August 28th Arrest


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
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August 28th Arrest
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༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Shawn Thomas 1 day ago
I sincerely appreciate your support of my efforts, and my videos, thank you much.

Click the PayPal Donate Link below if you would like to support my efforts.

Again, thank you very much.
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JROCK MORELLO 20 hours ago
+Silly Rabbit Funny In all of these video's that this guy puts out, The very first thing he does is ask to be free to leave, which any person with half of brain could figure, IS TRYING TO END THE STOP, S these nazi's can go about there night extorting other people. Never does he ask to talk to these cops, in fact they all insist of talking and harassing him, not the other way around. These cops are suppose to portect and serve the public not harass, beat you, lock you in a cage like a dog, and charge you a bunch of money so they can fund there terrorist gang of thugs to cont to lock up the public. This is not what the people of this country want
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bakishamil 19 hours ago
+JROCK MORELLO right on first its harassment then extortion then imprisonment

Shawn Thomas 1 day ago
Attention All Of You Cop Cock Suckers:
I'd like to address you folks before you begin with all of that "Cops are just doing their job", and that "baiting" disingenuous bullshit.
These cops are not doing their job. If they are in violation of their own patrol guide, their oath, the common law, the state constitution, and the U.S. Constitution, they can not be doing their job. It's a fucking mathematical impossibility.
I'm going to do you cop cum lovers a favor, which will probably be in vain as I don't believe that any of you actually read, and when you do your comprehension is incredibly low. None the less I will refer you to People v De Bour, Terry v Ohio, and virtually any other case law on the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, not to mention the 4th Amendment itself.
These cops are brazen in their disregard for actual law. They are not the good guys, they are the bad guys, and I'm proving it time after time. That's not just my opinion, but the opinion of this nations highest court as well as this states highest court. So fuck off before you start.
For those patriots who understand and support me, I love you too.
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Ishbu101 3 hours ago
+Shawn Thomas I read the case and its pretty clear that what they did is illegal. You were not committing a crime and so they could not detain you.

Shawn Thomas 3 hours ago
+Ishbu101 most importantly DeBour tells us that they can't use force to search you to determine if there is a violation of a city code.

Pragmatic Liberaltarian 1 day ago
Hahaha, that cop looked so defeated at the end of the video. He's literally hanging his head, looking down.
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Ranger 80 21 hours ago
+Silly Rabbit It's not about disrespecting the authority you imbecile, it's about not allowing the government or anyone in the so called "authority" to bend you over and have their way with you. Your so called "authority" is here for the people, and to SERVE and protect among other things. If you don't get this simple concept I suggest you start packing and move your idiotic ass to North Korea. Too bad the Soviet Union collapsed, you would fit right in.

Pragmatic Liberaltarian 17 hours ago
+Silly Rabbit
haha, you just put wittle kevin in trouble by alerting Shawn to the cop's possible lie. nice going fool!

F.T.G. 1 day ago
Great Job Shawn. I like your style. Stay safe and vigilant Brother.
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bakishamil 1 day ago
+F.T.G. Shawn please watch out after yourself....this is your contact from Facebook that kept annoying you to meet up.

Michael Falls 1 day ago
Simply Awesome! Hope you get compensated for your time $5000.00/hr - Minimum of 10 hours. Just curious, but did you indeed have a beer or just a drink in the bag?
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Shawn Thomas 1 day ago
+maxcohen13 I give them the respect that they deserve.
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airbrat 1 day ago
Wow look at all that wasted man power just for a bogus stop. How many cops were there? 6? 7? 8? Glad to see where my tax money is going.
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realguile 1 day ago
+airbrat Damn straight.

