AIPAC steps up efforts to oust anti-Israel lawmakers

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star

Black lawmakers should read the room and stop accepting money from American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobbying group that has supported 109 Jan. 6 insurrectionists for public office and has spent millions to defeat progressive Black Democratic candidates for Congress.

House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., is receiving blowback for allegedly caping for the ultranationalist and ultrareligious government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attending an AIPAC-funded trip to Israel with a delegation of 24 Democratic lawmakers. Netanyahu is gutting his country’s Supreme Court, removing the court’s check on government power in making appointments and cabinet decisions and allowing far-right settlers to take control of the government.

Like his fellow would-be dictator friend Donald Trump, Netanyahu was indicted for corruption and is moving for a judicial overhaul that will neuter the power of the Israeli court, cement authoritarian control by the most extremist Israeli government ever and help him skirt justice.

The judicial overhaul plan — “largely an American production,” according to the New York Times, with support from right-wing Jewish American billionaires who underwrite Israeli right-wing extremism — has caused a governance crisis in Israel, with a threat to the rights of Israeli citizens, particularly women, minority groups and LGBTQ+ people. This, in a country where Palestinian citizens are second- or third-class citizens, and Palestinians living under military occupation have few rights, as the military killings, vigilante violence, legal violence and home demolitions against them have increased.

In recent months, thousands of Israelis have marched in the streets across the country in protest against the judicial overhaul. Over 1,600 academics and public figures from Israel, the U.S. and around the world have signed a letter titled “The Elephant in the Room.” (In the interest of full disclosure, I have signed that letter.) This letter makes the link between the attacks on the Israeli judiciary and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

“Without equal rights for all, whether in one state, two states, or in some other political framework, there is always a danger of dictatorship,” says the letter. “There cannot be democracy for Jews in Israel as long as Palestinians live under a regime of apartheid, as Israeli legal experts have described it.”

The letter calls for North American Jewish leaders to support the Israeli protest movement, support pro-Palestinian human rights groups, overhaul Jewish education to provide an honest assessment of Israel’s history and present, and demand that American politicians help end the occupation and restrict U.S. military aid from being used in the Palestinian territories.

Meanwhile, Black recipients of AIPAC support would tell you there is nothing to see here, as they fail to see any sense of urgency with the protests over recent events in Israel. Rather, they seem content to prop up the government of Netanyahu, who once called African migrants in his country “infiltrators” and a “flood” worse than “severe attacks by Sinai terrorists.”

Rep. Jeffries, who met with Netanyahu on the Democratic delegation trip, said the judicial overhaul would not impact military aid to Israel, even if the court system is weakened. “At the end of the day, the two things that bind our countries together relate both to our shared democratic values and our shared strategic interests,” Jeffries said.
“The Democratic Party in the House of Representatives will continue to stand with Israel and lift up the special relationship between our two countries and in support of Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people, and as a Jewish democratic state, period, full stop,” he added.

During 2021-2022, Jeffries received $439,790 from pro-Israel PACs such as AIPAC and the AIPAC affiliate Pro-Israel America — his second largest campaign funding source after securities and investment.

Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., another Black member of Congress, is a strong supporter of Israel who calls the nation a multiracial democracy with a story of “progress rather than perfection” and where everyone enjoys equal protection under the law. “I, for one, am skeptical that the hyperbolic and hysterical hatred for Israel, reinforced by decades of demonization, would magically disappear with the end of U.S. foreign aid,” Torres said. In the 2021-2022 period, AIPAC was Torres’ highest contributor at $141,008.

As some Congressional Black Caucus members accept AIPAC contributions, AIPAC spends millions to bring down Black candidates in primary and general elections, particularly progressive women of color who could align with “the Squad.” This is happening even in predominantly Black districts where Israel is not an issue. AIPAC’s Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) has been weaponized by Democratic centrists to beat back progressives and prevent a progressive surge in the party, as The Intercept reported.

