Anyone down for a fist fight? Philly cats are on one!


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I can do this on my lunch break.


Which one of you bitches wanna come see me ?

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
@doe moe Dudes never fight fair, somebody get knock out with it being recorded posting it all over social media, next day, you hear on the news somebody got shot and killed. Dudes don't know how to walk away after an ass whooping to live to see another day.

With warmer weather in a month or so, you already know young bulls will be on nothing but crashing out and demon time.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That was a nice respectful advertisement. He could have posted "Who wants to get fucked up out here?" "Bring your homie if he needs his ass kicked too, and also don't think your bitch is off limits. I smack hoes if needed."
I was able keep it at a light chuckle until "don't think your bitch is off limits,' after that it was full on belly laugh :roflmao: