African nations waking up….. AES alliance of Burkina Faso, Mali & Niger formed last September. Traoré has launched a post bank in Burkina Faso


Platinum Member
Niger will soon become an oil exporter after the commissioning of the longest oil pipeline in the whole Africa, reaching Benin's Port of Seme.

The newoil pipeline will connect the Agadem Rift Basin oil field with Port of Some on the Gulf of Guinea, stretching for 2,000 km and with a 90,000 barrels per day of capacity. This will transform Niger into a significant regional oil producer and exporter.

The pipeline plan has been approved in 2019 and aims to exploit the 1 billion barrel of oil reserves.

According toauthorities, reserves could be double this amount.

Oil production could generate a "quarter of the country's GDP" and about 50% of Niger's tax revenue.

Niger has a refinery with around 20,000 bpd capacity.

The estimates ofChina's state-owned CNPC investments in production and theNiger-Benin pipeline construction are around $6 billion.

With the colonial French oppressors removed and requests for Russian military aid, the future looks bright.


Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I still can’t figure out for the life of me why are they still asking for help. They got all the natural resources. :dunno: Why don’t they build they own shit and mine they own resources. Amd leverage that


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I still can’t figure out for the life of me why are they still asking for help. They got all the natural resources. :dunno: Why don’t they build they own shit and mine they own resources. Amd leverage that
If you own land and someone told you there is diamonds miles below you under hard ass rocks, but you don't know exactly where it is or if it is there, how are you going to get to it if you do not own the tools to drill or the knowledge find exactly where the diamonds are?
In reality, you would have to hire a team to mine for you or sell your land. Welp welcome to most of Africa.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you own land and someone told you there is diamonds miles below you under hard ass rocks, but you don't know exactly where it is or if it is there, how are you going to get to it if you do not own the tools to drill or the knowledge find exactly where the diamonds are?
In reality, you would have to hire a team to mine for you or sell your land. Welp welcome to most of Africa.
Wise words from a 22 year old philosopher

Rule numbre uno, never let no one know
How much dough you hold, 'cause you know
The cheddar breed jealousy 'specially
If that man fucked up, get yo' ass stuck up


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Wise words from a 22 year old philosopher

Rule numbre uno, never let no one know
How much dough you hold, 'cause you know
The cheddar breed jealousy 'specially
If that man fucked up, get yo' ass stuck up
Too bad that holds no water in this instance because folks are able to survey land from the air with gravomiers to determine if your land has valuable minerals or oil deposits.
And if you do, they have enough money to orgistrate a coup to overthrow your regime in favor of a more willing government.
This is what's really going on in the world.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
So the reason you have these deals with Africans countries is the fault of the African countries.

Unfortunately for a lot of three countries their leadership isn't putting the best and brightest in positions of power they're putting in the friends and family. That's how you get these terrible decisions. Same wirh the Caribbean.

A perfect example is Jamaica. Jamaica agreed to a deal with China to build a major highway. Half the people that worked on the highway were Chinese. Then on top of that as part of the deal Jamaica gave away land along the highway to China. So now in exchange for a highway you've given away land, half the people who are working on it don't live in your country so the money that's paid to them leaves your economy. On top of that the tolls for the highway don't go into the Jamaican economy they're going back to china. In exchange for a highway they've lost land permanently they lost any economic gains from the construction or at least half of those gains and on top of that depending on who they did have who was Jamaican working on it they didn't really get any experience with how to build a highway or the process that goes into it.

Getting back to africa, As Long As African leadership is more concerned with lining their pockets instead of educating an uplifting their population they're always going to have to depend on others for help. So as long as that same leadership puts their cousins their brothers their friends in positions to negotiate these deals you will constantly see this happening. The Congo should be swimming in money because of the materials needed for batteries but it's not the case at all and outside forces are the reason why.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Too bad that holds no water in this instance because folks are able to survey land from the air with gravomiers to determine if your land has valuable minerals or oil deposits.
And if you do, they have enough money to orgistrate a coup to overthrow your regime in favor of a more willing government.
This is what's really going on in the world.
Everyone has a nuclear power but Africa. Is crazy you can never become a super power and not be able to defend yourself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Once we realize the gates are gone and the gatekeepers have no power will we run out of prison.

