BGOL BLACK PANTHER Movie Thread [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever drops on Disney+ 2/1/23]

Darth Furious

Platinum Member

Really? Please post the link to the Aquaman trailer. Let’s do a side by side comparison. Don’t forget to highlight the “Atlantis” parts to and the comparable Wakanda underwater community.

Yeah fam, sadly - this is all projected hopes. I was referring to the Atlantis scenes that Snyder filmed already for Justice League. There is no Aquaman trailer. Same thing with Cyborg and Flash. DC is in catch up mood, after the failure of Green Lantern, they have arranged their films around a single start point (Man of Steel) and that has shifted the release of all the other single hero films. The intention is solid but this Black Panther trailer will take the piss out of those Aquaman reveals when they finally happen.

THIS is the direction DC wants to go with the King of Atlantis - the cool image, the hyped up hip styling, the music, the regal posturing, the bio-mechanical/ powered/ supernatural (?) powers above mankind, the advanced technology, the otherworldly/ alien civilization, their hidden cities and amazing wealth. These folks are SO BEHIND on pre-production schedules for each of the offshoot films, who knows what will happen or what will end up on screen. Anytime production has a chance to reveal a "new/ old world" hidden here on Earth( Wakanda, Atlantis, Themyscira, Emerald City, Shangri-La, Oz...) they start jumping for joy. Asgard is one thing but it had to be conformed around what the MCU was doing and even how Thor and his lore has been reinterpreted to fit in with the other Marvel films. Its essentially a space station within a sphere with long lived aliens with technology SO FAR in advance of ours it looks like magic. The inhabitants have mastered genetic manipulation, space travel with teleportation and even medicine by postponing death for its most powerful lifeforms for a millennia. To do something similar on Earth is amazing.

Personally, I think if they would've got to the mark earlier with Atlantis- it would have taken the piss out of Black Panther. I'm a casual fan of DC but lets not forget hey have the characters, they have the mythology and they have the on screen talent to pull it off. Same thing with Fox and Gambit and how that film has a failure to launch. Hopefully the success of Logan and Deadpool and even the interests in the New Mutants can help to push Tatum.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah fam, sadly - this is all projected hopes. I was referring to the Atlantis scenes that Snyder filmed already for Justice League. There is no Aquaman trailer. Same thing with Cyborg and Flash. DC is in catch up mood, after the failure of Green Lantern, they have arranged their films around a single start point (Man of Steel) and that has shifted the release of all the other single hero films. The intention is solid but this Black Panther trailer will take the piss out of those Aquaman reveals when they finally happen.

THIS is the direction DC wants to go with the King of Atlantis - the cool image, the hyped up hip styling, the music, the regal posturing, the bio-mechanical/ powered/ supernatural (?) powers above mankind, the advanced technology, the otherworldly/ alien civilization, their hidden cities and amazing wealth. These folks are SO BEHIND on pre-production schedules for each of the offshoot films, who knows what will happen or what will end up on screen. Anytime production has a chance to reveal a "new/ old world" hidden here on Earth( Wakanda, Atlantis, Themyscira, Emerald City, Shangri-La, Oz...) they start jumping for joy. Asgard is one thing but it had to be conformed around what the MCU was doing and even how Thor and his lore has been reinterpreted to fit in with the other Marvel films. Its essentially a space station within a sphere with long lived aliens with technology SO FAR in advance of ours it looks like magic. The inhabitants have mastered genetic manipulation, space travel with teleportation and even medicine by postponing death for its most powerful lifeforms for a millennia. To do something similar on Earth is amazing.

Personally, I think if they would've got to the mark earlier with Atlantis- it would have taken the piss out of Black Panther. I'm a casual fan of DC but lets not forget hey have the characters, they have the mythology and they have the on screen talent to pull it off. Same thing with Fox and Gambit and how that film has a failure to launch. Hopefully the success of Logan and Deadpool and even the interests in the New Mutants can help to push Tatum.


It looks like you put some thought into this so I'll respect that. But I have to start by asking if you know what Conjecture is? You're trying to compare the CGI/CBM world of a nearly completed project in Black Panther with one iirc that just finished filming(Aquaman).Further, using 1-4 second clips from a trailer, not by the Aquaman Director in James Wan BUT Zach Synder as the "fair" comparison? Absolutely and completely disavowing their respective and completely different environments which NO ONE in the CBM-genre has ventured to do (An almost completely underwater world).

Sorry, But when your conjecture is that bad from the beginning. How can I then take what follows as a serious balanced critique and analysis?

CLEARLY, The more apt comparison would have been something like Wonder Woman's Themyscira and even then, not close enough! Because there is no place like Wakanda that blends the elements of Nature and Technology.

The other stuff about DC this and DC that is just opinion and perception stated as some kind of FACT which is laughable. Outside of being in the boardrooms with the big Execs making the decision and hearing the process play out in's just Conjecture, Opinion, Gossip and what "I think I know."

I'm galled at how certain you are at how "Behind" these folks are about a movie that we've seen practically nothing of and is still schedule to be released next year ON SCHEDULE... Where are you getting your information from? Please post the source.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Everyone does the greet before the movie.

"Wakanda Forever!" after the credits.

Say “Molo” (MOH-loh) to greet one person.

Say “Molweni” (mole-WAY-nee) to greet two or more people.

Your new friends will say “Molo” back.

Then they’ll say – “Unjani?” (oon-JAH-nee – “How are you?”)

Your reply: “Ndiphilile, nkosi” (in-dee-pee-LEE-lay, in-KOH-see – “I’m fine, thanks.”)

Then you say EITHER “Unjani wena” (oon-JAH-nee WAY-nah – “How are you?” for one person)


“Ninjani wena” (nin-JAH-nee WAY-nah – “How are you?” for two or more people).

Now you’ve got it! Easy, no?

Xhosa Greeting Cheat Sheet

Molo – MOH-loh – Hello! (addressing one person)

Molweni – mole-WAY-nee – Hello! (addressing two or more people)
Unjani– oon-JAH-nee – How are you? (one person)
Ninjani – nin-JAH-nee – How are you? (two or more people)
Ndiphilile – in-dee-pee-LEE-lay – I’m fine!
Nkosi – in-KOH-see – Thanks!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
We see Tchalla presumably visiting the Panther God.

Does this confirm the soul gem is in Wakanda???

A big battle in Wakanda is confirmed for Infinity War so I'm thinking the soul gem is in Wakanda

Maybe it has been "hiding in plain sight" this whole time. :dunno:

(This is just a 'fan theory'... not a spoiler... so DO NOT check this out if you think it might ruin the topic for you, in any way... in case it is correct.)

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I had this discussion with a friend last night...

as an early birthday president my girls designed a t shirts for me of Luke Cage and my favorite Black Panther.

and while I showing them to my neighbor who comes to me for all the movie and business updates he asked if there is any new news on the movie, I tell him all the comic con stuff

and then he asks

do I think #blacklivesmatter will scare people off or will people try to boycott the movie just of some stupid sh*t

at first I was like OF COURSE NOT

then I realized these are the SAME people that created garabage like #alllivesmatter and sent death threats to Jordan anout Human Torch and to Jones about ghostbusters and said slaves were well fed.

So what do ya'll think?

Cac's gon cac fo sho. These theaters all need extra police cause I can see some shit poppin off somewhere. I'm taking my Cc joint with me under my brand new dashiki. My whole family gon look like Wakandans!

Darth Furious

Platinum Member
It looks like you put some thought into this so I'll respect that. But I have to start by asking if you know what Conjecture is? You're trying to compare the CGI/CBM world of a nearly completed project in Black Panther with one iirc that just finished filming(Aquaman).Further, using 1-4 second clips from a trailer, not by the Aquaman Director in James Wan BUT Zach Synder as the "fair" comparison? Absolutely and completely disavowing their respective and completely different environments which NO ONE in the CBM-genre has ventured to do (An almost completely underwater world).

Sorry, But when your conjecture is that bad from the beginning. How can I then take what follows as a serious balanced critique and analysis?

CLEARLY, The more apt comparison would have been something like Wonder Woman's Themyscira and even then, not close enough! Because there is no place like Wakanda that blends the elements of Nature and Technology.

The other stuff about DC this and DC that is just opinion and perception stated as some kind of FACT which is laughable. Outside of being in the boardrooms with the big Execs making the decision and hearing the process play out in's just Conjecture, Opinion, Gossip and what "I think I know."

I'm galled at how certain you are at how "Behind" these folks are about a movie that we've seen practically nothing of and is still schedule to be released next year ON SCHEDULE... Where are you getting your information from? Please post the source.

Um... okay. Why the insults? I never said anything bad about DC but I forgot how you start slinging punches about DC sometimes so look...

I don't have a source to post. I'm not in a boardroom. I never claimed to be on the set or in the know myself. This is people talking on the phone or in e-mails or in texts that are related to the material. Sometimes I get my hands on scripts, sometimes they are specs and sometimes they are treatments that are completely invented fan fiction. That being said there is some DAMN GOOD fan fiction out there and some of it even becomes real material - Twilight.

