3 Black passengers sue American Airlines


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

3 Black passengers sue American Airlines after alleging racial discrimination following odor complaint

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, claims that as American Airlines Flight 832 from Phoenix to New York was boarding in January, American Airlines employees removed eight Black men from the plane allegedly over a complaint about "offensive body odor."


Video central to the lawsuit displayed a group of Black men who were not traveling together and did not know each other being removed from the flight. According to the suit, they were the only Black passengers on the flight.

Emmanuel Jean Joseph, Alvin Jackson and Xavier Veal — the three plaintiffs— were on a connecting flight from Los Angeles. The three allege that at no point throughout the other flight did any employee from American Airlines say anything to them about an offensive odor.

Jean Joseph told CBS News senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave that as he gathered his belongings and walked to the jet bridge, he noticed that only Black men were being removed from the flight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hope they have video evidence.
At least one of them does.

Jean Joseph told CBS News senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave that as he gathered his belongings and walked to the jet bridge, he noticed that only Black men were being removed from the flight. "I started freaking out," Xavier Veal said. He decided to record the incident on his phone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At least one of them does.

Jean Joseph told CBS News senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave that as he gathered his belongings and walked to the jet bridge, he noticed that only Black men were being removed from the flight. "I started freaking out," Xavier Veal said. He decided to record the incident on his phone.
Good I hope they take AA to the cleaners.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hope the other 5 join the suit and...break it off in AA..tell stockholders cry/mandatory racial sensitivity training for all.

Chanel...isn't ready..



Rising Star
Something isn't adding up here cause if there was a strong smell of body odor, the flight attendant or whomever should be able to pinpoint the exact location or area of where the smell is coming from in a confine space such as an aircraft.

Since when did we go back to the Jim Crow era?


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Then let them back on the plane after they couldn't find another flight?

Story is just wild.

That attendant had to be one of them flaming racist mofos


Rising Star
Then let them back on the plane after they couldn't find another flight?

Story is just wild.

That attendant had to be one of them flaming racist mofos
The worst part is that they were seated in different parts of the plane and were all strangers to one another. That level of racism is astonishing and almost unbelievable. They need to show a picture of the flight attendant.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
not that it happend here but cacs, especially dwight boise,

LOVE to do shit like, SWAT a dude, where they have a whole swat team,

show up to your house on some false charges....

I can see someone, filing a complaint KNOWING AMERICAN AIRLINES

WOULD HAVE A KNEE JERK REACTION, and overreact without any evidence...

So American Airlines havent spoken UP on the issue, when it takes THIS long for them to respond,

THEY KNOW THEY FUCKED UP!!!! and most likely trying to get together their alibi NOW because this shit

was a fuckin CRIME...

bruhs paid for their seats, and got NO SERVICE and PUBLICALLY RIDICULED, yea that check GOIN TO BE LOVELY..LOL

and rightfully so..

THEY GOING TO BE FLYIN FIRST CLASS FOR A LONG TIME..thanks to the stupidity of american airlines.. :lol:


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor

American Airlines CEO says the removal of several Black passengers from a flight was 'unacceptable'​

@playahaitian @blackpepper


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor

American Airlines CEO says the removal of several Black passengers from a flight was 'unacceptable'​

@playahaitian @blackpepper
OK for the CEO to say that they have to open up their checkbook a little bit and settle with them men.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Not to be that dude, but there was a few cats I worked with in West Africa that smelled like 1000 skid row hobo's. One dude smelled so bad, that when they put his coveralls in the wash with yours, your shit would come out of a 90 degree C industrial laundry machine and smell like he was wearing your shit all day.

Two cats like this fucked up an entire boat. Instead of sharing a 8 man room, they split up and forced 14 of us to suffer for 14 hours back to shore. I understand. Oh, and the white south Africans were just a tick below. :smh: :smh: