
  1. Mask

    Brazilian fellows, if You need a Hair cut or just a line up

    I’m sure she can do it
  2. DragonXJC


  3. gw1933

    Beats of the Afro-Diaspora

  4. M

    Slim Brazilian TAN PYT Natural Breasts

  5. PeerlessMack

    US raised Brazillian Youtuber wants to exp life back home. Goes to Carnival. Gets bullet in ass.

    Oh, did I forget to mention that she was fine? Social Media Stars YouTube Star Jo Franco Was Shot During an Attempted Robbery While on Vacation: 'In a Flash, Everything Changed' By Patrick...
  6. Mixd

    FIVE days of Lawlessness in Brazilian city since Police went on Strike

    Army struggles to regain control of lawless Brazilian city where at least 100 people have been killed in just FIVE days since police went on strike WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT The chaos on the streets of Espírito Santo has been compared to the film The Purge where lawlessness rules Officers have...
  7. Mask

    5 alarming facts about Amazon forest fires

    5 alarming facts about Amazon forest fires The Amazon is being burned. Here’s what you need to know. From July to November, it is fire season in the Amazon rainforest. But while fires can be a normal part of the life cycle in forests, most of the flames in the Amazon are far from natural –...
  8. Mask

    Blacks in #Brazil are saying enough is enough

    Brazil’s New Black Power Movement This growing movement tackles a subject many would rather ignore: racism against Afro-Brazilians. BY: LEESA DILLONPosted: August 8, 2016 The new black power movement in Brazil is big. Brazil is known for its beautiful beaches, beautiful women, samba, sun...
  9. Mask

    1 Big Thing: Brazil Olympics facing a multitude of issues

  10. M

    Brazil hostel in the favelas travel tourism

    Dude specializes in african americans going to brazil GDIim8YOR8A