4.4 magnitude earthquake rattles Los Angeles and beyond


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@Dr. Truth looking at his policy with no earthquake coverage like...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Working on a second floor 15 miles from epicenter and the building didn't roll this time. That shit was a strong jolt. It hit on a long fault too.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
No it ain’t nigga, lol.
There’s a reason only 25% of California home owners carry this bullshit. It’s expensive as hell and depending on the value of your home you’re not going to be able to use it. Most earthquake damage is going to be less than 100k . If you want to pay 5% for a deductible your monthly payments are going to be in the thousands. You’re going to come out of pocket to fix your house and still pay a worthless policy that has a big ass deductible? For my house at 20% it’s 280k

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There’s a reason only 25% of California home owners carry this bullshit. It’s expensive as hell and depending on the value of your home you’re not going to be able to use it. Most earthquake damage is going to be less than 100k . If you want to pay 5% for a deductible your monthly payments are going to be in the thousands. You’re going to come out of pocket to fix your house and still pay a worthless policy that has a big ass deductible? For my house at 20% it’s 280k
Real bosses get that 5% deductible. Make it happen!