6 West African Nations REJECT French "ECO" Currency!


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
"Bismark" is wrong.... The CFA requires the subject African to deposit 85% of their reserves in France. He speaks of the CFA as if it is a favour to Africa. This fellow is ignorant


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member



Staff member

I'll put these on my to watch list. :cool:


International Member
Yeah France doing some fuck shit
They are still on that colonizers bullshit
Taking all the money

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
thats some great news.. now hopefully they will start backin

up the bully that is France ..

do folks really know how many African Leaders were murdered by France..??

hopefully this will lead to More Unity and a United States of Africa would be a reality and not just a conversation piece...
Yeah, they need to leverage some of that Chinese connection shit and not allow themselves to be exploited yet again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm new to the topic, but seems that the so called Francophone countries are getting fed up with the French presence in their country.

France has been irrelevant for more than two centuries now, its relevance is above all strictly related to the .... White Supremacy. A little dosage of History this country was en empire with napoleon and it ended with him in 1815. After that their presence around the globe in places like Vietnam, Pacific Islands (tahiti ...) and of course Africa was due to one thing, and one thing only : they went there because the powerful cousin of the moment the REAL ruler was ok with that.

In a chronogical order it means Great Britain after they kicked napoleon's ass in 1815 , Germany from 1871 when they kicked napoleon the third ass , Great Britain and the US from 1914 with the first world war and the US only since 1945. To put it straight when you see that country somewhere it only means that there is an .... enabler above because this country is economically, culturally, politically obsolete.

So when france came to Africa around 1880 as an Empire in reality they are a "FAKE" empire but a real PARASITE, keep in mind that back then when we were talking about industrialized nations it was just 3 or 4 countries (US, England, Germany and far behind France) so the rule was like, the globe is our big cake and each of those nations had their part at their convenience.

Whenever you're dealing with a french you have to keep in mind that you're facing some kind of mystification, because more than a playbook that's their way of life , they're notoriously incompetent it's as simple as that. So back then, they played on that confusion among people of color who saw white people as one and a single group, and you had those french playing that part to the fullest despite being mentally and economically far ...far ... ...far ... far behind their anglo saxon cousins.

As masters of mystification and emperors of hypocrisy a french system is based on the pretense that his model is better than the anglo saxon's one far from that wild wild west capitalism. It's the so called Freedom Equality and Fraternity (Liberté , Egalité et Fraternité) in fact that's a way to hide their incompetence by saying firms don't dictate our lives just the state which provides for everyone...........BUT a quick look and some good questions like who is the state ? who are those leading that bureaucracy and where do they come from ?

and you'll see the UGLY truth a small clique leading the country.

Once you understood that you'll comprehend how they operate as colonial ruler instead of a small clique you have an ethnic group that is demographically a minority (don't forget they must be under total control absolutely dependent) therefore that's small group will
agree with the presence of a military base. And again in that anti anglo saxon way of thinking you have the fact that in a french model major corporates and the private sector MUST NOT HAVE THE LAST WORD I repeat MUST NOT HAVE THE LAST WORD too dangerous !!!

The administration , the bureaucracy have the last world easily you can control them it's not the case with the market which needs performance plus with the market you have something VERY VERY VERY dangerous coming along COMPETENCE !!!

Their fake currency the Franc CFA is the last layer above all those mentioned above .... the problem is that again the model to exist needed that cold war reality with a divided world instead of that it's facing its WORST NIGHTMARE GLOBALIZATION. There is no ENABLERS anymore wich means CHECK MATE !!!!

It's over for that country what you witnessing when watching is its collapse


Staff member
I just did a quick scan of your post, I'm going to read it more in depth soon.
But my one take away from your piece was how you called France a fake empire and a real parasite.

I've only been studying the topic for the past year, but I was surprised at how much influence France has in that region, I never thought of them as any kind of major power and the more I read the more I concluded they they are nothing more than a bunch of parasites feeding off the so called Francophone countries, draining their resources and running those countries into the ground.

So when France came to Africa around 1880 as an Empire in reality they are a "FAKE" empire but a real PARASITE, keep in mind that back then when we were talking about industrialized nations it was just 3 or 4 countries (US, England, Germany and far behind France) so the rule was like, the globe is our big cake and each of those nations had their part at their convenience.
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Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I'm new to the topic, but seems that the so called Francophone countries are getting fed up with the French presence in their country.

