“Nearly 1 in 5 LGBTQ adults have never come out, Gallup survey finds”

What sexual orientation tends to be the most homophobic?

  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Gay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lesbians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pan Sexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I see more white guys cosplaying as females in my city than ever before, and I see more females claiming "non-binary" because the feminist in them don't want to be called a man but they want to exhibit masculine traits so they just basically say "I'm neither" just to try to stand out.
The internet has been used as a tool of psychological warfare on the west to attempt population control and it is seriously working.
Women hate men so much they'd rather be in the woods with a bear.
Some men (especially whytes) want to claim victimhood so badly that they will pretend to be women for special privileges.
Some men have been fooled into thinking that not getting pussy is a better option. (Yeah, go your own way)
Now, bullshit articles like this come out to re-write the past and say that its always been this way, people were just "closeted" about it.

The rest of the world wants little to do with western culture because they see how fucked up it is and they don't want that shit rubbing off.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Come out to where? What you do behind close doors ain't nobody's business.
It's nobody's damned business who they're fucking. They talk about coming out of the closet, nobody put them in the damn closet but themselves

If you don't have a level of fuck you in you to tell anybody who got a problem with what the fuck you do maybe you don't deserve to date.

That said, I need to know why gay men need to speak with that fake ass 'no bass or baritone in their voice at all' voice. It's fake and stupid. Talking like that don't make you gay. Stop acting like you saw every episode of Will & Grace and determined, "this is how gay guys are supposed to act." Just be yourself

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
It's nobody's damned business who they're fucking. They talk about coming out of the closet, nobody put them in the damn closet but themselves

If you don't have a level of fuck you in you to tell anybody who got a problem with what the fuck you do maybe you don't deserve to date.

That said, I need to know why gay men need to speak with that fake ass 'no bass or baritone in their voice at all' voice. It's fake and stupid. Talking like that don't make you gay. Stop acting like you saw every episode of Will & Grace and determined, "this is how gay guys are supposed to act." Just be yourself
I always wanted to know why they ALL have that "accent"...one day I will ask one and of course instead of answer they will call me homophobic.
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Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Either you support and embrace homosexuality, you are a homosexual or you have a phobia about being a homosexual.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two things.

1. Not everybody needs to come out, it is perfectly fine to keep your sexuality to yourself, provided you are not lying to anybody that you plan on being in a relationship or intimate with it.

2. I think a sizeable bit of society was moving toward seeing homosexuality as no big deal and then we all got hit with the rise of Transgenderism and many people could not wrap their heads around things such as "pronouns", "gender identity", "non-binary", men in dress and heels, men (FTM trans) being pregnant or seeing a biological woman get destroyed in MMA, Swimming and track by trannies and that probably halted a lot of progress, socially for the LGBTQ.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I always wanted to know why they ALL have that "ancent"...one day I will ask one and of course instead of answer they will call me homophobic.
I swear to God I want to ask one day. I just want to ask one gay dude one day this fucking question
Two things.

1. Not everybody needs to come out, it is perfectly fine to keep your sexuality to yourself, provided you are not lying to anybody that you plan on being in a relationship or intimate with it.

2. I think a sizeable bit of society was moving toward seeing homosexuality as no big deal and then we all got hit with the rise of Transgenderism and many people could not wrap their heads around things such as "pronouns", "gender identity", "non-binary", men in dress and heels, men (FTM trans) being pregnant or seeing a biological woman get destroyed in MMA, Swimming and track by trannies and that probably halted a lot of progress, socially for the LGBTQ.
This transgender shit is bullshit. A bunch of motherfuckers who don't like the way they were born so they want to complain about it and get us to accept them as they think they are when they couldn't even accept themselves for themselves. Fuck out of here


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I swear to God I want to ask one day. I just want to ask one gay dude one day this fucking question

This transgender shit is bullshit. A bunch of motherfuckers who don't like the way they were born so they want to complain about it and get us to accept them as they think they are when they couldn't even accept themselves for themselves. Fuck out of here

The poor girl, in the blue, quit the match after 45 seconds because she got hit by a tranny and wasn't about to allow herself to get fucked up.

I fully believe shit like this moved a lot of moderates to conservatives and even pushed some liberals to the right. Even me, who generally was a leftist has moved more to the center. I love women's sports, I'm watching gymnastics right now, I don't wanna see a dude in a leotard on the uneven bars.


The one true God
BGOL Patreon Investor
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
- Matthew 5:28

THUS-- whensoever a man looketh on another man to lust after him, he hath committed faggotry already in his heart.

Woefully, I tell you this: the number is much higher than 1 out of 5.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
The poor girl, in the blue, quit the match after 45 seconds because she got hit by a tranny and wasn't about to allow herself to get fucked up.

I fully believe shit like this moved a lot of moderates to conservatives and even pushed some liberals to the right. Even me, who generally was a leftist has moved more to the center. I love women's sports, I'm watching gymnastics right now, I don't wanna see a dude in a leotard on the uneven bars.

This is some bullshit. They're going to let some man compete in the Olympics against women? That's fucked up


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
The women who are competing in boxing should boycott .
There's a bunch of chatter right now so much that I don't know what the truth is. The person failed a gender test with XY Chromosomes.

The simple test would be if it has a prostate. Women don't have a prostate, so if you have a prostate you shouldn't be able to compete. Hormone levels, whatever, but prostate means man

This is supposedly a picture of Imane Khelif as a kid

https://x.com/ bez962/status/1819050414521655757?t=brmRKlL9hXCyDv6VYbRaXA&s=19


It's nobody's damned business who they're fucking. They talk about coming out of the closet, nobody put them in the damn closet but themselves

If you don't have a level of fuck you in you to tell anybody who got a problem with what the fuck you do maybe you don't deserve to date.

That said, I need to know why gay men need to speak with that fake ass 'no bass or baritone in their voice at all' voice. It's fake and stupid. Talking like that don't make you gay. Stop acting like you saw every episode of Will & Grace and determined, "this is how gay guys are supposed to act." Just be yourself
It’s involuntary….it’s a demon on them that make them involuntarily speak like that


OP might be one of them

This why I made the poll.

If down low fags are the ones who talk about not liking fags or have a disdain for fags or don’t like them or are bothered by their open flamboyant behavior then wouldn’t that mean homosexuals are the most “homophobic”?

If it ain’t heterosexuals that are doing it then that means it is homosexuals doing it. So why would heterosexuals get labeled with the crown of being most homophobic if down low fags are the ones doing it? :idea:


Transnational Member
I believe this statistic, many of them will chase me around gay stalking, obsessed about what I'm doing. They suffocate you to death making it impossible for you to do anything.

They try to gain access to as much information about you as possible, even though you've never talked to them before. I had a few that ran off to some country anticipating that I would show up.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Ill take


important to fags that nobody else cares about,


FAGS BE LIKE...Im COMMMMING OUT:clown:clown:clown:bike::bike::bike::bike::bike::bravo::bravo::bravo::bravo::clown:xmaslights::xmaslights::xmaslights::xmaslights::dance2::dance2::dance2::dance2::dance2::dance2::dance2::dance2::dance2:

The rest of the normal world be LIKE:

That part. Coming out of the closet that no one put them in but themselves and throwing a party on it.

No one cares who you fuck. As long as it ain't some kids or via rape no one gives a fuck.


Transnational Member
We need to expand the definition of gay loving. If you obsess about some guy that don't know you, you are bisexual.

Posting YouTube videos targeting them.
Accessing their information so you can gay stalk them.

I obsess about women and fantasize about being in a heterosexual relationship with them.