I just know some folks who know some folks. I know that Aquaman just wrapped principle. I also know what the concept art looked like and how it was used as a basis for what Snyder did and should be expanded upon for Wan's flick. Asgard was treated similarly in all three Thor films. I'm sure that water will make ANY CGI work hard as hell and they will be in post for a long time. The particulars about the character are known and out there. Is it s DIRECT comparison to Black Panther? Of course not, no DC property is but it is the story of a young heir, with some sort of connection to human beings, that becomes a King and the world he rules is a technologically superior, genetically advanced race of people who dwell in a hidden advance, fortified and wealthy fantasy world.

THAT is how the pitch went. That is the base throw away line for Aquaman or any kind of these films. It could be used to pitch for any "chosen one" show or film for Wonder Woman or Thor or Sub Mariner or Black Panther or He-Man or Thundercats or Jayce and The Wheeled Warriors, etc...

DC is far behind what Marvel Studios has done. That's not conjecture, that is FACT, that's NOT my opinion, it is what it is. Starting with Iron Man, Marvel took four solo properties to build to a group film. That has never been done in film. Ever. Then they continued on and added four more solo properties.

Warner Bros put out two singles and a team up to introduce us to the big three and the 4th film in IS their tentpole story. Its not fair to compare to two studios at all so I just compared the timing of their respective releases.

The first failure after Nolan's Dark Knight films was Green Lantern - that was sposed to be a trilogy. It tanked. Then they did Man of Steel. I liked that screenplay, I liked the film, I LOVED the score but the film had its issues. Then Man of Steel 2 was put on hold for Batman V Superman. That script was bulked up to include the Justice League tie-in ( so to speak) and Wonder Woman was shoehorned in there. That way the trifecta can have their initial meeting. They also purged parts of Superman's death story and used that to anchor the third act. All the films were announced already.

Wonder Woman was a solid script and a damn good film. The third act fell apart for me with the heavy but otherwise it was a good effort - Jenkins had a point to prove and she did it. Aquaman is the best laid plan that DC has to offer up next. Flash has lost one director after the next after the next. Cyborg's solo film maybe already in jeopardy and might be fused with Flash as a buddy film. Batman's solo debut has also went through turns and directors and who knows when we will get Man of Steel 2 and if Snyder will even be involved. Then we might see Green Lantern - perhaps the black one and since we are already dealing with the cosmic authority I am hoping for a Lobo flick (which I doubt very much but still) and keep in mind that DC doesn't even want people to keep saying the DCEU because they are saying a reporter coined that phrase and it doesn't even apply to what they are doing and the solo films aren't being canonically released and shouldn't be held to the blueprint model that Marvel has done with their cinematic universe.

That's a lot man. It's all fact. Its hard as hell to make a movie. I love comics, I love film, I love the sweaty fanboy culture too. But damn...

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Um... okay. Why the insults? I never said anything bad about DC but I forgot how you start slinging punches about DC sometimes so look...

I don't have a source to post. I'm not in a boardroom. I never claimed to be on the set or in the know myself. This is people talking on the phone or in e-mails or in texts that are related to the material. Sometimes I get my hands on scripts, sometimes they are specs and sometimes they are treatments that are completely invented fan fiction. That being said there is some DAMN GOOD fan fiction out there and some of it even becomes real material - Twilight.

I just know some folks who know some folks. I know that Aquaman just wrapped principle. I also know what the concept art looked like and how it was used as a basis for what Snyder did and should be expanded upon for Wan's flick. Asgard was treated similarly in all three Thor films. I'm sure that water will make ANY CGI work hard as hell and they will be in post for a long time. The particulars about the character are known and out there. Is it s DIRECT comparison to Black Panther? Of course not, no DC property is but it is the story of a young heir, with some sort of connection to human beings, that becomes a King and the world he rules is a technologically superior, genetically advanced race of people who dwell in a hidden advance, fortified and wealthy fantasy world.

THAT is how the pitch went. That is the base throw away line for Aquaman or any kind of these films. It could be used to pitch for any "chosen one" show or film for Wonder Woman or Thor or Sub Mariner or Black Panther or He-Man or Thundercats or Jayce and The Wheeled Warriors, etc...

DC is far behind what Marvel Studios has done. That's not conjecture, that is FACT, that's NOT my opinion, it is what it is. Starting with Iron Man, Marvel took four solo properties to build to a group film. That has never been done in film. Ever. Then they continued on and added four more solo properties.

Warner Bros put out two singles and a team up to introduce us to the big three and the 4th film in IS their tentpole story. Its not fair to compare to two studios at all so I just compared the timing of their respective releases.

The first failure after Nolan's Dark Knight films was Green Lantern - that was sposed to be a trilogy. It tanked. Then they did Man of Steel. I liked that screenplay, I liked the film, I LOVED the score but the film had its issues. Then Man of Steel 2 was put on hold for Batman V Superman. That script was bulked up to include the Justice League tie-in ( so to speak) and Wonder Woman was shoehorned in there. That way the trifecta can have their initial meeting. They also purged parts of Superman's death story and used that to anchor the third act. All the films were announced already.

Wonder Woman was a solid script and a damn good film. The third act fell apart for me with the heavy but otherwise it was a good effort - Jenkins had a point to prove and she did it. Aquaman is the best laid plan that DC has to offer up next. Flash has lost one director after the next after the next. Cyborg's solo film maybe already in jeopardy and might be fused with Flash as a buddy film. Batman's solo debut has also went through turns and directors and who knows when we will get Man of Steel 2 and if Snyder will even be involved. Then we might see Green Lantern - perhaps the black one and since we are already dealing with the cosmic authority I am hoping for a Lobo flick (which I doubt very much but still) and keep in mind that DC doesn't even want people to keep saying the DCEU because they are saying a reporter coined that phrase and it doesn't even apply to what they are doing and the solo films aren't being canonically released and shouldn't be held to the blueprint model that Marvel has done with their cinematic universe.

That's a lot man. It's all fact. Its hard as hell to make a movie. I love comics, I love film, I love the sweaty fanboy culture too. But damn...


Look, I'm not going to go back and forth on this. Especially in a BP titled thread. But to say, "why the insults?" after you're the one that tried to "fairly" compare a project in BP that's much much further along in post-production stuff to one that just finished filming is INSULTING.

Further, you have no sources to post for your claims except I know a friend who knows an uncle who knows a rabbit and that's my source. That's INSULTING!

As for the rest...Typically studio business that happens all the time. But because it's comic book movies AND DC specifically, it generates massive clicks and makes nobodies famous for a day.

But hey you love comics but don't see the irony and problem with the Massive Marvel appeal over everything else.

"Wonder Woman was a solid script and a damn good film. The third act fell apart for me with the heavy but otherwise, it was a good effort"

Lol..I guess every Marvel movie doesn't come with that "but"...fucking hypocrites. Can't even write without giving it away.

Finally, you should stop using the term FAR BEHIND because it's "Subjective" and without knowing what WB's goals are and where they are in those's just Conjecture. Now, to assume they want to be exactly where Marvel is once more is Conjecture. But wait, i forgot, you know a friend of a friend of a dog whom Burke and Johns have shared the companies plans with.
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Darth Furious

Platinum Member
Look, I'm not going to go back and forth on this. Especially in a BP titled thread. But to say, "why the insults?" after you're the one that tried to "fairly" compare a project in BP that's much much further along in post-production stuff to one that just finished filming is INSULTING.

Further, you have no sources to post for your claims except I know a friend who knows an uncle who knows a rabbit and that's my source. That's INSULTING!

As for the rest...Typically studio business that happens all the time. But because it's comic book movies AND DC specifically, it generates massive clicks and makes nobodies famous for a day.

But hey you love comics but don't see the irony and problem with the Massive Marvel appeal over everything else.

"Wonder Woman was a solid script and a damn good film. The third act fell apart for me with the heavy but otherwise, it was a good effort"

Lol..I guess every Marvel movie doesn't come with that "but"...fucking hypocrites. Can't even write without giving it away.

Finally, you should stop using the term FAR BEHIND because it's "Subjective" and without knowing what WB's goals are and where they are in those's just Conjecture. Now, to assume they want to be exactly where Marvel is once more is Conjecture. But wait, i forgot, you know a friend of a friend of a dog whom Burke and Johns have shared the companies plans with.


There is no debate. I never said I had sources to link here - this aint Wikipedia. I said I KNOW PEOPLE but I stated the facts as I know them and as ANYBODY writing or maybe working at Variety or even reading the magazine knows right now.

I'm NOT a DC hater or a Marvel fanboy, I am a student of film. I only know what people tell me and that's the reason why I got three scripts sitting on a shelf right now because comic book films and sequels have taken over and the road to individuality and fresh projects is thin as hell right now. Does that stop me from getting paid or doing my job and keeping my ear to the ground? No. But it gives me perspective.

