
  1. respiration

    Apple iOS 11.2.1 Is Causing Serious Problems

    I upgraded to iOS 11.2.1 last night, now my iPad battery is draining like crazy. Damn it, I should have googled first. *A word to the wise, iPhone and iPad owners don't upgrade to iOS 11.2.1. It's been causing battery drain issues across multiple devices...
  2. S

    Hack ANY device via bluetooth (ios/android/windows/linux) Blueborne hack

    I wonder how long goverments/NSA/GCHQ/hackers etc have known about this... The Blueborne hack can access the pictures/data/move mouse/turn on camera /turn on microphone on ANY device just so long as the target has their bluetooth turned on. Side note: reminds me of that scene in BvS when...
  3. kirkout

    Prosecutors access data from locked phones of 100 Trump protesters

    I don't if this was posted yet. I will delete if this is a repost... Prosecutors access data from locked phones of 100 Trump protesters Federal prosecutors are creating a cloud-based database full of personal data extracted from the locked phones of Trump protesters arrested on Inauguration...