208 movies a yr for $336..the deal that could save theatres that exist but they never push.. amc a-list pass for $28 month


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I haven't been to the movies in so long that I'm not sure what tickets cost now. What they tryin to charge these days?
Depends on what state.. I believe $15 or more( well nyc I think it’s closer to $20).. also prices diff during the day, I think first showings in the morning are like 20-25 percent off, than I think tues are discounted prices.. this nyc other places may vary and are pretty much less
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah, because I got a lot of theaters in Philly that are easy to get to.

While I probably won't go as often but going the amount of times that you said would be worth it.

you go twice? You already ahead. And after 8 movies you got upgraded.

And with the no booking fees and ability to see IMAX it should be a positive