I liked Wonder Woman a lot but it had some pacing issues and I didn't like the third act - how they ended Ares story in relation to Diana's journey and how humanity is responsible for its own evils and as a screenwriter, I seen a different path to the end. Most of the Marvel films have some missed opportunities too - Hulk should've killed Abomination and suffer the guilt, Demon in the bottle for Tony story, the too early Thanos reveal, make the real Mandarin a terrorist and no identity screw-up, Thor should've lost his left arm and Jane should be dead, they didn't have to powerdown Ronin, I wanted twisted robot not the campy, jokey Ultron we got, Back Panther's father should've been Wesley Snipes, too much comedy in Guardians 2 and I didn't like Ego's change, where the hell is Nova, I don't like Spidey's talking tech suit, Heimdall and Lady Sif needed more to do in three films and too much comedy for Thor seems a little off to me. Let everyone else be funny, he is the straight guy. And imagine if Ragnarok actually happened already at the beginning of Thor 3? Now THAT is a story.

AND YES - of course DC is far behind Marvel Studios. DC has released a ton of animation and Marvel is behind them on that front. The MCU started in 2008 and released two films a year and then three films a year with Sony's Spidey in 2017. Warners restarted their effort in 2013 and then 3 years later released two films last year and two more this year.


2013 Man of Steel Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/Legendary Pictures/Cruel and Unusual Films/Syncopy Inc. Set in the DC Extended Universe
2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films/Atlas Entertainment
2016 Suicide Squad Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment Set in the DC Extended Universe. Won an Oscar.
2017 Wonder Woman Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films/Tencent Pictures/Wanda Media Set in the DC Extended Universe
2017 Justice League Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films Post-production[1]
2018 Aquaman Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/The Safran Company
2019 Shazam Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/New Line Cinema Pre-production
Wonder Woman 2 Warner Bros./DC Entertainment In development

The Batman and Flash and Cyborg are in there too but not listed.


No debate here Tical. I was just dropping some info I heard about. And if you go back and read my post objectively, you will note that I didn't compare the production on the films at all - I compared the reveals for Black Panther and Aquaman and their premise for their own films. That's it.

Good talk.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

There is no debate. I never said I had sources to link here - this aint Wikipedia. I said I KNOW PEOPLE but I stated the facts as I know them and as ANYBODY writing or maybe working at Variety or even reading the magazine knows right now.

I'm NOT a DC hater or a Marvel fanboy, I am a student of film. I only know what people tell me and that's the reason why I got three scripts sitting on a shelf right now because comic book films and sequels have taken over and the road to individuality and fresh projects is thin as hell right now. Does that stop me from getting paid or doing my job and keeping my ear to the ground? No. But it gives me perspective.

I liked Wonder Woman a lot but it had some pacing issues and I didn't like the third act - how they ended Ares story in relation to Diana's journey and how humanity is responsible for its own evils and as a screenwriter, I seen a different path to the end. Most of the Marvel films have some missed opportunities too - Hulk should've killed Abomination and suffer the guilt, Demon in the bottle for Tony story, the too early Thanos reveal, make the real Mandarin a terrorist and no identity screw-up, Thor should've lost his left arm and Jane should be dead, they didn't have to powerdown Ronin, I wanted twisted robot not the campy, jokey Ultron we got, Back Panther's father should've been Wesley Snipes, too much comedy in Guardians 2 and I didn't like Ego's change, where the hell is Nova, I don't like Spidey's talking tech suit, Heimdall and Lady Sif needed more to do in three films and too much comedy for Thor seems a little off to me. Let everyone else be funny, he is the straight guy. And imagine if Ragnarok actually happened already at the beginning of Thor 3? Now THAT is a story.

AND YES - of course DC is far behind Marvel Studios. DC has released a ton of animation and Marvel is behind them on that front. The MCU started in 2008 and released two films a year and then three films a year with Sony's Spidey in 2017. Warners restarted their effort in 2013 and then 3 years later released two films last year and two more this year.


2013 Man of Steel Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/Legendary Pictures/Cruel and Unusual Films/Syncopy Inc. Set in the DC Extended Universe
2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films/Atlas Entertainment
2016 Suicide Squad Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment Set in the DC Extended Universe. Won an Oscar.
2017 Wonder Woman Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films/Tencent Pictures/Wanda Media Set in the DC Extended Universe
2017 Justice League Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films Post-production[1]
2018 Aquaman Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/The Safran Company
2019 Shazam Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/RatPac Entertainment/New Line Cinema Pre-production
Wonder Woman 2 Warner Bros./DC Entertainment In development

The Batman and Flash and Cyborg are in there too but not listed.


