
  1. DragonXJC

    4/20 Fast Food munchie deals

    For the smokers and undercover fat asses
  2. Heist

    Baltimore Residents Create a Real-Life "Hamsterdam" From The Wire

    BALTIMORE — James McEachin, center, a chaplain with Corner Rock Ministries, speaks with Rose Street Community Center leaders Clayton Guyton, left, and Walker Gladden, right, after acting as go-between with police at a marijuana smoke-in Sunday at E. Monument and N. Rose streets (Amy Davis /...
  3. Mt Airy Groove

    Marijuana Investors: Sessions will end policy that allowed marijuana to prosper

    Could be bad news for MJ stocks. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/367384-sessions-will-end-policy-that-allowed-marijuana-to-prosper-report Attorney General Jeff Sessions will end a policy that allowed legal marijuana to prosper in the United States, The Associated Press reported...
  4. playahaitian

    Money: How to Invest in Marijuana Legalization

    http://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/2016-03-17/how-to-invest-in-marijuana-legalization DENVER — In a nondescript industrial park in this city's Montbello neighborhood, employees at Medicine Man Production are hard at work harvesting marijuana. Wearing navy blue scrubs under bright...