
  1. playahaitian

    Social Media Debate: When experts have to interact with the public who THINKS it knows better (is society getting dumber?)

  2. BlackGoku

    Scientists Tie 52 Genes to Human Intelligence

    From reading this article, one would deduce that the probability of you growing up in a better environment would increase your intelligence...:hmm: I would like to see more studies on how we can prevent diseases like Alzheimer's...
  3. BlackGoku

    Scientists Tie 52 Genes to Human Intelligence

    From reading this article, one would deduce that the probability of you growing up in a better environment would increase your intelligence...:hmm: I would like to see more studies on how we can prevent diseases like Alzheimer's...

    Social and Cultural Induced Ignorance Is A Science And Has A Name

    Agnotology This explains a lot of what has been going on in America. Ignorance and the celebration and promotion of ignorance. The behavioral society engineers are working overtime.