No debate here Tical. I was just dropping some info I heard about. And if you go back and read my post objectively, you will note that I didn't compare the production on the films at all - I compared the reveals for Black Panther and Aquaman and their premise for their own films. That's it.

Good talk.

First, Thanks for finally trying to put a semblance of objectivity in your post. Stating what you didn't like about a property regardless of the producing studio. That's how you do it without coming across as bias!

Now, secondly, what do you think "Far behind" Means? Numbers of projects already out? Fam, You can't be that naive? Why in the world would I take that position when the "DCEU" has what...4 movies to its name now?

How could that be my premise when simple math says 4 movies to a bunch of movies in-terms of numbers isn't debatable. Cleary "far-behind" via my premise has nothing to do with number of movies.

You're making the same mistake I tried to point out earlier. That being, assuming catching up means numbers of movies out...Which, as stated before, would be a ridiculous thing for WB/DC to attempt for several reasons. Moreover, they are doing it completely wrong, if that was their plan, and instead, should be putting out 3-6 movies a year to "catch-up."

Thus, if they are not doing that, then it likely means that's NOT their game plan. Something I thought you'd realized and didn't need me to point out.

If anything had you said their goal is to put out more "universally" appealing movies then we'd have no qualms. The change of focus from a Zach Synder universe to more Geoff Johns/Burke indicates as much.

Sidenote, I'd take more Synder-ish type CBM anyday over Johns/Burke CBM. Why? Because we already have Marvel and Sony for that. Fox does something slightly different and in the Synder-universe you had something truly unique and distingusihable and that's GREAT and helps the genre from going stale.

That's how I like my worlds....really diverse. I don't want everything having a Marvel or Fox or Sony feel and look.



The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
Bro, we ALWAYS have good debates...and you always keep it FUN.

Cause on the real?


And we aint getting NONE of that money. (that I know if)

But these ARE our dreams and memories and fantasies and imaginations.

I think that means something too

and we DO own a piece of it


They aint got nothing.

I also wanted to say when I see that SadAffleck gif

I think of ever myself watching EVERY Fantastic Four movie, Daredevil og version, the last Blade, Iron Fist, the Inhumans and a few X-Men etc...:lol:

But WE ALL fully understand how bad movies and repetitive content not only effect the longevity sustainability and profitability of IP

but can cause fan disloyalty to the entire super hero genre as a whole and threaten its continued viability.

I aint THAT smart and being saying that from day ONE

and there isn't ONE member of bgol comic book guild who doesn't understand that too.

That being said that doesn't mean they have to care or agree.
Well said, sir.

Darth Furious

Platinum Member
Damn what's happening in here

I don't even know how it happened. One minute I'm giving props about Black Panther and the production and the next - OH WAIT, yes I do - Tical can be an arrogant ass, know-it-all cat when he wants to. I understand when its called for but I aint say nothing offensive to him.

The ultimate battle between a Sith Lord and an acolyte of Argentina



Does either have anything to do with
"Wakanda Forever!"

Yes and no.

It's going down!

Nah, I'm done. Son just went into attack mode because I said something about Aquaman and Black Panther. I compared the reveal of the two characters and how DC would've done better to get their cool ass, super powered, secret world reigning king to the table before the MCU did. It was like lawyering up on a nigga that like the Cowboys because you are a Steeler fan. The fuck man. I'm like chill my nigga.

We on the same side. He's just on the comic book end of it and I'm into the filmmaking.


Darth Furious

Platinum Member
Bro, we ALWAYS have good debates...and you always keep it FUN.

Cause on the real?


And we aint getting NONE of that money.

(that I know if)

But these ARE our dreams and memories and fantasies and imaginations.

I think that means something too

and we DO own a piece of it


They aint got nothing.

I also wanted to say when I see that SadAffleck gif

I think of myself watching EVERY...

Fantastic Four movie, Daredevil og version, the last Blade, Iron Fist, the Inhumans and a few X-Men etc...:lol:

But WE ALL fully understand how bad movies and repetitive content not only effect the longevity sustainability and profitability of IP

but can cause fan disloyalty to the entire super hero genre as a whole and threaten its continued viability.

I aint THAT smart and been saying that from day ONE


there isn't ONE member of bgol comic book guild who doesn't understand that too.

That being said?

That doesn't mean they have to care or agree.


First, Thanks for finally trying to put a semblance of objectivity in your post. Stating what you didn't like about a property regardless of the producing studio. That's how you do it without coming across as bias!

