
  1. Mask

    Super-weight slim down to heavyweight with welterweight in the crosshairs....a London Becky!!!

    "3 years ago I decided to change my life and I knew that the only solution is hard work and dedication. For years I've been trying different diets expecting immediate results however getting out of your comfort zone is the only way. I hated my legs a lot as I thought they are too big and I...
  2. Mask

    Ms. Darcel ~ mom, wife, Soldier & runner say she almost worked that c-section flap off!!!

  3. Mask

    Chunky pyt Keisha trying to get right!!!

    Man she has the ability to do something nice with those legs... Started week 3 of #PiYo today. There's not a huge difference, but there's definitely one in my tummy. Literally only 3.5lb difference here. Considering I ate everything in sight for about 3 days. 5 more weeks of PiYo, plus I...