Are Single BLK Mothers DESTROYING their sons?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I blame it on the fact that ppl are doing more on their tech and less interacting with actual ppl.

I ask my kids would they like to go to the park or go to a family function and they tell me no. They'd rather be on their tablets, phone, or consoles. This is also what my family, friends, and co-workers are telling me their kids are doing.

A whole generation of introverts with no ppl skills.

At 20, my mom and dad were both working adults with two kids to raise with a stable job.

At twenty I dont believe my neices or nephews could hold a stable job let alone raise two kids.

We see it in entertainment too. Osaka, Ben Simmons, Zion are in their twenties but in my eyes I see them as grown kids. They are unable to handle the pressure that comes with their proffesion as adults when previous generations in their same industry had no problems.

We will see in the next 10-20 years what the outcome of all this will be.


Rising Star
I blame it on the fact that ppl are doing more on their tech and less interacting with actual ppl.

I ask my kids would they like to go to the park or go to a family function and they tell me no. They'd rather be on their tablets, phone, or consoles. This is also what my family, friends, and co-workers are telling me their kids are doing.

A whole generation of introverts with no ppl skills.

At 20, my mom and dad were both working adults with two kids to raise with a stable job.

At twenty I dont believe my neices or nephews could hold a stable job let alone raise two kids.

We see it in entertainment too. Osaka, Ben Simmons, Zion are in their twenties but in my eyes I see them as grown kids. They are unable to handle the pressure that comes with their proffesion as adults when previous generations in their same industry had no problems.

We will see in the next 10-20 years what the outcome of all this will be.
Different times, you can't compare what your folks did to more because the standards have changed and honestly for the better.

I hear what you saying about the kids being attached to their phones and such but you could say the same for the 80s and 90s kids who were attached to their music and consoles.

As for the 20 year olds, I'm glad that they're able to say fuck it and fall back into the shadows if the pressure is too much. There's nothing to gain by trying to prove to a bunch of nobodies behind TV screens who wish they were in your position, that you can handle pressure. Those folk are only human.

That said, the older gen told me and others in my age group that we were soft and "have it easy" too but much of it sounds like jealousy and spite because of how they were forced and coerced to do things a certain way for their time.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I blame it on the fact that ppl are doing more on their tech and less interacting with actual ppl.

I ask my kids would they like to go to the park or go to a family function and they tell me no. They'd rather be on their tablets, phone, or consoles. This is also what my family, friends, and co-workers are telling me their kids are doing.

A whole generation of introverts with no ppl skills.

At 20, my mom and dad were both working adults with two kids to raise with a stable job.

At twenty I dont believe my neices or nephews could hold a stable job let alone raise two kids.

We see it in entertainment too. Osaka, Ben Simmons, Zion are in their twenties but in my eyes I see them as grown kids. They are unable to handle the pressure that comes with their proffesion as adults when previous generations in their same industry had no problems.

We will see in the next 10-20 years what the outcome of all this will be.

Plenty of kids from our generation couldn't handle the pressure in their twenties. The difference was that we didn't have social media and a camera and everyone's pocket exposing every flaw for the world to see.

Sprewell choked out his coach, ODB was a public menace. Heavy D and Big Pun ate themselves to death while Rubin Studdard married the tip drill credit card hoe.

Bad decisions are American traditions. Doesn't matter how many parents you have in the house


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Single mothers are destroying both their sons and their daughters. I've said this before on numerous occasions, single motherhood is an emergency situation and if you are a multiple-time single mother and you've never even been engaged you are part of the problem

If you are a man with more than one baby mother and you've never even been engaged you are part of the problem (no, men aren't off the hook)

You are guilty of failing to give your sons and daughter is an example of what a family home is supposed to look like.

Your daughter's don't have an example of what a man is supposed to be or act like. Your son's don't have an example of what a man is supposed to be or act like

both genders grow up confused about their role in the family dynamic. Your son's believe that a man is not supposed to be there. Your daughters grow up believing a man doesn't have to be there and you are screwing up an entire generation

If you got three or more kids by three or more guys as a woman you are a failure. If you have three or more baby mothers, you are a failure. I did not stutter

It's 2022, do you not understand how babies are made? Do you not understand what birth control is? IUD? Condoms?

This is an example of immaturity and Reckless Behavior by both parties and you are damaging an entire generation because of it


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
Is people believing the idiot box and fake reality tv destroying peoples brain?




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
a quote from a fox news comment section:

6 minutes ago

African American females are, with few exceptions, the most dangerous animals on earth. They alone are the direct cause of bringing into the world fatherless AA males that represent 6% of the population and 50% of murders and violent crime.

someone tell me how is the sentiment in this comment different from any number of threads about black women posted on this board??

55th View

Rising Star
The strategic approach to include prison, low employment, drugs, and a litany of other matters is negatively impacting the black family, not parents who don't care.

My grandparents (on both sides) were married and kept their families together. Today. some of my cousins have 5-6 children and have never even looked at a ring. That's the result off changing times and standards, not black men or women!

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Source article he’s referring to

Opinion: The data are clear: The boys are not all right

(Mike Hirshon for The Washington Post)​

By Andrew Yang

February 8, 2022 at 1:54 p.m. EST

Andrew Yang is the founder of the Forward Party and a former candidate for New York mayor and U.S. president.

Here is one of the biggest problems facing America: Boys and men across all regions and ethnic groups have been failing, both absolutely and relatively, for years. This is catastrophic for our country.