They have always been fed up with the bullshit. Basically France foresaw the impending independence movement,
and moved to yoke the 14 Franco countries with the so-called Franco African Pact, that mandated among many
other indignities that these 14 countries must deposit 85% of their foreign earnings in two designated French
banks. If they wanted to use this money for national development, they had to borrow it from these banks at
commercial rate, The only money they could use without French assent was the15%. They are also required to host
French military garrisons at their own expense. France has the right to rescind and alter any international economic
deal they make. Case in point: in the last 20 years, Ivory Coast wanted to build a bridge. It struck a deal for China to
build the bridge; it would cost $150 million, all to be paid in cocoa, which Ivory Coast is the number 1 producer of. France
heard of this, cancelled the deal, implosed a French company, jacked up the coast $237million, to be paid in US
dollars. By these shenanigans, France has taken control of telecommunications infrastructure. etc in the Francophones;
It wantonly plunders the uranium of Niger, to power its electricity generation, which is 70% nuclear. Years ago, the
president of the oil producing Congo Brazza told France that it was changing the terms of oil mining. Congo Brazza
would keep more of the profit that France. That president, an intellectual called Pascal Lisouba, was replaced by a
near dumb coon called Dennis Sasso Nguesso, who had been installed by the French government, and acceded to
their terms of plunder. This is the modus operandus of France in Africa. The 14 Francophone countries constitute
a small portion of the 54 countries in Africa, but they account for about 75% of the military coups. The Francophone
countries are the poorest countries in Africa because of being looted by France. Their leaders, such as the revolutionary.
Thomas Sankara, have risen againt France, and been deposed for it....

This guy may be a Republican, but he is telling the truth in this:

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just did a quick scan of your post, I'm going to read it more in depth soon.
But my one take away from your piece was how you called France a fake empire and a real parasite.

I've only been studying the topic for the past year, but I was surprised at how much influence France has in that region, I never thought of them as any kind of major power and the more I read the more I concluded they they are nothing more than a bunch of parasites feeding off the so called Francophone countries, draining their resources and running those countries into the ground.

You nailed it "never thought of them as any kind of major power" just think about this, a country that has not been relevant for more than two centuries but acts , behaves like it's among the major players on this planet .... WHY ?

They are one of the permanent member of the security council at the united nations which originally represented world war two winners, BUT Hitler tore that ass in just 6 weeks, no 6 months or 6 years JUST IN 6 DAMN WEEKS !!!! . They collaborated with those Nazis sending children, families to those camps even when Germans didn't ask for it ...

The conference of Berlin which took place in 1884 is the foundation of the current African countries, geographically speaking , at that meeting you had England, Germany and France.

Great Britain was the US back then, a naval empire with territories all over the world, with as strong point : commerce
Germany was the emerging new continental power with what will become the standard for western economies : heavy industries
Those two powerhouses had nothing in common EXCEPT.................. THEY BOTH BEAT THE HELL out of the THIRD PARTICIPANT : France
In the early 1800s with Waterloo 1815 britons' victory and in 1871, marking the end of the franco-prussian war Bismarck's victory.

To put it simple a guy got his ass kicked by both of his neighbors on the right and the left but in his VERY VERY VERY DEEP RACIST SICK MIND thinks that he is above those Negroes. Once you comprehend that you'll understand, what is crucial when it comes to france establishing itself in Africa.

French came to the continent full of bitterness looking for a way to lie to themselves about some kind of "grandeur" (greatness) , more than anything that continent was/is a way to hide what a COWARD he really is. So as a GREAT sell out among the sell out, he is like a dog capable of detecting another sell out miles miles miles away. He used that technique to recruit a minority ethnic group ( the more ignorant ... the better) and gave them money, power (fake power !!!) and then you end up with a solid system where .........THE WEAK PREVAILS !!!

Nzinga gave a good example with what they did to Lisouba in Congo Brazzaville those military bases are there to make sure that their fake currency the Fcfa is used.

Seriously what kind of military protection a country that was defeated by our brothers in Haiti twice late 1700s early 1800s , by the Mexicans around the 1860s, by Vietnam in 1954 , by Algeria in 1956 can bring to the table !!!!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
France had a single colony, "French West Africa", governed from Dakar. At independence it was divided into several independent nations - which the French ensured were small and weak.


