‘Bro you make $42 an hr.’


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‘Bro you make $42 an hr.’ A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work​

by Matthew Gilligan
TikTokUPSSocks Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

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We all have to make certain sacrifices at our jobs.
Long drives, late hours, wearing uniforms, etc.
One UPS driver went on the record in a TikTok video and talked to viewers about how he has to buy his own socks for the job because of the company’s dress code policy.
Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 12.35.33 PM Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

Photo Credit: TikTok
The man who posted the video said that UPS drivers must buy socks with the UPS logo on them if they want to wear shorts on the job.

Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 12.36.15 PM Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

Photo Credit: TikTok
And you know how hot those trucks get in the summer, so there’s no doubt that a lot of UPS drivers go this route in order to try to stay cool.
Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 12.36.29 PM Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

Photo Credit: TikTok
Let’s take a look at the video.

And here’s what folks had to say about it.
This person doesn’t feel sorry for this guy.
Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 12.36.44 PM Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

Photo Credit: TikTok
Another individual stated the obvious…
Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 12.36.54 PM Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

Photo Credit: TikTok
And this TikTokker thinks they know what UPS really stands for.
Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 12.37.08 PM Bro you make $42 an hr. A UPS Driver Complained About Having To Buy His Own Socks For Work

Photo Credit: TikTok
It’s hard to feel sorry for this guy, but it does seem cheap of UPS.
Not sure what my ultimate feelings about this are, but let’s just say corporations should take care of their employees.
Yeah, that sounds good.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why should multi-billion dollar corporations be able to require someone to wear their branding and not be required to subsidize the uniform? Its not like he can wear his own shirts, socks, pants, etc.
That is a very specific uniform. They want you to wear it; they should pay for it.