Now, secondly, what do you think "Far behind" Means? Numbers of projects already out? Fam, You can't be that naive? Why in the world would I take that position when the "DCEU" has what...4 movies to its name now?

How could that be my premise when simple math says 4 movies to a bunch of movies in-terms of numbers isn't debatable. Cleary "far-behind" via my premise has nothing to do with number of movies.

You're making the same mistake I tried to point out earlier. That being, assuming catching up means numbers of movies out...Which, as stated before, would be a ridiculous thing for WB/DC to attempt for several reasons. Moreover, they are doing it completely wrong, if that was their plan, and instead, should be putting out 3-6 movies a year to "catch-up."

Thus, if they are not doing that, then it likely means that's NOT their game plan. Something I thought you'd realized and didn't need me to point out.

If anything had you said their goal is to put out more "universally" appealing movies then we'd have no qualms. The change of focus from a Zach Synder universe to more Geoff Johns/Burke indicates as much.

Sidenote, I'd take more Synder-ish type CBM anyday over Johns/Burke CBM. Why? Because we already have Marvel and Sony for that. Fox does something slightly different and in the Synder-universe you had something truly unique and distingusihable and that's GREAT and helps the genre from going stale.

That's how I like my worlds....really diverse. I don't want everything having a Marvel or Fox or Sony feel and look.

You damn near derailed this whole BLACK PANTHER thread debating with other folks too. I didn't even see that before I posted. I don't need to have a semantics battle with you, I don't need to pull out a bunch of five dollar ass words or insult you for how you write in a prose convo and I don't need you to explain shit to me like you speaking to a child.

I never wrote anything that showed a bias. Because I'm not. As much as I liked Wonder Woman, that ain't no perfect film man. As much as I love Winter Soldier, that first Captain America wasn't that good either. By narrative default, script design, origin story, three act structure, period piece placement and character identity - those two films are comparable. By contrast Logan, as a third entry send off was VERY well done. In every way. That has nothing to do with my love for one side or another, it's how I see the film.

FAR BEHIND means exactly that. Its not the number of films that I was talking about - it was the whole business model, the film release dates, the production companies involved, the future planned timeline, the canonical timeline, the trailer release dates in succession with other Marvel Studio films beforehand, the initial correlation of events with ALL the Marvel TV series and even the distribution of the films and the budgets allocated for each film.

I'll do you one better - THIS model that Marvel has done is historical. The films don't have to be great to prove their worth in salt - its the connected universe.

1. DC is far behind Marvel Studios in whatever they are trying to do with a connected universe of films. That is fact.

2. Disney is far behind Marvel Studios in whatever they are trying to do with their connected universe. This is fact.

3. Lucasfilm is far behind Marvel Studios in their run to have ALL of these Star Wars films connect. This is fact.

4. Universal is far behind Marvel Studios in their run to do the same thing. The Dark Universe might be dead already. This is fact.

5. Fox is far behind Marvel Studios in their bid to have a series of interconnected trilogies and spin-off films. This is fact.

Pixar has their "connected universe" of films going strong for years without people even knowing that the films are all supposed to be happening in the same universe. This is speculation but the artists have shown evidence in almost all the films.

I battle with whiteys all the time with paperwork man. This sposed to be a place where I turn off my angry, analytical brain and fun talk with the fellas. No, we don't have to agree but we don't have to attack other niggas for their opinion or when they share info that some folks might not be privy to.

And there aint no win here when you have two black men going at it over the comparison of white ass Arthur Curry when I started this thing out giving my praise to Black Panther. I'm feeling real black and proud right now, my kids were jumping up and down when they seen the trailer, white kids at their school rocking Black Panther t-shirts and shit. Lets indulge in this shit man.

Word up son. You retract your claws and I'll do the same.

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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

You damn near derailed this whole BLACK PANTHER thread debating with other folks too. I didn't even see that before I posted. I don't need to have a semantics battle with you, I don't need to pull out a bunch of five dollar ass words or insult you for how you write in a prose convo and I don't need you to explain shit to me like you speaking to a child.

I never wrote anything that showed a bias. Because I'm not. As much as I liked Wonder Woman, that ain't no perfect film man. As much as I love Winter Soldier, that first Captain America wasn't that good either. By narrative default, script design, origin story, three act structure, period piece placement and character identity - those two films are comparable. By contrast Logan, as a third entry send off was VERY well done. In every way. That has nothing to do with my love for one side or another, it's how I see the film.

FAR BEHIND means exactly that. Its not the number of films that I was talking about - it was the whole business model, the film release dates, the production companies involved, the future planned timeline, the canonical timeline, the trailer release dates in succession with other Marvel Studio films beforehand, the initial correlation of events with ALL the Marvel TV series and even the distribution of the films and the budgets allocated for each film.

