2024 College Football. Week 2. Colorado takes a Beatdown from Nebraska. Texas smashed Michigan and Notre Dame loses to NIU.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
That was the dumbest thing I heard all year when they mentioned that.

This is the same dude that cried like a baby and praised Jim Harbaugh from winning one game being the interim

I knew before I even googled

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Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Switched to the choke job from Cinny and realized high pitch Acho is doing the game. They cut Griffin for him ?!?

BTW the Tulane K-state game is wild.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Lmbaoooo at Notre Dame you sorry faggots!!!!!!!! How the fuck are these Catholic trash bitch niggas ranked higher than Oregon? Sorry as fuck


Rising Star
OG Investor
Lmbaoooo at Notre Dame you sorry faggots!!!!!!!! How the fuck are these Catholic trash bitch niggas ranked higher than Oregon? Sorry as fuck
Accountants giving the Lawyers all the smoke. I guess Oregon is known for producing journalists and Nikes.