Arsenio Hall Show Demise


Transnational Member

Vice did a show about Arsenio Hall and his demise. They had him competing with three heavyweights squeezing him off the air, where before he was just only going up against Johnny Carson. Seeing the writing on the wall, he quit contractually of course. Because of his creative control he negotiated which was unheard of back in the day, AH put on Farrakhan and they was nothing they could do about it.



It would be equivalent to BGOL having all the athletes and entertainers posting on here, even Bill Clinton playing a saxaphone. Than Twitter, Facebook, Instagram showing up, and all the black acts defect using these white platforms. Except BGOL never had a chance from jump because these people were never on here.


I believe this is what ended his show, once you get politically involved like a Breakfast Club, that will lead to your demise. Biden did his appearance on the Breakfast Club and he got elected, now Sean Combs is facing all these accusation. These politician need to stay with political show Face the Nation or Meet the Press.
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