
  1. Helico-pterFunk

    GO FIGURE: Nipsey Hussle’s Distribution of Wealth - a story by Semmi W. (Data Visualization Series) GO FIGURE: Nipsey Hussle’s Distribution of Wealth A story by Semmi W. 20 hours ago Nipsey Hussle’s memorial...
  2. Rembrandt Brown

    Neighbors with domestic violence issues

    Have you ever intervened? I once called the police on a neighbor because I heard the woman creaming at the man telling him not to hit her again... Months later, he was back in the house, they had an incident where she called the police and a whole bunch of them were there. He was arrested--...
  3. playahaitian

    Grown Talk: Should Black Men show each other more respect/brotherhood?

    I notice that brothers really ain't cool with each other. Thinking this is really hurting us...and they using this division more and more. And I ain't even talking about street level stuff either. Corporate level and just regular business environment. Just walking down the street...