I think he is trying to say that overwhelmingly black women try to conform to the European standard of beauty as opposed to white women conforming to African beauty. I'm not knocking the sisters because they suffer from the same generational and systematic brainwashing from habitual so called images of beauty seen from birth, that all of us are effected by.
White men don't encourage their women to wear afro, braids and dreads or natural black looking styles and would likely not tolerate it if she styled it that way, but we as black men to often encourage European standards such as long, stringy & straight hair, lighter skin, smaller noses, lighter eyes and even European designer clothes seem to be more attractive.
We have always looked at them as more beautiful and worthy since the days of slavery and haven't seemed to be able to shake it off completely. Not all of us think this way, especially not as many as generations past but the mindset still lingers on today after hundreds of years.
The photographer is pretty dope by the way.