I'll do you one better - THIS model that Marvel has done is historical. The films don't have to be great to prove their worth in salt - its the connected universe.

1. DC is far behind Marvel Studios in whatever they are trying to do with a connected universe of films. That is fact.

2. Disney is far behind Marvel Studios in whatever they are trying to do with their connected universe. This is fact.

3. Lucasfilm is far behind Marvel Studios in their run to have ALL of these Star Wars films connect. This is fact.

4. Universal is far behind Marvel Studios in their run to do the same thing. The Dark Universe might be dead already. This is fact.

5. Fox is far behind Marvel Studios in their bid to have a series of interconnected trilogies and spin-off films. This is fact.

Pixar has their "connected universe" of films going strong for years without people even knowing that the films are all supposed to be happening in the same universe. This is speculation but the artists have shown evidence in almost all the films.

I battle with whiteys all the time with paperwork man. This sposed to be a place where I turn off my angry, analytical brain and fun talk with the fellas. No, we don't have to agree but we don't have to attack other niggas for their opinion or when they share info that some folks might not be privy to.

And there aint no win here when you have two black men going at it over the comparison of white ass Arthur Curry when I started this thing out giving my praise to Black Panther. I'm feeling real black and proud right now, my kids were jumping up and down when they seen the trailer, white kids at their school rocking Black Panther t-shirts and shit. Lets indulge in this shit man.

Word up son. You retract your claws and I'll do the same.

which of these images looks more appealing?

This is James Wan's photography , not Snyder or Whedon:

Ryan Coogler:
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Darth Furious

Platinum Member
which of these images looks more appealing?

This is James Wan's photography , not Snyder or Whedon:

Ryan Coogler:

Now I might be biased on this decision but Wakanda by a far cry. The colors on screen are just too much to compete with. I like Amber but Lupita got my attention. And tech and the designs on Panther's suit alone is enough to draw the eye. The reflective optics. The interwoven armor/ mesh style of their costumes is attractive.

I must admit, Aquaman looks hard as hell to pull off on film. I still like how they designed Curry's look. It is a bit dark and the armor plate design is different than the comics but I know why they went that route logistically. If the photography is lit right, it can still pop on screen. Plus it reminds me of medieval European armor.

Black Panther for the win.

More money to JEWS who owns the Industry

Damn man. It aint like that. Don't be like that son.

Black superhero
Black director
Black screenwriter
Black cast (mostly) too.
Black crew (in some key positions) as well



Rising Star
More money to JEWS who owns the Industry

Damn man. It aint like that. Don't be like that son.

Black superhero
Black director
Black screenwriter
Black cast (mostly) too.
Black crew (in some key positions) as well


He aint wrong, sadly. Jews own the Industry so they get paid, a Jew (Stan Lee) created this character so he gets paid...note his name is "Black Panther" which in itself is racist and a play off the political Black Panthers...what other color is a Panther? So Black is in reference to the person in the suit. Its all just a big ploy to pretend to give us something and monetize off our willingness to support what we think is "our" content. I will most definitely support and go see maybe multiple times but don't be fooled in thinking this is progress or a Win...

Real progress would be a movie about an actual or fictional African/African-American hero created, produced, written, directed, and distributed by Blacks like the Indians do in Bollywood or Chinese in China....THAT would be a win.

Has anyone ever heard of ICON & Rocket? That would be a sick movie created by US for US then acquired by DC....Alien crash lands on a slave plantation and assimilates a slave baby but has powers on par with Superman....they keep that dude burried in the archives only recently had a cameo on Young Justice Cartoon only to play intergalactic lawyer :curse:




Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
note his name is "Black Panther" which in itself is racist and a play off the political Black Panthers...what other color is a Panther? So Black is in reference to the person in the suit.
this is a panther

a black panther is really a very dark leopard or jaguar

Has anyone ever heard of ICON & Rocket

man sit down...

you all johnny come lately now but was never in any of our comic discussion threads....
worse - you are a hypocrite... WB/DC has the license to all Milestone characters

only the cac minded would come on a black message board asking "has anyone heard about Rocket and Icon?"...
when almost every month one of us has a new thread or discussion about Dwayne McDuffie.

Yes - we have talked a bunch of times before about how great an Icon movie would be...

So please go share the gospel about jews in hollywood and the how great Icon would be in a movie with some non black geeks
and leave us to be excited about a Black Panther film that so far teases the potential to be the best Marvel movie made yet
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