I had a light stroke tonight :(


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im gonna share with you what my Mother In Laws DR told her. 1.drink twice the amount of water you were drinking before the stroke 2.Eliminate salt from ur diet use fresh herbs to season 3.when u get angry upset or stressed take a deep breathe count to 10 and then deal with the issue and lastly cut back by minimum of 50% proceesed meats,ground beef and pork,processed cheeses,sodas and coffee/teas with added processed granulated sugars. She did these things and in a month shes lost 15 lbs and her entire health outlook has improved beyond belief.


Transnational Member
He lost his job and now this, it hasn't been a good year for him. It might be a good time to check out disability, your life expectancy isn't looking too good.

Medically, you want to position yourself if warranted to being around people that can notice something wrong with you. This will allow quicker medical intervention, and then if you are living by yourself. People will just find your dead body alone in the house after a month.

I would do my own research into the causes of the stroke to prevent another one, whether it was high blood pressure or cholesterol.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't die easy; make it hard on dem mofos..........I hope you're watching your health and your ventricle stability, because strokes and heart-attacks are two sides of the same coin. I wish you well, fam.