A must listen! This guy has a great channel in general.
Some of you non-ADOS need to hear this one as well.
Some of you non-ADOS need to hear this one as well.
Oh shit. Mentioned Obama. This won't go over well.
Good post.
I agree with alot of what he said, specially about reparations in that first video. I dont see why reparations couldnt be in cash payments as well as things like free higher education.
I disagree with most of what he said in the 2nd video. The idea that ados shouldn't have a non ados speak on their behalf politically sounds logical at first but on a federal level there are no ados candidates. So what then? I dont believe this game is about who a candidate identifies with on a personal level. Not here to tell ados how to fight their political battles but thats how i see it.
For now, but it will be interesting how well he holds up. As the left moves more that way, Obama's politics just don't hold up. It was clear in that debate when they threw him under the bus behind Biden, but that was a bit too soon for such a master politician.Is Obama still untouchable on this board?
Who a candidate identifies with a personal level heavily influences for whom that candidate will fight for. A candidate who is a child of immigrants and identifies as such will fight for immigrants and their interests. A candidate who is ADOS and identifies as such will fight for us and our interests.
That sounds logical but it only holds up on the local level.
The higher up the political food chain you go, the less of "your guys" you will find.
The strategy needs to be different on the state and federal level to still have the influence you are looking for.
Appreciate that brother's vids. He well pointed out how America wants ADOS to be the bottom caste.Respect to the real ADOS allies.
This guy is a nutcase.
Could you articulate that lil better.This guy is a nutcase.
I dont even stress these characters anymore. They're just trolls with no counterargument at all.No, he's exposing how a lot of black immigrants play the same game as the white immigrants before them - throw ADOS black people under the bus as a means of climbing the social ladder.
Go check out the alt-right-esque post that Hotlantan (Nigerian immigrant I believe) posted here, and how he specifically tagged me, @Soul On Ice , and @KingTaharqa in it, because we're among the top ADOS defenders on this board.
No, he's exposing how a lot of black immigrants play the same game as the white immigrants before them - throw ADOS black people under the bus as a means of climbing the social ladder.
Go check out the alt-right-esque post that Hotlantan (Nigerian immigrant I believe) posted here, and how he specifically tagged me, @Soul On Ice , and @KingTaharqa in it, because we're among the top ADOS defenders on this board.
No, he's exposing how a lot of black immigrants play the same game as the white immigrants before them - throw ADOS black people under the bus as a means of climbing the social ladder.
Go check out the alt-right-esque post that Hotlantan (Nigerian immigrant I believe) posted here, and how he specifically tagged me, @Soul On Ice , and @KingTaharqa in it, because we're among the top ADOS defenders on this board.
Could you articulate that lil better.
Cause for now you're just talking out your ass
so this cat is Haitian?....that explains a few things
No diss to the noncoon Haitian BGOlers
Yes he's a Haitian American Trump supporter from Queens NY.
I understand why Haitian dude is pro trump. The clintons fucked over Haiti something serious.
However it's interesting he's talking down to AA about taking government benefits and "handouts" while Haitians don't take "handouts" from the government.
The reason many Haitians are here in America to not take "handouts" is because of said government. Just something to think about.
Isn’t Mr Met from Queens as well?
A must listen! This guy has a great channel in general.
Some of you non-ADOS need to hear this one as well.