Akron Ohio police dump 90 rounds at 25 year old Jayland Walker. Body cameras to be released Sunday

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I saw that on IG earlier today. Rest in peace to that man and condolences to his family and friends. That was an outright murder.


Truth Teller
Nigga is a regard. Darwin says he’s better off dead. Earlier that day he was involved in another chase that he got away from. Then hours later he gets into another chase with a totally different police department. He has a gun in his car and a spent shell casing.

I’m not protesting for this idiot.
Bro, we repeatedly put our energy into those who do not deserve it, not understanding that everytime we do this, it chips away at our credibility.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe they did that with Payton Gendron. I would like to see the unedited video when he shoot the security guard and that part where he tried to kill himself and was talked into surrounding.
Man, that editing should be illegal, that's hiding evidence.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga is a regard. Darwin says he’s better off dead. Earlier that day he was involved in another chase that he got away from. Then hours later he gets into another chase with a totally different police department. He has a gun in his car and a spent shell casing.

I’m not protesting for this idiot.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is more and more evident that the most racist group of people on the planet are Cacs. Their past and present despicable treatment of all people of color is undeniable.

A white man in Kentucky kills two white cops and is taken alive. Another white male kills seven and wounds 30 in Highland Park, Illinois and is taken into custody without incident after running AWAY from police.

A young unarmed black man is seen running AWAY from police in Ohio after a traffic stop and is shot 60 times.

There is no doubt white supremacists have infiltrated police departments across the nation and are indiscriminately killing black and brown men with impunity. Looks like Elijah Muhammad was right, "white people ARE devils", and people of color should stop expecting them to do the right thing. They never have and apparently never will. :mad:


Rising Star
Nigga is a regard. Darwin says he’s better off dead. Earlier that day he was involved in another chase that he got away from. Then hours later he gets into another chase with a totally different police department. He has a gun in his car and a spent shell casing.

I’m not protesting for this idiot.
Bro, we repeatedly put our energy into those who do not deserve it, not understanding that everytime we do this, it chips away at our credibility.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Source? Nigga just fucking read the article posted here. I told you before to stop quoting me, Ronald

Still no source for what you allege? Figures... No matter I will do as you ask and stop reading and responding to anything your ignorant freeloading ass posts.


Truth Teller
Cmon man. Some of yall can't be serious. Fighting so hard for criminals who obviously do not give a damn about anyone but themselves. But, all the innocent black folk getting killed daily barely get a mention.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Because these bottom feeders always advocate for losers just like themselves. That’s the BGOL way.... otherwise you’ll be labeled a cac or coon, obviously....
So which one are you? The 5 dollar titty suck chick or tiny tiny? Some new white troll?

Let me hurry up and put you on ignore.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Mostly white jury sprinkled with one or two coons. Officers walk.... wash rinse repeat