mental health

  1. S

    Crazed man stabs Staten Island grandmother to death and slashes neighbor who tried to help

    LANK Moore suffered from bouts of rage, and had been hospitalized for abusing the drug angel dust, two of his sisters told the Daily News. “His anger was just building, building,” said one sibling...
  2. Camille

    How black people can emotionally protect themselves in the age of #BlackLivesMatter

    I often have to take a break from social media. Last year there was a time period where a week didn't go buy where someone unarmed wasn't getting shot or killed...
  3. Art Vandelay

    The Time Muhammad Ali Stopped a Man from Leaping to His Death

    I know there's a RIP thread but I think this story is cool enough for its own thread... remarkable in so many ways... wonder what happened to this guy. The Time Muhammad Ali Stopped a Man from Leaping to His Death In January 1981, the champ talked a man down from a ninth-floor ledge. By Josh...