
  1. Naha-Nago

    May this thread finally kill the tepid debate between Predator I and Predator II...

    And just like that.... The debate is over. Yes, the patch is real... Yes, you can buy it... YES! I FUCKING HAVE ONE! So eat shit and die you 'slack jawed faggots' who love Predator II over Preadator I!!! *two cents*
  2. Snatch Goblin

    Discussion: Trans racial, vs Trans sexual

    I've had multiple fights with my friends and they are super liberal. I am liberal. But i can't make sense of things that don't make sense. Transgender is not real to me. They tried to tell me how i'm wrong. I pointed out Rachel Dolazal changing her race is equal to any man changing...
  3. S

    An idea for the next debate...

    To prevent anyone from going over their alotted time after their time is up... ...put white noise on (like when a TV channel goes off the air, or what they turn on in court when the attorneys and judge have a sidebar so that no one else can hear what they're saying). This way, no one can gain...
  4. playahaitian

    Grown Man Talk: What attracts women the most? LOOKS vs. CHARM vs. MONEY?

    This was a topic of conversation today... What do you feel MOST attracts women TO YOU? Your LOOKS? Your CHARM/Sense of Humor? Your INTELLECT? Your MONEY/OCCUPATION? Sidebar: Do YOU feel being Black has HELPED you attract more women???