African nations waking up….. AES alliance of Burkina Faso, Mali & Niger formed last September looking to launch own satellite


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I still can’t figure out for the life of me why are they still asking for help. They got all the natural resources. :dunno: Why don’t they build they own shit and mine they own resources. Amd leverage that

If you own land and someone told you there is diamonds miles below you under hard ass rocks, but you don't know exactly where it is or if it is there, how are you going to get to it if you do not own the tools to drill or the knowledge find exactly where the diamonds are?
In reality, you would have to hire a team to mine for you or sell your land. Welp welcome to most of Africa.
Most people who own land don't know shit what to do with it. Either they're clueless or they don't have the resources. People who don't own land think its simple to make something out of it. Take the average city slicker today. Give him 100 acres of raw land. Most don't know what to do with it. Some would say I would start a farm raising cattle. Yes that sounds great but do you know how much it costs to start a cattle farm? The fencing alone would be in the thousands, clearing the timber , then turning into pasture, barn, truck, trailer, tractor, etc........


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the reason you have these deals with Africans countries is the fault of the African countries.

Unfortunately for a lot of three countries their leadership isn't putting the best and brightest in positions of power they're putting in the friends and family. That's how you get these terrible decisions. Same wirh the Caribbean.

A perfect example is Jamaica. Jamaica agreed to a deal with China to build a major highway. Half the people that worked on the highway were Chinese. Then on top of that as part of the deal Jamaica gave away land along the highway to China. So now in exchange for a highway you've given away land, half the people who are working on it don't live in your country so the money that's paid to them leaves your economy. On top of that the tolls for the highway don't go into the Jamaican economy they're going back to china. In exchange for a highway they've lost land permanently they lost any economic gains from the construction or at least half of those gains and on top of that depending on who they did have who was Jamaican working on it they didn't really get any experience with how to build a highway or the process that goes into it.

Getting back to africa, As Long As African leadership is more concerned with lining their pockets instead of educating an uplifting their population they're always going to have to depend on others for help. So as long as that same leadership puts their cousins their brothers their friends in positions to negotiate these deals you will constantly see this happening. The Congo should be swimming in money because of the materials needed for batteries but it's not the case at all and outside forces are the reason why.
Also ad in how all of Jamaica's coast line is gone to private land owners. Jamaicans can't even go got the beach nowadays because shit is private SMH. Jamaica fucked their people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most people who own land don't know shit what to do with it. Either they're clueless or they don't have the resources. People who don't own land think its simple to make something out of it. Take the average city slicker today. Give him 100 acres of raw land. Most don't know what to do with it. Some would say I would start a farm raising cattle. Yes that sounds great but do you know how much it costs to start a cattle farm? The fencing alone would be in the thousands, clearing the timber , then turning into pasture, barn, truck, trailer, tractor, etc........
I would get a government grant to start a farm.

But on Africa. They the ones doing the mining anyway. Chinese and white people aint doing no digging. Unless they getting extorted cause they don’t have a military to protect their resources


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would get a government grant to start a farm.

But on Africa. They the ones doing the mining anyway. Chinese and white people aint doing no digging. Unless they getting extorted cause they don’t have a military to protect their resources

As the Africans you'd be getting money from a government entity and they'd dictate what the funds would be for. No different


Platinum Member

Moscow to Deploy More Military Instructors in Burkina Faso​

AFP6 hours ago
Sergei Lavrov with Burkina Faso's President Ibrahim Traore. Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service
Moscow will increase the number of its military instructors in Burkina Faso, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced Wednesday during a visit to the West African nation as part of a wider regional tour.
"Russian instructors work here and their number will increase," Lavrov said at a news conference in the capital Ouagadougou. "At the same time, we are training representatives of the armed forces and security forces of Burkina Faso in Russia."
Moscow has sought to boost its influence across the African continent since relations with Western countries plummeted over the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Lavrov arrived in Burkina Faso late Tuesday and held talks with the head of the military regime Captain Ibrahim Traore.
After taking power in September 2022, Burkina Faso's coup leaders expelled French troops and diplomats and turned to Moscow for military assistance.
"We have had relations with Burkina Faso for a long time and the arrival in power of President Traore has given these relations new impetus," Lavrov said.
"I have no doubt that thanks to this cooperation, the pockets of terrorists which remain in Burkina Faso will be destroyed," he added, referring to Jihadist rebels who have waged an insurgency in the West African nation since 2015.
Burkina Faso is Lavrov's third stop on his wider tour of Africa after trips to Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is expected to next travel to Chad, where General Mahamat Idriss Deby has just been elected president after three years at the head of a military junta there.


Platinum Member
The Canadian GoviEx Uranium Inc. has been stripped of its Madaouela mining rights by the Niger government. The company has a history of extensive drilling in Niger since 2007, identifying one of the largest known uranium resources, and has been advancing the project through various stages, including securing over USD 200 million in funding expressions and starting preliminary groundworks.

Despite the setback in Niger, GoviEx continues to progress with its Muntanga project in Zambia, with a feasibility study expected later in 2024.


Platinum Member
Burkina Faso accused France of destabilizing the situation in the country

The interim leader of Burkina Faso, CaptainIbrahim Traore, said that for these purposes Paris maintains two military bases in Benin.

✖️ Benin was a French colony until 1960. France previously denied the existence of a military base in the country.


Staff member
Burkina Faso accused France of destabilizing the situation in the country

The interim leader of Burkina Faso, CaptainIbrahim Traore, said that for these purposes Paris maintains two military bases in Benin.

✖️ Benin was a French colony until 1960. France previously denied the existence of a military base in the country.
Everyone is getting hipped (ol school) to the terrorist threat trick.
All along the terrorist in Africa and the Middle East were put in place and sponsored by the Europeans.


Platinum Member
Everyone is getting hipped (ol school) to the terrorist threat trick.
All along the terrorist in Africa and the Middle East were put in place and sponsored by the Europeans.

Yep…. Playbook motto

Let’s Cause the terror then swarm in and offer help to combat the terrorist threat

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everyone is getting hipped (ol school) to the terrorist threat trick.
All along the terrorist in Africa and the Middle East were put in place and sponsored by the Europeans.
Same with Isis in the Middle East, all sponsored by the CIA.....


Platinum Member
Same with Isis in the Middle East, all sponsored by the CIA.....

I find it funny how the CIA be in on meeting with certain countries

Like they went to Kenya to talk to them about sending police to Haiti

They sit in on talks between Hamas and Israelis in Qatar
also they have been present when talks are held in Egypt

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I find it funny how the CIA be in on meeting with certain countries

Like they went to Kenya to talk to them about sending police to Haiti

They sit in on talks between Hamas and Israelis in Qatar
also they have been present when talks are held in Egypt
Yeah, the CIA is the chaos factor; they are anti-peace and pro-White Supremacy.


Platinum Member
“Burkina Faso, following Mali and Niger, plans to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine due to Kiev's support of international terrorism in the Sahel region.”