
  1. keone

    2024 got a message for yall

    Rip killagram he said that was his new shit lol smh
  2. Art Vandelay

    Will war be good for Trump? Can anybody stop him?

    The American left has shown it can end wars after the body counts get high enough but some of the biggest marches in history opposed the start of the Iraq war and most Americans rallied behind Bush, who was re-elected. This country loves cowboy foreign policy and I'm not sure Democrats or the...
  3. stretchwallz

    War of the Planet of the Apes (early review) spoilers

    I saw it Thursday night and I give it a C+ I thought Dawn and Rise of the apes were better films. War closely followed the biblical story of Exodus. Caesar is Moses and never makes it to the promise land. I'm calling a lot of people "Donkey" from now on... the CACs in the audience thought the...