…. aaaaand a member gives credence to yet another metrosexual topic by OP …..Aight..here's the hood version...
3 things attractive women hate about single men .
1. They hate a single bruh with no money (for them)..gifts, expensive dinners, getaways, etc..
2. They hate a single brotha who they FEEL negatively influences another brotha who's in a relationship. Aka the bad influence (I've played that role for years..lol)
3. They hate a brotha who doesn't see them as an internet model..just a chick who likes to take endless pics..
…. aaaaand a member gives credence to yet another metrosexual topic by OP …..
Can't give a person what they want if they don't know what they want and what they think they want changes frequently.
Can I add? Want they want they also hate. Wack personality women like an "ain't shit" dude because they hold the power in the relationship, but get upset when he actually lives up to his role of being an "ain't shit" dude.
op wants to fuck an attractive chick
A dude who truly has his shit together can hold her accountable.
That's why the best thing a man can do when it involves women is work on being the best man he can be FOR HIMSELF.
*two cents*
Okay Failed Mentalist. You got me again. Let me break these points down one by one.
1. They don't know how to make her feel sexually attracted
Or maybe it's just not that much of a priority to them. Most single men would rather focus on their careers, hobbies, obligations, etc than spend time chasing ass.
2. They are too easy to impress
In other words, they don't want to have to work that hard to get laid. You want to put out? Great! You don't? NEXT.......
3. They place her above themselves in terms of value and dominance
No they don't! If they did they wouldn't be single.
The biggest flaw of this article is they assume that single men feel like miserable failures if they don't have a significant other. That's simply not true. Marriage in any form is a lifestyle choice, not an achievement.
2. Men are way too easy to impress.
Men are impressed by her beauty she never had to prove anything else to them.
I haven't watched pulp fiction in a while...might cue it up...What attractive women hate about single men....
The men that they want don't want them. Thus, they are single.
*two cents*
Um who doesn't want to fuck an attractive woman?
BTW the word "chick" is suspect but i digress.
You want to fuck unattractive women? You want to fuck something that looks like Jabba the Hut and a bull frog had a baby?
The biggest flaw of this article is they assume that single men feel like miserable failures if they don't have a significant other. That's simply not true. Marriage in any form is a lifestyle choice, not an achievement.
A dude who truly has his shit together can hold her accountable.
That's why the best thing a man can do when it involves women is work on being the best man he can be FOR HIMSELF.
*two cents*
These hit dogs are hollerin.
These bitches priced themselves out of a market they aren't even in. These buy here-pay here hoes want to be treated like showroom-new whips.The list was all things to spin the fact that they fucked up their value on the market by being stuck up, unapproachable, uninteresting and entitled. This list also confirms exactly what THEY need to do to make men want to risk half their shit to deal with them beyond sex. In short, the baddest bitches getting ghosted by regular ass dudes now.
Today's women have no value beyond sex. Hence, why the baddest bitches cant get married, whilst the solid, normal chicks are. Who the fuck gonnna take any bitch seriously who just photographed her salad? LMAO! I just told a chick i dont do weave or tattoos and she was shocked at how such a short list eliminated sooooooo many women. I aint even THAT picky, i just have standards: no fake bitches. That means you cant have long ass glued on nails, no weave, no green haired bitches, no implants, injections and no ridiculous social media presence for no damn reason, In other words, like yourself.
Being pretty isnt getting them what it used to. Pretty is the new associates degree: no real market for it because everybody can do it. Men aint dating, let alone wifing women anymore. We've seen the risks and the damage that shit does. You have an insecure, attention-whoring, selfish, confused, desperate chick trying to tell men where we must improve to better deal with them. Cry for help. Wont work.
Simply solution to this whoretastrophy is these bitches need to humble themselves.