All African resources are exploited from the value add. The diamonds become necklaces with 10 times the value. The raw coffee beans becomes cups of coffee at 1,000x. The oil gets bought unrefined and resold back to the same country refined. As soon as Africa develops the capacity to add value to their goods and stop selling the raw materials then they will control it all. If all the computer chips need minerals only mined in Africa and african country making computer chips would have a monopoly. If all the cell phones need raw materials from Africa yet we have no Africa cell phone companies?

If anyone wants to change the future of any African country and your family here. Find an African product and figure out how to bring it directly to American customers. Every Dollar you make an African country is worth 50 times as much over there. They will sell you products that you can 5x and by selling refined they will make 5x more than they make selling it to the white man who is adding value and 100x to the consumer. We need to become the new middlemen to the American consumer. We are perfectly positioned to do so.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
There are plenty of developed nations without nukes.

It’s a big difference between superpower and developed. Your comparing a watch that can tell time to a Rolex.

This is true. A great example is north korea. The only reason North Korea gets to get away with the bullshit that they do and all the saber rattling that they do is because they have nuclear weapons. If North Korea didn't have nuclear weapons with the way they keep threatening South Korea we would have run over them by now.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
This is true. A great example is north korea. The only reason North Korea gets to get away with the bullshit that they do and all the saber rattling that they do is because they have nuclear weapons. If North Korea didn't have nuclear weapons with the way they keep threatening South Korea we would have run over them by now.
It’s a big difference between superpower and developed. Your comparing a watch that can tell time to a Rolex.
Nuclear weapons ain't without intercontinental capabilities. Plus how are you going to nuke without being developed? Do you think other countries are going to give them to them?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you own land and someone told you there is diamonds miles below you under hard ass rocks, but you don't know exactly where it is or if it is there, how are you going to get to it if you do not own the tools to drill or the knowledge find exactly where the diamonds are?
In reality, you would have to hire a team to mine for you or sell your land. Welp welcome to most of Africa.
This is what I tell people when they talk about owning land. Yes its an asset but everyone don't need to own land. Everyone doesn't know what to do with it. Don't know how to farm, don't know how to run cattle, garden, rent camp spots, etc. Folks just stuck on owning land. Gotta have the tools to utilize it. Like I told my buddy in modern times it takes 100k to get into the cattle business.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Nuclear weapons ain't without intercontinental capabilities. Plus how are you going to nuke without being developed? Do you think other countries are going to give them to them?

It depends on the country. N Korea has missiles so they get left alone.

When Iran was close to developing the fuel needed for nuclear weapons they were bombed.

The issue with nuclear weapons aren't the missles, it's something smaller. The issue is a suitcase bomb but really it would be a trunk of your car or back of your van bomb.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
It depends on the country. N Korea has missiles so they get left alone.

When Iran was close to developing the fuel needed for nuclear weapons they were bombed.

The issue with nuclear weapons aren't the missles, it's something smaller. The issue is a suitcase bomb but really it would be a trunk of your car or back of your van bomb.
I think you are talking about dirty bombs, if so, most modern nations have better accountability on their medical radiation waste that would be used for these types of bombs, plus many modern cities in the West have hidden radioactive sniffers at the airports as well as many hidden in cities making it very difficult to pull off. Another thing is, they aren't nearly as effective as a real nuke, even if they were to pull that stunt off, you'd expect their country to be a pile of junk by the following day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nuclear weapons ain't without intercontinental capabilities. Plus how are you going to nuke without being developed? Do you think other countries are going to give them to them?
Nobody gonna give them to them. Why would you arm the continent you trying to pillage. They will only arm them with pea shooters to fight each other. Or Haiti. Stops right about there


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Nobody gonna give them to them. Why would you arm the continent you trying to pillage. They will only arm them with pea shooters to fight each other. Or Haiti. Stops right about there
If they were to offer them nuke technology, believe me, its to set them up for an excuse to bomb and invade them the following week.
I get some of you guys are idealistic and want the poor nations especially the African ones to win (I was that guy when I was in College) but after seeing and working in the real world, especially in the U.N. where I got to rub shoulders and talk to some African diplomats, the problem isn't as simple as I once thought it was.
As an adult, I am more problematic in my thinking and am looking for actual solutions to help Black people, not say some feel-good shit that gives empty hollow hope. I wish more brothers would take this approach so we can come together to find real solutions to the problems.


