerous Cells, Study Shows
By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

March 31, 2008 -- Fasting prior to cancer chemotherapy treatment may significantly enhance the cancer-killing effects of the drugswhile protecting healthy cells from damage.

A new study suggests starvation induces a protective shield around healthy cells, allowing them to tolerate a much higher dose of chemotherapy.

The results showed starving laboratory mice for two days prior to chemotherapy treatment protected them from potentially toxic high doses of the drug, and they gained back the weight they lost after treatment.

Researchers say cancer chemotherapy can kill as many healthy cells as cancerous ones, but inducing temporary starvation increases the cells' resistance to stress, which may allow doctors to use higher doses of current cancer chemotherapy treatments to make them more effective.
Chemotherapy Starvation Diet

In the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers studied the effects of starvation on cancerous and normal cells.

First, they induced a starvation-related response in yeast cells, which made them 1,000 times more protected than untreated cells.

Then, they tested the effects of fasting on human and cancer cells in a test tube and in mice. The results showed starvation produced between a twofold and fivefold difference in stress resistance between the normal, starvation-treated cells and normal cells. In tests with live mice, of 28 mice starved for 48-60 hours before chemotherapy, only 1 died. Of 37 mice that were not starved prior to treatment, 20 mice died from chemotherapy toxicity.

"More importantly, we consistently showed that mice were highly protected while cancer cells remained sensitive," researcher Valter Longo, PhD, of the University of Southern California, says in news release. "If we get to just a 10- to 20-fold differential toxicity with human metastatic cancers, all of a sudden it's a completely different game against cancer."

Researchers say genetic cues prompt starved healthy cells to go into a hibernation-like mode that produces extreme resistance to stress. But cancerous cells don't obey those cues and remain stuck in growth mode.

By using the starvation response to differentiate normal and cancerous cells, researchers say healthy cells may be able to withstand higher doses of existing cancer chemotherapy drugs, but further studies in humans are needed to confirm these effects.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Don't underestimate the power of the human mind. That is my profession. It is very hard to look into the prehistoric life of humans as there is hardly any evidence of exactly how they lived. Don't be surprised if they were preserving food in Ice caves and with salt.

Yes, I stated mind of matter in my original post.

That said, studies have been done showing that ketosis spares LBM. That has to be a survival mechanism as we need LBM to go get food and fat is stored energy.

IMHO it shows before we could preserve food, our bodies looked out for us.


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Your are preaching the western view of fasting... doctors do know a lot about the body, but little about nutrition. They cant even tell you what kind of diet is best for us. As for cancer, of course Id see a doctor, but if fasting is so bad, explain this

Fasting May Improve Cancer Chemotherapy
Temporary Fast Shields Healthy Cells, While Chemo Drugs Target Cancerous Cells, Study Shows
By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

March 31, 2008 -- Fasting prior to cancer chemotherapy treatment may significantly enhance the cancer-killing effects of the drugswhile protecting healthy cells from damage.

A new study suggests starvation induces a protective shield around healthy cells, allowing them to tolerate a much higher dose of chemotherapy.

The results showed starving laboratory mice for two days prior to chemotherapy treatment protected them from potentially toxic high doses of the drug, and they gained back the weight they lost after treatment.

Researchers say cancer chemotherapy can kill as many healthy cells as cancerous ones, but inducing temporary starvation increases the cells' resistance to stress, which may allow doctors to use higher doses of current cancer chemotherapy treatments to make them more effective.
Chemotherapy Starvation Diet

In the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers studied the effects of starvation on cancerous and normal cells.

First, they induced a starvation-related response in yeast cells, which made them 1,000 times more protected than untreated cells.

Then, they tested the effects of fasting on human and cancer cells in a test tube and in mice. The results showed starvation produced between a twofold and fivefold difference in stress resistance between the normal, starvation-treated cells and normal cells. In tests with live mice, of 28 mice starved for 48-60 hours before chemotherapy, only 1 died. Of 37 mice that were not starved prior to treatment, 20 mice died from chemotherapy toxicity.

"More importantly, we consistently showed that mice were highly protected while cancer cells remained sensitive," researcher Valter Longo, PhD, of the University of Southern California, says in news release. "If we get to just a 10- to 20-fold differential toxicity with human metastatic cancers, all of a sudden it's a completely different game against cancer."

Researchers say genetic cues prompt starved healthy cells to go into a hibernation-like mode that produces extreme resistance to stress. But cancerous cells don't obey those cues and remain stuck in growth mode.

By using the starvation response to differentiate normal and cancerous cells, researchers say healthy cells may be able to withstand higher doses of existing cancer chemotherapy drugs, but further studies in humans are needed to confirm these effects.

:smh::smh: Are you serious? Did you even read that? You're supposed to "fast" before any type of surgery or major chemo treatment. Thats basic knowledge. Did you see "TEMPORARY FAST" or did that fly over your head.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Yes, I stated mind of matter in my original post.

That said, studies have been done showing that ketosis spares LBM. That has to be a survival mechanism as we need LBM to go get food and fat is stored energy.

IMHO it shows before we could preserve food, our bodies looked out for us.

How does that indicate anything good? That is the defense your body puts up. Just like when you get shot you hardly feel it because the adrenaline and endorphins your body produces to suppress pain during major trauma. It doesn't mean getting shot is ok. It just means your body is doing what it needs to do to survive. As in storing fat in order to keep you from starving to death.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

D. If you ever get Cancer see how well your diet will save you without the help of an Oncologist.

I basically practice calorie restriction... go look it up and see what your mighty doctors tell you about it and how it extends life and prevents cancer and disease in ever animal its been tested on. That eat 6-8 meals a day shit is a recipe for disease... look around and what do you see... fat, diseased, unhealthy people who eat several times a day. check out the Okinawan people... they eat less and live longer/healthier lives. They dont eat all damn day

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I basically practice calorie restriction... go look it up and see what your mighty doctors tell you about it and how it extends life and prevents cancer and disease in ever animal its been tested on. That eat 6-8 meals a day shit is a recipe for disease... look around and what do you see... fat, diseased, unhealthy people who eat several times a day. check out the Okinawan people... they eat less and live longer/healthier lives. They dont eat all damn day

LOL at "Calorie Restriction". Every MD and DO on earth will tell you to cut back on calories. What the hell are you talking about? Also who the hell eats 6-8 meals a day? Okinawans don't eat "Less" they eat Healthier. Big difference.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
:smh::smh: Are you serious? Did you even read that? You're supposed to "fast" before any type of surgery or major chemo treatment. Thats basic knowledge. Did you see "TEMPORARY FAST" or did that fly over your head.

My point with the article is that fasting strengthens cells... no one says live your life and never eat, thats starvation... fasting as a regular practice is good and healthy

Dr. Truth

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BGOL Investor
My point with the article is that fasting strengthens cells... no one says live your life and never eat, thats starvation... fasting as a regular practice is good and healthy

Eating Healthier is good and Healthy. Fasting is not. Which is why groups who DO fast only do it during a certain period. NOT Regularly.