police misconduct

  1. michigantoga

    Black Cop Showing Out For The Black Cop....

    Now this shit here won't even be reviewed for a couple of reasons. Straight to unemployment he go with a case!
  2. oolong tea

    Minneapolis Police kills Australian Becky after she calls 911- All Lives Matter Where Are You?

    Australian woman shot by cops Not saying it never happens but blue lives...
  3. Camille

    NYC Official Says Rape (by the STAFF) is Inevitable at Rikers Island

    NYC Official Says Rape is Inevitable at Rikers Island: If true, we cannot send anyone there SMH. The officers are corrupt and abusive but not in jail themselves??? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nick-malinowski/nyc-official-says-rape-is_b_10600320.html Worker in Brooklyn In the most recent...
  4. Camille

    Supreme Court Weakens Protections Against Unconstitutional Police Stops

    I have a feeling police are going to be seriously abusing this: Illegal stops followed by warrant searches in the hopes they catch someone... Oh, and I LOVE Justice Sotomayor. That is all...
  5. sammyjax

    US policing Hackers post private files of America's biggest police union

    Names and addresses of officers, forum posts critical of Barack Obama, and controversial contracts were posted online in the Fraternal Order of Police hack The Fraternal Order of Police’s president said the union had called in security contractors to investigate and the hack had been traced...