Student of Kogalee_Muhammad
France would be like Spain, Portugal, Greece if it did not have
African resources to rape.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, that if Africa stop tooting its booty up and opening it up for France, and unite and fight them white luciferian devils off, they could not rape ANY of africa's resources. Africans like black people in america, have to unite and fight this white devil off as they are dying out. Africa has to get over its fear of the white devils in france, take notes from the Hatian revolution and how THEY fought them French Vanilla damn devils off, and fight them french faggits the fuck off instead of yelling "Jambo" when the french come.


Rising Star
OG Investor
You nailed it "never thought of them as any kind of major power" just think about this, a country that has not been relevant for more than two centuries but acts , behaves like it's among the major players on this planet .... WHY ?

They are one of the permanent member of the security council at the united nations which originally represented world war two winners, BUT Hitler tore that ass in just 6 weeks, no 6 months or 6 years JUST IN 6 DAMN WEEKS !!!! . They collaborated with those Nazis sending children, families to those camps even when Germans didn't ask for it ...

The conference of Berlin which took place in 1884 is the foundation of the current African countries, geographically speaking , at that meeting you had England, Germany and France.

Great Britain was the US back then, a naval empire with territories all over the world, with as strong point : commerce
Germany was the emerging new continental power with what will become the standard for western economies : heavy industries
Those two powerhouses had nothing in common EXCEPT.................. THEY BOTH BEAT THE HELL out of the THIRD PARTICIPANT : France
In the early 1800s with Waterloo 1815 britons' victory and in 1871, marking the end of the franco-prussian war Bismarck's victory.

To put it simple a guy got his ass kicked by both of his neighbors on the right and the left but in his VERY VERY VERY DEEP RACIST SICK MIND thinks that he is above those Negroes. Once you comprehend that you'll understand, what is crucial when it comes to france establishing itself in Africa.

French came to the continent full of bitterness looking for a way to lie to themselves about some kind of "grandeur" (greatness) , more than anything that continent was/is a way to hide what a COWARD he really is. So as a GREAT sell out among the sell out, he is like a dog capable of detecting another sell out miles miles miles away. He used that technique to recruit a minority ethnic group ( the more ignorant ... the better) and gave them money, power (fake power !!!) and then you end up with a solid system where .........THE WEAK PREVAILS !!!

Nzinga gave a good example with what they did to Lisouba in Congo Brazzaville those military bases are there to make sure that their fake currency the Fcfa is used.

Seriously what kind of military protection a country that was defeated by our brothers in Haiti twice late 1700s early 1800s , by the Mexicans around the 1860s, by Vietnam in 1954 , by Algeria in 1956 can bring to the table !!!!!!!
gr8 breakdown


Rising Star
OG Investor
They have always been fed up with the bullshit. Basically France foresaw the impending independence movement,
and moved to yoke the 14 Franco countries with the so-called Franco African Pact, that mandated among many
other indignities that these 14 countries must deposit 85% of their foreign earnings in two designated French
banks. If they wanted to use this money for national development, they had to borrow it from these banks at
commercial rate, The only money they could use without French assent was the15%. They are also required to host
French military garrisons at their own expense. France has the right to rescind and alter any international economic
deal they make. Case in point: in the last 20 years, Ivory Coast wanted to build a bridge. It struck a deal for China to
build the bridge; it would cost $150 million, all to be paid in cocoa, which Ivory Coast is the number 1 producer of. France
heard of this, cancelled the deal, implosed a French company, jacked up the coast $237million, to be paid in US
dollars. By these shenanigans, France has taken control of telecommunications infrastructure. etc in the Francophones;
It wantonly plunders the uranium of Niger, to power its electricity generation, which is 70% nuclear. Years ago, the
president of the oil producing Congo Brazza told France that it was changing the terms of oil mining. Congo Brazza
would keep more of the profit that France. That president, an intellectual called Pascal Lisouba, was replaced by a
near dumb coon called Dennis Sasso Nguesso, who had been installed by the French government, and acceded to
their terms of plunder. This is the modus operandus of France in Africa. The 14 Francophone countries constitute
a small portion of the 54 countries in Africa, but they account for about 75% of the military coups. The Francophone
countries are the poorest countries in Africa because of being looted by France. Their leaders, such as the revolutionary.
Thomas Sankara, have risen againt France, and been deposed for it....

This guy may be a Republican, but he is telling the truth in this:

so sad. but then again God is not an idiot. inspite of all their looting and plundering, see what's going on there now? they have nothing to show for all that they stole and continue to steal from Africa