Fucking garbage.
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anthony jones 1 day ago
Shawn you are most definitely my newest favorite person on YouTube...Those laws can't handle your raw comebacks. It makes my day to hear you take back your rights and assert them...Love it, love it, love it!!...
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Forest Grump 1 day ago
+anthony jones "None of your f**king business, that's what's in the bag". Best comeback ever.
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Richard Lord 1 day ago
I would not tolerate the police in my suburban community a very ethnically diverse community acting like prison guards. The lack of respect would not fly for even a moment. WE own the land we live on. We have a vested interest in our property. When I see kids walking home from JR high smoking I take there picture and tell them i'm sending it to the school. OUR kids. These men have your back. I can fully understand why. Systematic racist oppression. Disenfranchising and taking the vote away from millions of people. YOUR point that you are the master they are the servant. IF that is going to be true. Then your community needs to do more then pointing cameras at the guards. My mother grew up in the projects in the 50s in Newark. The women in the projects ALL went out and cleaned the stoop on saturdays. They did not own the building, but it was their home. They still had mastery over something. As left of Liberal as my mother was. Speaking out against the New jim crow LONG before the book. She could never understand why the stoop wasn't being cleaned in the projects. The garbage dumped out the windows. The piss in the halls. IF your going to claim to be Masters you rightful place, tell me how you are mastering YOURSELVES. What cameras are being pointed at the drug dealers. Do you want drunks on YOUR street. IT is YOUR street. YOu want shit and piss on YOUR playground from Drunks?. ITS YOUR FUCKING STREET. I understand how and why being treated like a servant is OUTRAGEOUSLY offensive. HOW ARE YOU THE MASTER OF YOUR STREETS? How are you cleaning YOUR stoops? I understand fully why you need to bait the police. Claiming your rights as a master of your servant is completely necessary.TELL ME WHY I AM WRONG! Defend your community. Tell me why I have a misperception of your community? What are you doing to OWN your streets and be rightful masters of them. IF you want to act like the prisoners they want you to be well then,you get what you get. TELL ME WHY I AM WONG? defend you community. Answer the people who say YOU need guards. WHY are they wrong?
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Shawn Thomas 1 day ago
Your questions are extremely valid.

David Greco 1 day ago
Kevin Mcallister?

Ian Battles 1 day ago
If you put your hands on the cop in the same manner as the cop put his hands on you, that would ABSOLUTELY be assault!
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William catrone 1 day ago
bro I love this shit. priceless the way you handle yourself.. you're a little crazy at times but the city loves you shawn..
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Bunny Boots Ink 1 day ago
Now that is what I want to see, Brothers backing each other by recording those police interactions. Its also funny how the cops and some others think you are a Sovereign Citizen with some of the comments you make to the police.
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Joshua Rivera 1 day ago
Kevin McCallister?! that's the kid from home alone.
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Richard Lord 1 day ago
Im very curious about your statement to charge per hour. Where does this come from. Has anyone successfully charged the police for time? The officer said it was illegal. Where does this come from?

Shawn Thomas 1 day ago
That is something that I'm not prepared to talk about right. However, I hope to show that it is a very powerful, game changing tool one day.

Robert French 22 hours ago
Incompetent- not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully. Nailed it

Forest Grump 1 day ago
"..... and that's the end of the conversation". Ergo, we f**ked up, we need to get out of here asap.

Good work again, stay safe.
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Robert French 22 hours ago
I like to see the footage from the angle the other guy says he recorded

Jeff Wright 1 day ago
Good Shit! keep up the Good fight!
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journeman77 1 day ago
The guys at my shop and I send our love. Was a bit worried about you until the end. Thankfully some other citizens have your back and are filming too. Be safe.
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༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
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PSA5 Sgt. Williams #2806 Threatening "Copwatch Patrol Unit" Jose LaSalle & Steve Cruz
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Published on Aug 31, 2015

PATROL GUIDE VIOATION 203-09 (Public Contact/Prohibited Conduct)
1. Advocating Hatred, Oppression or Prejudice based on race, religion, & gender.
2. Using Discourteous or Disrespectful remarks.
3. Be Courteous and Respectful.
Sgt. Williams claims that he doesn't like or cares about us, but stops in front of us to share what is on his mind which to us is Toothless & childish, a officer that has been on the job for a little over 25 years and still is wearing a uniform which tells me everything right there....Sgt. Williams, grow up and address the people with respect, you know the ones that pay your Salary.....YOUR THREATS DONT SCARE US!! See you at the Mediation Desk :)


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
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Another unlawful stop by the NYPD Brooklyn 5/19/15
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Published on May 19, 2015

Walking to my doctors appointment the police stop me for no reason they would not give me an explanation as to why they were stopping me just because I live in the projects should not give them reason


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Published on Sep 7, 2015

A store owner made a call that a black male with a Red Sweater and a Red Shirt displayed a gun.

First they grabbed a young Black male who was not the perpetrator, then they grabbed another Black male who was in the train station with his wife and kids, who fit the description, but had no gun. Then you witness police illegally search the girlfriend and his two daughters without consent of the mother. The male was taken to the 25 precinct to be interrogated on the accusation that the store owner made against him.

No "Gun" was found and the video of the store did show the Black male in the store, but no gun was being display.

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