A doctor has been serving one of Baltimore’s poorest neighborhoods for decades — and if his patients can’t pay, that’s OK with him.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Dope story !!!
I ain't even going to lie, I can't work for free, I just don't have that kind of caring and compassion in me.
I applaud his efforts, so I am going to drop 100 in his gofundme
At least you kept it real, while I wouldn't work for free either, I don't mind trying to help people for free who need it.

But your generously goes a long way of wanting to help him saying you're going to drop 100 to donate for him.

This elder is getting a lot in return for helping others that don't even know him, goes to show there's a lot of compassion people in this world.