80th Anniversary of Port Chicago explosion , over 200 Black Soldiers died based on white officers seeing which Blacks would blow themselves up first.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Folks are really clueless bout how deep race hate goes in this country/it's more subtle prevalence still in the u.s. military...




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Fuck that need to be sending their family checks for wrongful arrest, imprisonment, being discharged, cutting off their military benefits, etc.. they pay holocaust victims who weren’t even in this country, we’ll pay the soldiers who dealt with racism and harmful environments

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Fuck that need to be sending their family checks for wrongful arrest, imprisonment, being discharged, cutting off their military benefits, etc.. they pay holocaust victims who weren’t even in this country, we’ll pay the soldiers who dealt with racism and harmful environments
Remember what Tim Scott said. It’s funny that these faggots act like everything is about slavery ignoring the millions of atrocities that have happened way after slavery ended .


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Remember what Tim Scott said. It’s funny that these faggots act like everything is about slavery ignoring the millions of atrocities that have happened way after slavery ended .
There’s probably 90 percent more things we will never know… they wait decades sometimes centuries for generations to die out b4 they finally admit to certain things and even than they don’t go into dark details about the situations. By than the generation that hears about it have zero understanding and attachment to them cause they weren’t there or going through it.. kinda like our generation first world wide pandemic, people have read about all the plagues from hundreds to thousands yrs ago but until they went through it they truly didn’t understand the horror. you saw how shook people were with it imagine centuries ago where they had less tech, less Medincine, less communication, etc