Ass out! Worked there 50 years and they shot him a quick email.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If this is true, they confirmed what we should all teach our seeds—make your own way because nobody owes you anything. I understand that, on some level, this may have been a sweet spot for him—didn’t need much more than a job and place to rest. For many, this was all they needed and didn’t expect more. Maybe he truly didn’t get screwed and is fine with hit. I’ve been telling everyone I know to max those fucking 401ks and have some shit outside of that because these companies don’t-give -a—

If it’s true, let’s hope he had 50 years of stocks or a heft 401k amount and the email read “Don’t spend it all in one place!” Just 10% over 50 years in a 401k is more than enough to live off, and if there was a company match from some point, he’s more than good. That’s my optimistic view of it, cuz I would have been selling cigarettes and Fig Newtons out my trunk!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Like I said for many yrs on here.. the matrix been told you what it is.. you are just a battery to big bizz for their machine… they use you up and than throw you out, than replace you with a new one aka the new generation.. matrix went over mad people head


the first matrix like movie I saw was a kid was Ferris bueller day off.. movie was way deeper than most people thought.. ferris was Morpheus/ neo… camreon was a person who was getting pulled out the matrix.. Ferris girl was trinity.. the principal was agent smith.. instead of following the system which was the daily schedule Ferris made cameron go against it and his girl.. they saw how much fun and how they could live life to the fullest when they don’t do the status quo.. he even said this memorable quote

went over many people head.. probably why it was my favorite movie growing up and than matrix confirmed it