Abdul ‘Duke’ Fakir, last of the original Four Tops, is dead at 88

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I have been playing their records since I was in single digits. One thing about my family. They knew I was going to touch all that shit. So my aunt made the concerted effort to teach me how to use the equipment. At first it was the 8 track, tuner and the turn table. We had a whole lot of 45's. Damn those things could fly. I'll never forget when we first got a cassette player. I must have been about 7 or 8. Those are the times the 4 tops remind me of. Good times...good times. Grandma was alive and well. The Four Tops. music will forever remain in my brain as a reminder of happy times. Rest in peace to those brothers.