Anyone own a telescope? Looking for a decent entry level one

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Willing to spend up to $200.

If you own one, do you have any suggestions?




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Got one, purchased it from a dope head (my best guess he was on drugs because it screams stolen property.)

It’s about 2 steps below the one in your pic.

Was going to join an Astronomy club because I haven’t a clue on operating it but COVID canceled that.

All I know is you should align it during the day and not at night?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
only ones i really know are the celestrons like in your pick. real nice no complaints i bought my son one when he was around 5 years. overall great telescope. about the same size except for the big attachment on the middle part. might have paid like 70 dollars for it.


Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
I have an Orion Skyblast II, it's cool for the moon and known constellations. Unfortunately, it looks like Orion went out of business.