420lb Power Slap champion knocked out bodybuilding YouTuber Larry Wheels


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Larry put his whole head and neck out there, he shouldve stood UPRIGHT, held his chin in,

he made it

TOOOOO EASY... lots of big dudes are just big, no real strength or stamina.... lifting heavy weights,

and throwing a heavy punch are two different things, lots of overly big dudes are pillow punchers,

best to be athletic SLEEK and punch like a fuckin BRICK HANDED CHAMP!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I watched that shit on ESPN and I just couldn't understand it and why? And all them dudes are big block heads punch slapping each other.

Muscles don't mean shit but just that muscle.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That was a bad idea from jump assuming that the bodybuilder doesn't do that shit on the side. Would be like an NFL TE doing a punch for punch contest with a ranked heavyweight boxer.


He had NO technique.
You can't come into someone's profession and think
you can outclass them cause you are strong. Idiot