Platinum Member

Guess they got a serious call lmao

“Niger appears to be seeking to improve security and defence ties with Western countries after meetings with German and Italian representatives in Niamey with local authorities.

A meeting was also recently held between a senior Nigerien military commander and the US ambassador to discuss the US withdrawal and discuss various aspects of cooperation between the two countries”


Platinum Member
Pentagon Chief Austin: The United States is monitoring the situation at the US military base in Niger.

The Russian Afrika Korps has already moved into one of the hangars of the American base, and at the moment there are military personnel from both countries at the base.


Platinum Member

Russian troops enter base housing US military in Niger, US official says​

Phil StewartMay 3, 20242:11 AM CDTUpdated 2 hours ago
Nigeriens demonstrate to protest against the U.S. military presence in Niamey

WASHINGTON, May 2 (Reuters) - Russian military personnel have entered an air base in Niger that is hosting U.S. troops, a senior U.S. defense official told Reuters, a move that follows a decision by Niger's junta to expel U.S. forces.

The military officers ruling the West African nation have told the U.S. to withdraw its nearly 1,000 military personnel from the country, which until a coup last year had been a key partner for Washington's fight against insurgents who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more.
A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops but were using a separate hangar at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, Niger's capital.

The move by Russia's military, which Reuters was the first to report, puts U.S. and Russian troops in close proximity at a time when the nations' military and diplomatic rivalry is increasingly acrimonious over the conflict in Ukraine.

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It also raises questions about the fate of U.S. installations in the country following a withdrawal.

"(The situation) is not great but in the short-term manageable," the official said.

Asked about the Reuters report, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin played down any risk to American troops or the chance that Russian troops might get close to U.S. military hardware.

"The Russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to U.S. forces or access to our equipment," Austin told a press conference in Honolulu.

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"I'm always focused on the safety and protection of our troops ... But right now, I don't see a significant issue here in terms of our force protection."

The Nigerien and Russian embassies in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The U.S. and its allies have been forced to move troops out of a number of African countries following coups that brought to power groups eager to distance themselves from Western governments. In addition to the impending departure from Niger, U.S. troops have also left Chad in recent days, while French forces have been kicked out of Mali and Burkina Faso.

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At the same time, Russia is seeking to strengthen relations with African nations, pitching Moscow as a friendly country with no colonial baggage in the continent.

Mali, for example, has in recent years become one of Russia's closest African allies, with the Wagner Group mercenary force deploying there to fight jihadist insurgents.

Russia has described relations with the United States as "below zero" because of U.S. military and financial aid for Ukraine in its effort to defend against invading Russian forces.

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The U.S. official said Nigerien authorities had told President Joe Biden's administration that about 60 Russian military personnel would be in Niger, but the official could not verify that number.

After the coup, the U.S. military moved some of its forces in Niger from Airbase 101 to Airbase 201 in the city of Agadez. It was not immediately clear what U.S. military equipment remained at Airbase 101.

The United States built Airbase 201 in central Niger at a cost of more than $100 million. Since 2018 it has been used to target Islamic State and al Qaeda affiliate Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM) fighters with armed drones.

Washington is concerned about Islamic militants in the Sahel region, who may be able to expand without the presence of U.S. forces and intelligence capabilities.

Niger's move to ask for the removal of U.S. troops came after a meeting in Niamey in mid-March, when senior U.S. officials raised concerns including the expected arrival of Russia forces and reports of Iran seeking raw materials in the country, including uranium.

While the U.S. message to Nigerien officials was not an ultimatum, the official said, it was made clear U.S. forces could not be on a base with Russian forces.

"They did not take that well," the official said.

A two-star U.S. general has been sent to Niger to try and arrange a professional and responsible withdrawal.

While no decisions have been taken on the future of U.S. troops in Niger, the official said the plan was for them to return to U.S. Africa Command's home bases, located in Germany.