In the 2021 race for Ohio’s 11th Congressional District, AIPAC, Republican Party donors and cryptocurrency bros poured money into Shontel Brown’s campaign to beat Nina Turner. Most recently, AIPAC and its affiliates are funding challengers to unseat Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American Muslim woman who has been critical of Israeli human rights.

The pro-Israel group came for former Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland during her recent attempted comeback to reclaim her seat in Congress. AIPAC attacked Edwards in the primaries for not being pro-Israel enough, never mentioning Israel but criticizing her for poor constituent services. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, an AIPAC beneficiary, came to her defense.

And AIPAC spent over $1 million in an attempt to stop Summer Lee, a Democratic Socialist and the first Black woman in Congress from Pennsylvania. AIPAC — which painted Lee as a bad and disloyal Democrat, even as it supported GOP politicians who refused to certify Joe Biden as president — continues to attack Lee for boycotting the speech by Israeli President Isaac Herzog before a joint session of Congress. AIPAC also attacked Lee for receiving support from the liberal pro-Israel group J Street.

If AIPAC does not support the Black community or Black interests, supports insurrectionists, arguably does not support democracy in America or in Israel and derails progressive Black candidates who fight for Black lives at home and human rights abroad, why are Black politicians still taking their money?


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
I have no issue with this. My only wish is blacks could create a similar organization that pushes and financially supports politicians whose views align with our interest.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
I have no issue with this. My only wish is blacks could create a similar organization that pushes and financially supports politicians whose views align with our interest.

This is an organization working to defeat black politicians who work to uplift black people-- You can wish for an organization to bolster black power but you shouldn't be okay with one working to control black political power. You should have an issue with what they are doing if that's what you care about.

Why are you okay with black politicians being bought off and working for foreign governments rather than their own people?

Why would you be okay with a foreign government targeting the black candidates who actually have integrity to keep them out of office?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is an organization working to defeat black politicians who work to uplift black people-- You can wish for an organization to bolster black power but you shouldn't be okay with one working to control black political power. You should have an issue with what they are doing if that's what you care about.

Why are you okay with black politicians being bought off and working for foreign governments rather than their own people?

Why would you be okay with a foreign government targeting the black candidates who actually have integrity to keep them out of office?
Because that’s capitalism. Money doesn’t have borders.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Because that’s capitalism. Money doesn’t have borders.

So fuck black power, you only care about green power.

Lots of people agree with you and I can't change your mind.

But I expect most people on this board to have a different perspective and to actually care about the conditions of black people. You can worship the dead presidents. :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
fuck aipac and their undying support to keep isreal the largest welfare queen

the globe has ever seen,

and fuck socialist for being on some, you will own nothing an be happy shit,

If they aint about Freedom and Privacy, the right to OWN YOUR HOME,

they all need to be fast against the wall blindfolded.....





Rising Star
Platinum Member
So fuck black power, you only care about green power.

Lots of people agree with you and I can't change your mind.

But I expect most people on this board to have a different perspective and to actually care about the conditions of black people. You can worship the dead presidents. :dunno:
I’m not saying if I’m against or for that philosophy. I am saying the majority of the world believes in capitalism.


Mr. Pool
To be clear, I'm not on some Kyrie or Kanye shit-- I love everybody! I just think Israel should be treated like every other country and these spineless black politicians need to stop selling themselves.
Agreed, they should be open to criticism, sanctions and anything else without being labeled an anti Semite. All religions are bullshit, and apartheid is apartheid regardless of the group that's carrying it out. Somehow the Jews and Israel are supposed to be treated as if they really are God's chosen people lol gtfoh


Rising Star
Congress’ only Palestinian American, Rep. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-Mich.), has been under a microscope since Saturday’s attack. Footage of Tlaib ignoring a reporter’s questions about reported Hamas atrocities was in regular rotation on Fox News yesterday, and a Michigan colleague, GOP Rep. JACK BERGMAN, moved to censure her. Tlaib responded in a Detroit Free Press interview, decrying Hamas’ “war crimes” but also equating them with “the collective punishment of Palestinians” by Israel. The censure effort, she added, “is rooted in bigotry, that somehow because of my ethnicity and my faith that I support terrorism.”

Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Cori Bush (D-MO) blamed U.S. military aid to Israel for contributing to the massive Hamas terror attack on Israel yesterday, which has left more than 700 Israelis dead. Tlaib also described Hamas’ actions as “resistance” to Israeli “apartheid.”

The comments come as most U.S. lawmakers have offered strong support to Israel in the conflict, without many of the typical calls for cease-fires and de-escalation by both sides in the hours following the onset of the attack. The exception to this has been members of the far-left Squad and a handful of other lawmakers aligned with them.

“I am determined as ever to fight for a just future where everyone can live in peace, without fear and with true freedom, equal rights, and human dignity,” Tlaib said in a statement on Sunday. “The path to that future must include lifting the blockade, ending the occupation and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance.”

Tlaib added that “as long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.”

Bush, in a similar statement on Saturday, said she was “heartbroken” by the violence and loss of life, “following attacks by Hamas militants on Israeli border towns and Israeli military bombardment of Gaza.”

“As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid,” Bush continued.

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) condemned the comments by his colleagues.

“U.S. aid to Israel is and should be unconditional, and never more so than in this moment of critical need,” Torres told Jewish Insider in a statement. “Shame on anyone who glorifies as ‘resistance’ the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. It is reprehensible and repulsive.”

Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) highlighted the barbarism committed by Hamas terrorists in his own response.

“Two of my colleagues called for America to end assistance to Israel, despite the countless images of Israeli children, women, men, and elderly, including Americans, murdered by radical Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists,” Gottheimer told JI. “It sickens me that while Israelis clean the blood of their family members shot in their homes, they believe Congress should strip U.S. funding to our democratic ally and allow innocent civilians to suffer.”

Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI), who serves in the Michigan delegation with Tlaib, distanced herself from Tlaib’s comments in a statement to JI.

“We must continue to come together as a Congress and a country to disavow terrorism and support the Jewish state, our democratic ally, Israel,” Stevens said. “Israel has a right to exist and defend herself.”

None of the other Democratic members of Michigan’s House delegation responded to requests for comment.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Herzog responded directly to Tlaib, in an impassioned statement on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“How much more blood needs to be spilled for you to overcome your prejudice and unequivocally condemn Hamas, a U.S.-designated terror organization?” Herzog wrote. “Hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians massacred in cold blood on a holy day. Babies kidnapped from their mother’s arms and taken to Gaza. An 85-year-old woman in a wheelchair and a Holocaust survivor taken hostage. Is that not enough, @RashidaTlaib?”


Rising Star

The White House said Tuesday that statements from members of Congress calling for a ceasefire in Israel instead of issuing their full support for the country, following the surprise attack by Hamas, are “wrong” and “disgraceful.”
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about President Biden’s message to members of Congress who seem to be equating the Hamas terror attack with actions that were previously taken by Israel. When asked which members, Real Clear Politics reporter Philip Wegmann said that some members have called for a ceasefire and not gone as far as backing the administration’s call for support for Israel.
“So, I’ve seen some of those statements this weekend. And we’re gonna continue to be very clear. We believe they’re wrong. We believe they’re repugnant and we believe they’re disgraceful,” Jean-Pierre said.
Jean-Pierre did not mention any lawmakers by name or specific statements. But at least two Democratic lawmakers — Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) — issued statements calling for a ceasefire and de-escalation of the situation.

