Add Them to the Coon Train


BGOL Legend
I'm just going to LOVE the long look on these faces of ALL these trump worshiping idiots! I'm also going to love it when these boot-licking BGOL maga faggits crawl back into their holes after Kamala wins! It's going to be joyous, lol!
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We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
We are probably the most confused people on the planet. She said that she has a "combination" in her family. And the guy goes to the Garden of Eden? Some of us have childlike minds regardless of age.

Where's the nation called "Black" at ? Because I've never seen it, nor have I ever been there.

I'd like to hope that they are both just greedy bastards, and that they are capitalizing off MAGA idiots. I can get with that, I guess... it make sense. Take their money, fuck'em. But I really believe that they believe what they are saying, which is sad.