The Second Bill of Rights
How Franklin D. Roosevelt envisioned social and economic rights as human rights.
By Jill Priluck
Lapham’s Quarterly
JUNE 11, 2018
A few days after Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State of the Union address on January 11, 1944, New York Herald Tribune columnist Walter Lippmann...
Please read the article before voting.
Shift in medicine behind restroom rifts?
Matt Reed, Florida Today
May 4, 2016
Why is so much of America, including Brevard Public Schools, suddenly arguing over which public restrooms should be used by transgender people? They've always lived among us...
one mod here was clearly touched as a kid
op collects dick pics
op is a faggot.
op is a gay troll
op is the best
op swallows
op takes in the ass
op wants a reach around
political correctness