Justice Democrats statement:

Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib are under attack from the White House for calling for a ceasefire from both Palestine and Israel to prevent the further loss of innocent Palestinian and Israeli life, instead of beating the drums of war and pledging unwavering support for further escalation by the Israeli military.​
Cori and Rashida are both showing political courage by calling for an immediate ceasefire and being some of the few leaders truthful enough to call out Israel–alongside Hamas–for its war crimes against civilians. But we are seeing them face severe attacks from both fellow Democrats and Republicans for taking this stance.​
The White House and Congress have already begun warning us of their intention to escalate this violence with further funding for the Israeli military. If we continue to send unconditional funding to the Israeli military, we are greenlighting the far-right Israeli government’s calls for the ethnic cleansing of two million Palestinians in Gaza.​
Our government’s complicity with decades of human rights abuses and international law violations cannot be understated. There is blood on the hands of the American government.​
We know that a path towards peace does not begin with funding further military violence and occupation that provoked this crisis. Congresswomen Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib know this too and aren’t afraid to speak truth to power.​
In 2024, it is so important that we re-elect unwavering pro-peace leaders who are committed to defending the human rights of all people equally like Rashida, Cori, and the entire Squad. We have to protect the progress we have made to elect progressive champions who aren’t afraid of taking politically difficult stances.​


Rising Star


“Israel is one issue; it’s an important issue to a subsection of our community,” she said. “But to pretend it’s the only issue is insulting and damaging.” ... Ms. Lee said Jews were “10 percent of our district, but we also have Muslim, Arab, Palestinian constituents who are afraid for their families and their lives.” ...

Such talk has already drawn Ms. Lee a challenger ahead of the April 23 primary: Bhavini Patel, a 29-year-old member of the borough council in suburban Edgewood, who suggested as the setting for an interview a cafe in Squirrel Hill, the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Pittsburgh where the Tree of Life shooting took place.

Ms. Patel’s biography could be her calling card: The daughter of Indian immigrants, she worked in her mother’s Gujarati food truck before becoming the first of her family to go to college. But since Hamas’s slaughter of 1,400 Israelis, Ms. Patel said she had been spending her time with the voters of Squirrel Hill, talking about a conflict half a world away.

“Something that keeps coming up in my conversations is that Congresswoman Lee continues to equivocate,” she said. “We’re responding to something that is evil — the murder, rape, kidnapping of children, men, women and grandparents. There shouldn’t be any equivocation on this.”

Ms. Patel’s could be one of many Democratic primary challenges buoyed by the confrontations between staunch defenders of Israel and lawmakers promoting Palestinian rights. In Minneapolis, Sarah Gad, a defense and civil rights lawyer, has challenged Representative Ilhan Omar, the former Somali refugee known for her clashes with Jewish colleagues.

In the northern suburbs of New York, George Latimer, the Westchester County executive, is contemplating a challenge to Representative Jamaal Bowman, who defeated the staunchly pro-Israel chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot Engel, in 2020.

And progressive organizations are girding for possible challenges to Representatives Cori Bush of Missouri, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and others, funded from the deep pockets of AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups.

“They spent a historic amount of money to intervene, and try and buy primaries in 2022,” said Usamah Andrabi, spokesman for Justice Democrats, the liberal insurgent group that helped elect many of the progressives now on the primary target list. “I think we will see a doubling and tripling down, because no one in the Democratic leadership is trying to stop them.”

Officially, AIPAC is neutral for now.

“There will be a time for political action, but right now our priority is building and sustaining congressional support for Israel’s fight to permanently dismantle Hamas,” said the group’s spokesman, Marshall Wittmann.

But AIPAC’s jabs have already begun. Responding to a post by Mr. Bowman extolling his “Ceasefire Now” resolution, the lobbying group called it “a transparent ploy to paint Israel as the aggressor and allow Hamas to control Gaza.” Hitting Ms. Lee, AIPAC wrote on X, “Emboldening a group that massacres Israelis and uses Palestinians as human shields will never achieve peace.”



Transnational Member
I know a young attorney in college showing support for Palestine spoke out and lost her job offer abruptly. I remember Phil Donahue getting fired around 9/11.

I deal with a number of religious terrorist nutjobs all the time, I really don't care, just want them to stay away and not to interfere with what I am doing.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I have no issue with this. My only wish is blacks could create a similar organization that pushes and financially supports politicians whose views align with our interest.
It's not like we have not tried, the powers that be have done everything to stop that from happening.