
  1. wwetv100

    T.I. Snubs Nicki Minaj for Lil Kim ON GOAT RAPPERS LIST

    https://www.worldwideentertainmenttv.com/t-i-explains-leaving-nicki-minaj-off-his-goat-rappers-list/ https://www.worldwideentertainmenttv.com/t-i-gives-his-top-50-goat-rappers/
  2. wwetv100

    Biz Markie Refuses To Give A GOAT LIST & MORE

    BIZ MARKIE TALKS Roxanne Shante Biopic on Netflix, Toronto Rappers, Juice Crew, and television! He also gives his reasons why he could not have top goat rapper list! https://www.worldwideentertainmenttv.com/biz-markie-talks-drake-throwback-fest-toronto-rappers/