The data are clear. Boys are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; are five times as likely to spend time in juvenile detention; and are less likely to finish high school.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t get better when boys become adults. Men now make up only 40.5 percent of college students. Male community college enrollment declined by 14.7 percent in 2020 alone, compared with 6.8 percent for women. Median wages for men have declined since 1990 in real terms. Roughly one-third of men are either unemployed or out of the workforce. More U.S. men ages 18 to 34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners.

Economic transformation has been a big contributor. More than two-thirds of manufacturing workers are men; the sector has lost more than 5 million jobs since 2000. That’s a lot of unemployed men. Not just coincidentally, “deaths of despair” — those caused by suicide, overdose and alcoholism — have surged to unprecedented levels among middle-aged men over the past 20 years.

Research shows that one significant factor women look for in a partner is a steady job. As men’s unemployment rises, their romantic prospects decline. Unsurprisingly, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from 1960 to 2010, the proportion of adults without a college degree who marry plummeted from just over 70 percent to roughly 45 percent.

Many boys are thus often growing up raised by single mothers, the share more than doubling between 1980 and 2019, from 18 percent to 40 percent. A study from 2015 found that “as more boys grow up without their father in the home, and as women … are viewed as the more stable achievers, boys and girls alike [may] come to see males as having a lower achievement orientation. … College becomes something that many girls, but only some boys, do.”

Yes, men have long had societal advantages over women and in some ways continue to be treated favorably.

But male achievement — alongside that of women — is a condition for a healthy society. And male failure begets male failure, to society’s detriment. Our media, institutions and public leadership have failed to address this crisis, framing boys and men as the problem themselves rather than as people requiring help.

This needs to change. Helping boys and men succeed should be a priority for all our society’s institutions. Schools that have succeeded in keeping boys on track should be expanded, by both increasing the number of students they serve and exporting their methods to other schools. Vocational education and opportunities should be redoubled; the nation’s public school system should start the process for early age groups, and apprenticeship programs should be supported by the federal government. Nonprofits helping boys and men — such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and the YMCA — should receive more investment.

Resources that keep families together when they want to stay together, such as marriage counseling, should be subsidized by the government — a much more cost-efficient approach than dealing with the downstream effects. The enhanced child tax credit should be renewed, helping stabilize families.

Drives for national service and contribution, such as an American Exchange Program or national service years, should be resuscitated. And businesses and industries that employ large numbers of men, such as manufacturing, should be invested in and reinvigorated.

On a cultural level, we must stop defining masculinity as necessarily toxic and start promoting positive masculinity. Strong, healthy, fulfilled men are more likely to treat women well.

The above is, of course, a prodigious undertaking. But I see the need around me all the time.

A number of my friends have become detached from society. Everyone hits a snag at some point — losing a job, facing a divorce — but my male friends seem less able to bounce back. Male dysfunction tends to take on an air of nihilism and dropping out. As a society, we don’t provide many avenues for healthy recovery.

Here’s the simple truth I’ve heard from many men: We need to be needed. We imagine ourselves as builders, soldiers, workers, brothers — part of something bigger than ourselves. We deal with idleness terribly.

“A man … with no means of filling up time,” George Orwell wrote, is “as miserable out of work as a dog on the chain.” Left to our own devices, many of us will fail. And from our failure, terrible things result for the country, well beyond any individual self-destruction.
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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I saw this statement years ago but it still rings true:

Basically you have testosterone filled boys, raised and socialized by women.

That leaves you with female emotion (learned) and male testosterone aggression (biological) with no controlled release, overseen by father figure.


Rising Star
We as a people have to stop letting these so called educated (fools) plant seeds into our heads while using us for views,clicks and to promote their bullshit brand.

Our leaders are dead or on there way out and there is no one to follow behind like there once was so stop looking and live your life,grow and form your own opinions.

Society is being scrambled so of course we're going to be scrambled with it but it's many things that has us,just not one single thing and I ask this IF IT WASN'T FOR BLACK WOMEN WHERE WOULD WE BE AS A RACE TODAY 2022?if it was left up to the fathers which many in our community don't have where would black boys be.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, we have some that do but black men not in their kids lives is a much bigger problem.

Yeah, some single moms are setting up their boys for failure, but these boys also need an example of manhood that they're exposed to every day. A household needs balance. A nurturing mother and a stern father will put you years ahead of a child from a single parent household.

Traditionally, women are hard on their daughters and coddle their sons and men are the opposite, so you have a lot of single mom households pushing hyper-emotional boys with female impulses out into the world. That's a dangerous combo.

True Real Info

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We examine gaps between minorities and whites in educational and labor market outcomes, controlling for many covariates including maternal race. Identification comes from different reported races within the family. Estimates show two distinct patterns. First, there are no significant differences in outcomes between black and white males with white mothers. Second, large differences persist between these groups and black males with black mothers. The patterns are insensitive to alternative measures of own race and school fixed effects. Our results suggest that discrimination is not occurring based on the child skin color but through mother-child channels, such as dialect or parenting practices.



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
More like single black mothers have a much harder time protecting the minds of their children from the current marketing culture designed to maximize consumerism. The result, is we have a generation of children growing up to believe their self worth is equated to the products they are able to buy, this leads to them wanting more and more, to the point where they are ready to kill, sell drugs, and work in the sex trade for it. The kicker is that they are so far gone that the more they get the less happy they appear to be.
Innaculating the minds of your children against this mind control system is a herculean task for two well-educated parents, that only gets worse with one parent, especially if they are less educated and they too suffer from consumerism.