
  1. Politic Negro

    Capitalism is about to win again

    If you find a place that has any e-book that you can DL for free, I suggest you do it now.
  2. Rembrandt Brown

    Who Owns The Moon? - How Space Travel Will Create New Law

    Can a Company Own the Moon? By Rachel Riederer The New Yorker “Beautiful, just beautiful,” the astronaut Michael Collins said, watching as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, his fellow-members of the Apollo 11 mission, worked to plant the U.S. flag in the moon’s dusty surface. That first moon...
  3. Rembrandt Brown

    Who Owns The Moon? - How Space Travel Will Create New Law

    Can a Company Own the Moon? By Rachel Riederer The New Yorker “Beautiful, just beautiful,” the astronaut Michael Collins said, watching as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, his fellow-members of the Apollo 11 mission, worked to plant the U.S. flag in the moon’s dusty surface. That first moon...
  4. Rembrandt Brown

    Bernie Sanders Speech on Democratic Socialism & Economic Rights (Colin warning but there's video)

    Bernie Sanders defines his vision for democratic socialism in the United States Sanders gave a speech on this in 2015. Now he’s back, calling for a new era of New Deal politics. By Tara Golshan Vox Jun 12, 2019 On Wednesday afternoon, Bernie Sanders gave a speech defining democratic socialism...
  5. Rembrandt Brown

    Black Capitalism Won’t Save Us

    Black Capitalism Won’t Save Us Celebrities like Killer Mike and Jay-Z equate black ownership with liberation—but you can’t end racial inequality with consumerism. By Aaron Ross Coleman, a journalist covering race and economics and a 2018 Black on Campus fellow. The Nation May 22, 2019 Last...
  6. Rembrandt Brown

    50 years from now: "Bosses will be considered unthinkable," wage-labor abolished

    From "What do we do now that will be considered unthinkable in 50 years?" The introduction was definitely not aimed at a black audience (though probably true for Vox's readership). Still a very worthwhile read. Bosses will be considered unthinkable 50 years from now Workplaces will look...
  7. Rembrandt Brown

    What is Democratic Socialism?

    Democratic Socialism Is About Democracy BY SHAWN GUDE, Jacobin At the core of democratic socialism is a simple idea: democracy is good, and it should be expanded. There are lots of ways to talk about democratic socialism. Some focus on fairness and equality. Others stress the need to fix the...
  8. Rembrandt Brown

    Post-Capitalist Streaming Service "Means TV"

    MEANS TV, WITH A BOOST FROM THE NYAN CAT, LAUNCHES A POST-CAPITALIST STREAMING SERVICE THE WORKING-CLASS filmmakers behind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s viral campaign video are launching their next challenge to capitalist hegemony, Means TV. The socialist streaming service has an internet...
  9. Rembrandt Brown

    Relationships & Capitalism: Sexual Freelancing in the Gig Economy

    Sexual Freelancing in the Gig Economy By Moira Weigel New York Times A friend of mine complains about how many of the men she meets on Tinder use corporate language to chat her up. First, they “reach out.” Then, after spending the night together, they “follow up.” This kind of flirting is...
  10. Rembrandt Brown

    23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

  11. Rembrandt Brown

    “I’d rather be a black middle-class person than a white poor person.”

    For context, the relevant excerpt from a much-longer article: Every Thursday for the past few years, 26-year-old Sean McElwee, an autodidact political consultant and leftist Twitter personality known for his Abolish ICE activism, has hosted a socialist happy hour in a dank East Village bar...
  12. Art Vandelay

    Relationships & Capitalism: Sexual Freelancing in the Gig Economy

    Sexual Freelancing in the Gig Economy By Moira Weigel New York Times May 14, 2016 A friend of mine complains about how many of the men she meets on Tinder use corporate language to chat her up. First, they “reach out.” Then, after spending the night together, they “follow up.” This kind of...