sexual assult


    Woman gets finessed out of car by POF sex offender

    Northside Houston woman met a guy on POF on Thursday. According to the prevalent story on FB theysmashed on Friday and then he asked to exchange cars with her Friday night. He has used her car to make several drug runs to LA. After she posted the story it was found out that he is a convictedsex...
  2. godofwine

    #MeToo - US Navy Sailor Harassed After Witnessing An Admiral Sexually Assault A Female Shipmate

    Commander Louise Edwards knew she was a good sailor. Her service record spoke for itself. Second in her class at Annapolis, first in her class at Navy War College. She had received countless accommodations, and numerous medals, but at the moment none of that mattered. She had told the truth...

    Does Trump win = Loss for women?

    Unelectable Hillary could not even get women on her side. I wonder what the fallout will be for women's health and safety moving foward. They can't blame a Trump win on blacks not voting:tut:. The feminist are about to feel the pinch.